Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

To be the perfect sub, that had been the plan. Whether it was from crawling around on the floor or some nasty student germ Tei brought in from the university; that night, Bree woke up two times with stomach pains and a raging fever. She tried to ignore it but by morning, she had only gotten worse. She was sick. She didn't know what it was; Flu, Dysentery, Ebola. All that mattered at this point is that she wanted to die.

She saw Ethan come in and check on her through a feverish haze. He spoke softly to her placing an icy cold hand to her forehead. She shied away from his touch. His brow creased slightly.

"Lottie, get some acetaminophen and some water, we got a sickie," he said quietly. She drifted back to sleep before she could take the meds.

After who knows how long, she jolted upright. Her stomach roiling, she darted out of bed and ran to the bathroom. The handle wouldn't budge, it was locked. She knew that only Ethan was allowed to close the door of the bathroom. She was about to explode!

Knock, knock, knock, "Zorne," no answer. Knock, knock, knock, "Zorne!" still no answer. Knock, knock, knock, "Z..." she was cut off as the door was thrown open.

"Jesus Christ, should I change my name to Penny? Can't a man have a bath in peace?"

She didn't respond, she blew past him and threw herself onto the toilet seat. Covering her face, mortified as the flatulence roared from her backside.

"Oh. Sorry," he moved to leave the room

"Trash can!" she bellowed, panicked.

Without missing a beat he slid over to the opposite wall near the sink and then skidded back to her placing the receptacle in front of her in the nick of time. She proceeded to lose it on both ends, sobbing in between bouts.

Thankfully, Ethan left the room. She really didn't want to have to deal with any more embarrassment.

She spent the rest of the day on the couch, only managing to hold down sips of water and dry crackers for any length of time. Ethan took care of her until he had to leave for work, then Lottie took over.

Not only did she feel horrible, but guilty as well, she was laying around while Lottie took care of her and the regular household chores. Every time she would move to maybe get up and help her stomach would rebel.

After a few days she was back on her feet, but just as she was recovering, Lottie and Tei fell ill. Ethan boasted about his superior immune system, but was soon overcome by the pestilence as well. With only one bathroom, having all three sick at the same time led to quite a few very ugly incidences.

Bree somehow managed to keep up with the chores, as well as take care of her three sick lovers. Though, little fun had been going on in the house since the illness swept through. The very thought of moving made everyone nauseous.

After nearly a week, everyone was getting back on their feet. Bree was feeling the complete opposite of sexy having been relegated to clean up and nurse duty for the past several days. She was tired and just needed a break. She hadn't been upset about taking care of them, she just needed some downtime.

It seemed Tei and Lottie were feeling the same, their usual confidence and poise betraying them as they moped about the house. They had only just finishing up their normal cleaning duties when they heard the downstairs buzzer.

They all quickly moved to the door kneeling at the entry way as always.

"Not a peep," he said as the three kneeling figures looked up to welcome him. He strode past them and to the kitchen, where he took a couple of aspirin with a large glass of water. He immediately retrieved three ball gags from the playroom, and gagged the three of them before he even said hello.

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