Chapter 15-First Foray

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I have marked this chapter as private due to the fact that it is, more racy than the previous chapters.  

Chapter 15

“Time to go,” Ethan bellowed, sticking his head in the playroom door.  He had spent an hour picking out the perfect outfits for all three of his subs.  For Tei, a simple halter mini dress in dark purple with banding about the waist.  Lottie was wearing a hot pink mini skirt with a black tank and cardigan.  Bree was to wear a black sleeveless dress with large dramatic red polka dots, one of her own dresses since they had not been able to shop for her yet, though he thought it was perfect on her.  He picked out a wide belt knowing that it would accentuate her hourglass shape. 

None of the outfits he had laid out included underwear.  He liked the knowledge that they were bare beneath their clothing.  Dresses and skirts gave him the best possible access should he want it.

The girls breezed out of the playroom with a whoosh, Bree followed the lead of the other two and lined up at the door, for inspection.  He had heard them up late the previous night going over do’s and don’ts Bree hadn’t really understood from the contract.

He was glad they were all getting along.  He decided that he would not introduce Bree to any play sessions until she asked. However, he still had the other two to keep happy.  He would not be so cruel as to deprive them for her sake.  He wondered how long it would take, would being with Tei and Lottie speed, or slow the process?  He was eager to have her but needed her to be completely at ease.  So he would nurture, cuddle, arouse, and tease but until she asked, nothing further. 

He stood in front of the three, all of them had their eyes on his feet.  They were all wearing exactly what he had put out and looked lovely.  Tei and Lottie had put just a hint of makeup on Bree giving her a skin a nice glow.

He moved first to Tei slipping his hand beneath her skirt. He felt only smooth, warm flesh.

“Perfect,” he whispered leaning in to gently kiss her, he nipped playfully at her bottom lip.

He moved then to Lottie sliding his hand up her leg, to her backside.  He smiled when his hand met no fabric as it slid around to her abdomen.  She shivered slightly at his touch.

He came to Bree, her expression had changed, her brow was creased slightly.

“What’s wrong Bree?”

“Nothing, Sir,” she said quickly.

He stepped close to her, “Bree, it’s okay for you to be jealous, but you need to talk to me, be honest.”

“It’s not that, I knew what I was getting into.  Lottie and Tei have been more than forthcoming with their, stories, I’m okay with that.  I just…”

“Ah, then…” he slipped his hand beneath her skirt, sure enough he encountered cottony fabric obstructing his path.  He pulled the fabric so that it tucked itself tightly between her folds, putting friction on her most sensitive spot.  He felt her knees give a bit at the contact.

“Tsk tsk, Bree, you are to wear what I pick out.”

“I thought you had forgotten, Sir, I’m sorry,” she managed.

“A kinder Dom might let this slide, but I’m afraid I cannot.” He released the fabric, knowing the tension he had created would continue to put pressure on her.

She immediately began to tremble, the when he stepped away he saw her flinch.

“Bree, baby, I wouldn’t strike you over this, it is a first offense, punishment fits the infraction,” he soothed.

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