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Lucas Ward will protect you from anything that isn't satanic and paranormal because he is stupid coward and i love him (March 22

Pamella Genkida literally is just gonna be some tomboy idk I never gave her a real personality I'm sorry Pama I failed you (may 12

Luna Genkida is basically acts like a mom which is sad because I killed off her mom because it's pokemon you gotta have a missing parent cough (may 12

Angel Ruby just wants to hang out and look at stupid memes- aka the self insert who has a secret obsession with emos (March 3)

Ilima is gay and pretty. Jkjk uh he's really polite and smart and probably the perfect human being lol (Dec 16)

Lillie is a baby please hug her please- big brain pretty girl??? She's 12 btw(Dec 18

Hoshi Mizuki will eat your soul if your a cute boy uwu isn't she kawaii?? Also she's 13 (January 1)

Angela Darkhart: stop being aggressive and go home to your daddy, brush your hair, And stop yelling at 13-14 year olds. You're 15 why do you look 10 jsjsnn?? (August 20

Bestii Hariiakii has a stupid name and that's okay cause it's iconic. Anyway we hate her lol - also definitely gay for Angela. Yeah. (June 5

Hau  is your best friend. That's it. He's your best friend. He just wants to hang out. Good boy. (Jul 13

Almost forgot Gladion,, eeeeeee-- he's uhhh, I love him a lot cuz like... Yeah? Loves his battle pets. Is emo. Secretly watches animes UwUs teehee (November 6

I changed Cassie so now she is hotter-- Jk she's like 16. Anyway she's space themed! She's the admin of SuperNova. Probably a huge space nerd idk (sep 10) here's a discord server I made cause I wanted to because yes. Also I love talking to humans.

This is probably bad I'm sorry

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