Lemonade Lily [CH1]

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"Nebby, stop moving, please." You whisper to your bag.




"Nebby, we can't have anyone noticing you." You whisper again, moving your bag closer in front of you.






Nebby pushes towards the Mahalo Trail, despite Lillie telling him so many times not to move.

Nebby doesn't deserve to live like this, stuck in a bag.

A bag.

That's worse then being in a cage, or that lonely mansion. Maybe not worse than that horrid lab, though.

Nebby can't even see anything but whatever's above.

But sometimes, what's above is the beautiful blue sky. It always is, but roofs exist.

Birds fly in the sky.

I wish I was a bird.

You nearly trip as Nebby once again pushes towards the Mahalo Trail, harder this time.

Does Nebby want to go to the Ruins of Conflict?

Why would Nebby want to go there?

Should I,, go?..

If Nebby wants to go there, maybe I should listen. But maybe it's a coincidence, and Nebby just wants to get out? But maybe it isn't, and Nebby has a connection to the Tapus?

"Nebby.. I'm going to go to the Ruins of Conflict, that's what you want right?"

You hear a muffled, confused sound come from the bag. Now that you think about it, Nebby probably wouldn't know what the Ruins of Conflict is. All Nebby knows is he wants to go there.

Why do you keep referring to Nebby as a he?

You decide to go investigate the Ruins of Conflict anyway.






You feel like you are being watched.

It makes you uneasy, nervous, and anxious, but you feel that way a lot.

But it really feels like it this time.

You trip and almost fail to catch yourself when Nebby decides to rip himself out of the bag with unnecessary force, and peacefully float towards the ruins as if it didn't almost cause you to break your nose.

While you can't help but imagine what you would look like on the ground, with a bloody face and dirty clothing, a broken doll on the ground, you can hear cruel birds pounce at little Nebby, pecking and trying to catch hold of Nebby with their talons, screeching at him.

You're terrified, you don't know what to do, you can't get hurt, you'll get scars and bruises and M-

Something- no, someone pushes you aside and carelessly runs on the old bridge, flails her arms at the horrible flock of Spearow and covers Nebby with her whole body as soon as the birds are far enough.

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