Chapter 11

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*Word of the Day* 

Dichotomy: A contrast between two things.  Where there are two ideas, especially opposed ideas - like way and peace ,or, love and hate- you have a dichotomy. 


Chapter 11

Aubrey was finishing up her shift when she noticed the male employees all leaning over the counter to get a look into the dining area.  She knew immediately that Tei and Lottie must have just arrived.  She grabbed three cups and went over to fill them from the carafes of hot coffee.  She grabbed packets of cream and sugar from the behind the counter and went over to the table and sat opposite the two women.

She was apprehensive but knew she needed to have this conversation with them.  They were looking at her. Smiling very sweetly, seemingly trying to put her at ease. 

"Hi, how are you?"  Aubrey said placing the coffee in front of them with an array of sugar and cream.

Tei picked up the coffee and began to drink it black but Lottie didn't touch the beverage.

"Do you not like coffee?"

"Zorne doesn't allow me to have caffeine.  It makes me hyper" Lottie said shyly, having rarely spoken to someone outside of her immediate circle about her Dom.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Would you like something else?"

"No it's fine," she smiled

"So you call Ethan, Zorne, not Master?" asked Aubrey.

"Oh no, he's not our Master he is our Dom," said Tei simply.

"Yeah, that's right, I had read that there were differences as far as the commitment from both parties."

"Yes, that is true but it does not mean that our submission means less to us.  Tei and I are completely devoted to Zorne in every way.  He guides us, loves us, scolds and punishes us as necessary.  It is exactly what we need in our lives at this time."

"How long have you been with him?"

"Lottie and I came to Zorne at the same time, we have been his subs for a little over a year now."

"Do the two of you have a contract with him?"

The two women looked at each other and smiled before looking at Aubrey again. 

"He renewed our contract last month," they chimed together, giggling.

"The day we saw you in the diner we were celebrating the renewal."

"Oh! I hope that I didn't ruin your day."

"Not at all, we were excited to have found out more about the woman that had caught Zorne's attention!"

"Zorne was in such a good mood the night he came back from your first date, I hoped that he would be seeing you again." Lottie cheerfully divulged.

Aubrey sipped her coffee. What strange creatures these girls were.  There was not a hint of jealousy in their voices or postures.  She felt that if she were to pursue a relationship with Ethan they would accept her advances with little question or argument.  But would that be only for his benefit? She considered the fact that because they were so devoted to him they would put their own happiness on the back burner to please him. 

"He wasn't so happy on the second date." Tei frowned

"Yeah, it seems that neither one of us was truthful that night.  It was all a huge mistake.  I wonder how it would have been had we been more honest with each other then.  As it stands, I would feel really awkward approaching him with my feelings."

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