Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ethan stood in the doorway a grin spreading across his face.  Aubrey realized that she had pulled Cheryl back against her.  Her arm was slung low across Cheryl’s belly her other arm across her chest, her chin resting on her shoulder.

“Hmm, interesting.  I didn’t know you swung that way Bree.”

Aubrey quickly stepped away from her cousin. “No, I…We…She…”

His gaze followed her. “Spit it out.”

“This is my cousin Cheryl.” She managed.

Aubrey was surprised that Cheryl hadn’t butted in yet. She looked over to see her cousin staring open mouthed and dumbstruck up at Ethan. 

She looked back at Ethan.  He was dressed in black slacks with a scarlet shirt complimenting her attire.  A black coat hugged his shoulders.  It was simple, but oh so appealing

 She had expected his eyes to be on her slimmer more attractive cousin, but they weren’t.  His eyes were raking slowly over her body, casually taking in every detail.

“You look amazing.”

“I look like a hooker.”

He just smiled and shook his head his arm darted out and pulled her to his body, fitting her snugly against his side.

She looked down at the floor smiling, he made her feel so small and dainty, she loved how he could just shift her around like she was a feather.

“Well, are you ready to go?”

“I think so. Cheryl…Cheryl! You’re drooling,” she said snapping her fingers in front of her cousin’s face. “Snap out of it chica!”

Cheryl made a slurping noise as she looked to her cousin and mouthed Oh my God!

Aubrey made her eyes big and mouthed back, I know right.

Ethan led her out of the apartment his arm still firmly around her waist.  She was glad for the extra support because she was not always stable in heels.

“So are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Nope, still a surprise.”

She pouted a bit as he opened her car door and she settled in.

*         *         *

As Ethan walked around the car he began to doubt his choice of clothing for her.  He knew she would look amazing, but he hadn’t guessed what seeing her in that dress would do to him.  He shifted is slacks a bit before opening his car door.  She wasn’t looking at him, which was a bit disappointing, but at least she hadn’t noticed his adjustment.

He reached across her body as he climbed into the car and she stiffened.

He whispered against her neck. “Don’t worry Bree I’m not going to ravage you…yet,” he nipped her earlobe at the same time as he clicked the seat belt into place and he chuckled low in her ear as she nearly jumped out of her skin.

Her head snapped to face him and she glared.

“I’m the devil, I know, I’m sorry,” he said as he sat back clicking his own seat belt into place.

“You really are!  I swear,” she huffed. “Since you got me this,” She motioned at the dress “I insist you tell me where it is we’re going.”

“All right, All right, there is a new club I heard about and I thought it would be fun to take look. See if it is all the hype has made it out to be.”

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