Chapter 16

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Apparently Wattpad changed the rules so fanning and going to the profile page no longer allows you to access private chapters =(  However from my profile; please click on the twitter feed, under my profile picture you sill find two tiny urls titled Chpt 15 SS and Chpt 17 SS respectively, once you have fanned/followed you can access them from there.


Chapter 16

Ethan could smell the two sleeping girls the instant he walked into the playroom.  The heady scent of arousal hitting him like a ton of bricks, his lips twitched slightly.  He knew Lottie’s scent, but having Bree’s mingled with it added something altogether different. 

He peered into Lottie’s nook, she was asleep laid out spread eagle as she always was, her blonde hair fanned out on the pillows.  The distinct scent of musky apricots permeated the area.  He smiled and moved to look in on Bree.

She was sleeping as well, but curled up on her side, knees pulled up, her hands close to her face.  Her forehead was crease, she in no way looked peaceful.  As he stepped into her sanctuary, her unique scent took root in his brain, forever burned there.  Like moist soil and wild flowers with a spicy undertone.  The extraordinary natural perfume was as complex as she was.  From the moment he had met her she had been a bundle of contradiction.  Feisty but shy, competent but lacking confidence, playful but reserved.

He had seen so many sides of her, but didn’t yet know her.  He want to break through the layers.  He needed her to let go, to let him in, or she would never truly be his.  He realized looking at her that he wanted that more than anything.

“Zorne?” He was pulled from his thoughts by Lottie’s quiet call.

“Yes, Time to get up. Get started on your chores, while I wake Bree…wait, were you successful in your endeavor last night?”

“Yes, Zorne.”

“Good, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to take care of you both, I assume you understand why.”

“Of course Sir, slow and steady wins the race, but you didn’t want Bree to feel left out.”

“Excellent.  Is there anthing else I should know about last night?”  he asked, suddenly questioning the strong mix of female aromas that assailed him minutes ago.

As Lottie’s eyes dropped to the floor, he was certain there was something.

“Well?” he prodded.

“I think I might have been a little noisy. Bree heard me and followed suit soon after.

“Hmm…” he hadn’t thought she would be up for another round so soon, so he hadn’t given his permission.  It had been a gross oversight on his part so he would keep Bree’s punishment light.”

“Thank you, Lottie.  Go rouse Tei, she has to be on campus early this morning.”

He moved back in front of Bree’s nook, clearing his throat.  She didn’t stir at all.  I did it again, a little louder.  She stirred and her lips parted a bit.

“Br…” he started but was cut off by a wall shaking snore.  He heard giggling from the living room.  He scowled slightly, picking up a black and gold throw pillow that had been knocked to the floor and threw it straight at the offending sound with a resounding thud.

“Bree!” he shouted.

“Wha? huh?” she snuffled, sitting up on her elbows.

He stood at the foot of her bed and yanked the cover from her body.  His breath caught at the Rubenesque form that met his gaze.  Her soft rounded belly still rising and falling with the deep breathing of sleep.  Her leg slightly bent at the knee and turned just so to hide her from his gaze. He watched the goose bumps spread from her extremities and the peaks of her breasts pucker as the chilly air began to seep over the newly exposed flesh.

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