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Giyuu Tomioka loves Shinobu Kochou, like a lot.

He met her on the first day of spring. He was just running some errands, the usual boring life that she changed with her beautiful eyes, smiles that always blinded him and her laughs that are music to his ears.

And when she did, he knew she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Although, Shinobu had always seen Giyuu as an idiot and he agrees, he doesn't have the best social skill sets as he messed up even his confession, so this time, he wanted to be smart.

There are days where Shinobu would stare at a ring displayed in a shop, it's nothing big as it's only a simple band and engraved with butterfly patterns, but to Shinobu, she wouldn't mind wearing that.

Giyuu stared at the box holding the ring as Sabito, his future best man, examine it. "It's cute, did you choose this?" The man in question shrugged and pocketed the box. "Shinobu has good eyes."

"She sure does, so now what? How are you gonna propose? In some expensive restaurant cliche shit?" Giyuu smirked


Shinobu felt his arms snake around her waist and his chin on the top of her head. "Hey blue eyes, miss me? Or my cooking?"

"You." Small hands turned off the stove. "Really?" Giyuu smirked teasingly "Nah more like your cooking." The same hands smacked his arms playfully. "Now I'm worried you might get hungry when I'm busy."

"I don't think that'll be a problem, you can just cook for us for the rest of our lives"

Giyuu never bought an alarm clock. No matter the time, his body always seemed to wake up. But ever since he held her in his arms, his world and time always slow down.

Maybe that's why everytime those familiar hands shake him awake or those soft lips kiss his, he always has one thing to say with a warm smile. "I won't worry if I'm late because I'm sure you'll be there to wake me up."

Giyuu have known Shinobu for quite some time, only when he felt her tighten her hold around his waist as he sped up, he realized, that the girl that made his most mundane days the best can also be someone that he wouldn't mind protecting.

And so with a laugh that set butterflies to her stomach, "Don't worry! I'll be sure to drive for you till the end!"

For a long time, Giyuu thought that his life would be the same, he thought that settling down and having a family with someone would just be another dream out of his reach.

What changed that? Well, her.

He saw the way she approach the lost child they stumbled upon in an amusement park. The way she calmed down the child and assured him that they'll find his parents with a soft and calming voice made him think of a child with her features and his blue eyes calling them mama and papa.

Shinobu wondered why he looked so flustered when they're only looking for the lost child's parents.

Now, it may not look like it but he wouldn't mind having children with the woman in his arms. "I bet our kids would love your cooking."

Shinobu, noticed the meanings behind his words, blushed a lot. He always seemed to say such things out of nowhere, surprising her. But since Giyuu is a dumb idiot she fell in love with, she assumed that he was only complimenting her. Surely he wouldn't do such a thing right?

Shinobu leaned on the kitchen counter of her— their house. She asks with a teasing smile. "Ne, tomioka-san, are you proposing to me? Because it sounds like it"

Her breath hitches, her eyes widen and her body freezes on the spot when Giyuu reaches from his pockets and a small box is what appears from his hands.

Tears form in those beautiful lavender eyes Giyuu loved looking at. Despite that, he lets out a low chuckle and smiles. His now trembling hands open the box, revealing the ring Shinobu always wanted to wear.

"Because I am."

A father approaches a doctor with fidgeting hands. "D-doctor Tamayo right?" The doctor immediately put down the clipboard and shifted her attention to the man. "I am, is there anything I can do for you sir?"

He looked from the girl laying on the hospital bed not too far from where he's standing back to the doctor waiting for his response. "I was wondering if I can know the name of the doctor that'll be performing surgery on my daughter?"

Tamayo followed his eyes and she recognized the little girl her junior was talking about this morning. With an endearing smile, "Dr. Shinobu Tomioka, one of the best doctors this hospital has ever seen, your daughter is in good hands sir."

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