Moon's nightmare

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Mizuki finds herself in Tokiwa Forest, tightly holding a Nyarth in her arms.

«I shouldn't be here.»

Mizuki looks around and spots a Caterpie in the grass and walks towards it, the Nyarth starts wriggling around in her arms and screeching so loudly she thinks a Beedrill might just attack them- her arms suddenly loosen and the Nyarth slips free, skittering to the back of her right leg and scratching at it, letting out a panicked meow.

"Nyarth, stop!" Mizuki starts shaking her leg in an attempt to get Nyarth to stop. The Nyarth stands on it's four legs defensively, hissing at something-- a group of Kakuna all on a tree.


Kakuna means Beedrill, if they make too much noise they might anger them--

Mizuki grabs Nyarth and starts backing away from the Kakuna, only to bump into something- she screeches and turns to the thing.

A Butterfree.

Mizuki sighs, and smiles softly at the Butterfree. "Hi.."


The Butterfree stares at her for a moment before flying away, leaving Mizuki and Nyarth alone. Nyarth makes a sound that makes her think he isn't happy.

Mizuki decides this is the part where she runs home like a coward.

Except when she tries to find the exit, she can't. She just can't- suddenly the forest is like a maze, and she can hear Beedrill cries somewhere in the distance- too many.

Nyarth seems to have also just entirely disappeared, and the Beedrill are getting louder.

Mizuki starts sprinting to nowhere, and looks behind her to see a huge swarm of Beedrill, getting closer and closer- too close too fast, Mizuki trips on something, and-

She stares at Viridian Forest, tightly holding Nyarth, and looks at the girl behind her.

She walks past the girl, and away from the forest.

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