Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It was around five a.m. by the time Aubrey stumbled into her apartment as quietly as possible shutting the door as gently as she could.  She was still grinning ear to ear her backside stinging slightly from his playful slap.

She turned towards the living room rubbing her bottom and stopped abruptly when the rage contorted face of her cousin appeared in the doorway.

"Where in the hell have you been? You didn't answer your cell!  I thought you were dead in a ditch somewhere. I spent the whole night on the phone with hospitals, and trying to make a missing persons report. And why are you rubbing your butt?"

Cheryl was poking her in the chest with every sentence forcing her back to the wall.

Cheryl was an extremely light sleeper and Aubrey had not been looking forward to the barrage of questions that were now flying at her.  She hadn't even told her cousin that she was going out with anyone.

 "Well? Where were you?"

"On a date," she answered.

"Don't you dare lie to me; you went to another one of those stupid nerd parties didn't you?"

"NoCher, I was on a real honest to goodness date, and they're not nerd parties! They're LAN parties," Aubrey huffed.

"Same thing," Cheryl cocked and eyebrow at her cousin. "What did you do on this so called date?" She said skeptically obviously not believing a word that Aubrey was saying.

"Brew up a pot of coffee and I will tell you all the juicy details."

"Yeah I guess neither one of us really have time to sleep considering it is five in the freaking morning....wait...there are juicy details?"

"Oh yeah, even some PDA."

"Is that why you were rubbing your butt?"

Aubrey grinned as she began to grind the coffee drowning out Cheryl's questions with the sound of the whirring motor.

"What was that? I can't hear you!"

She laughed as her cousin pouted and poured the water in the coffee maker.

They made their way to the living room sitting on the sofa and Cheryl poked Aubrey in the chest again.

"Dish the details, now."

Aubrey recounted the evening event sparing few details. 

"So what you're telling me is, a hunky god-like creature kisses you, takes you home, and all you do is play computer games, and talk?  Jesus Christ girl, there is something wrong with you."

Aubrey's jaw dropped at her cousin's comment.  "Jeez, Cheryl it was our first date.  What was I supposed to do strip down and jump into his bed?"


"Slut." Aubrey spat.

"Prude." Cheryl threw back. 

They both began to giggle like maniacs. 

After the laughing died down Cheryl took Aubrey's hands in hers.

"Look cuz, I am happy that you are happy, but please if you are going to be out all night at least give me some warning next time, okay?"

"Promise. I guess I had better go take a shower my shift starts in like two hours."

Cheryl stood up with her cousin and gave her a big hug then slipped off into her room.

Aubrey chugged back her lukewarm coffee that she had poured while regaling her cousin with her first date tale, slipping into her bathroom for a shower.  She blushed as she remembered what had happened the last time she took a shower. She had left that little detail out of her story.  No point reliving the most embarrassing moment of her life.  She was still totally freaked out by the whole situation and the fact that he didn't run for the hills when he saw her flabby body made it all the more strange.

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