Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

They walked from the apartment together. Ethan opened the car door for her and leaned in, to buckle her seatbelt.  He felt her shift and lean in to place a kiss on his cheek, but he turned his head at the right moment to capture her lips. She gasped and he felt a scorching fire creeping into his abdomen as he took the opportunity she presented to deepen the kiss.

She melted in to him so easily it was like the past several months were erased.  It made him want to believe that the two of them were on their third date, and that the last six weeks had never happened.  That wasn't right, she was different.  He pulled back from the kiss.  Her only response was a bereft sigh. He parroted a phrase he had used once before.

"Sweet Bree, more later, people are beginning to stare." He was rewarded with her pretty blush.

"That sounds familiar," she grumbled crossing her arms over her chest.

He stood up from the car and waved at the postman who was stuffing letters haphazardly into the buildings mailbox a short distance away.  The man attempted to duck behind the box, unsuccessfully attempting to hide his voyeuristic activity.

He went around to his side of the car and slipped in.

"First we'll head to the police station so you can give your statement.  Then home, I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" She cast a wary look in his direction.

He nodded, refusing to give anything away.  Aubrey shifted in her seat and gazed out of the window.  He had hoped for more of a reaction from her, but she didn't seem to have it in her anymore.  He knew the balancing act to come would be an intricate one.  He did not want to break her anymore than she already had been.  He needed to bring her confidence not stamp it out of her. 

It wasn't long before they were pulling in front of the police station. Too quickly for Bree's liking if her shuddering breath was any indication.  He reached a hand out to caress her thigh comfortingly, his insides twisted when she flinched at his movement.  He followed through and gently caressed her leg, then over her stomach.  She looked over to him and gave him a shaky smile.

He returned the gesture and he got out of the vehicle, he opened her door and led her into the station.

At the front desk they were greeted by a young man in police blues. 

"We'd like to speak with Sergeant Manes, please."

"Sarge!  Kidnapping and Assault appointment is here!" he yelled over his shoulder, he turned around and walked towards the back to make sure the man in question had heard him.

He really wanted to punch the kid in the nose for his unprofessional behavior, but decided against it.  It would technically be assault on a police officer and he didn't need that kind of trouble.  His thoughts were interrupted when a burly man came up next to the rude one and popped him upside the head.

"A little respect, seriously. So hard to find quality recruits these days." Sergeant Manes grumbled.

Ethan saw Aubrey's eyes widen as the large man approached them.  It irked him that she would stare at another man like that. 

"You were in the blue corner at the club!" She suddenly blurted out.

"Christ woman! Keep it down would ya," he said in a hushed whisper "My partner found out about my lifestyle a few years ago and thought I would be the best one to handle the case.  So please lets leave the blue corner out of it."

"Oh, right, sorry," she had the grace to blush.

He led them into a semi-comfortable sitting room. There was just a simple couch and chair but it was better than the interrogation room that Ethan had pictured.  He seen too many crime drama's apparently. 

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