Sweaters - Kagaya/Amane

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Every year, without fail, his parents would host parties whose main guests were children and teenagers or young adults from orphanages, if the venue was big enough, they’d invite those less fortunate enough to live without a roof over their heads. If they sweeten their words, some investors and such might come, they would entice them into donating into organizations that help the unfortunate. As far as Kagaya could remember, his parents have been handing out scholarships as long as he has been on this planet.

Parties like these happens on holidays and Christmas was always the most busiest time. But when his father’s health suddenly declined, his mother couldn’t find it herself to host a grandiose and packed celebration when she could be at her husband’s side and take care of him. Kagaya had offered to do it himself, the party must go on after all but she had already decided. This year’s Christmas party shall be between friends and families. Something simple. Something personal.

He didn’t have a qualm against it. He loved stretching a hand out to those in need but sometimes, a small gathering can also be memorable. But what did make his jaw drop was seeing the parents of the woman he’s been courting for the past couple weeks and he doesn’t remember telling his own parents about her.

“I didn’t know you and the Himorogi Family were close friends.”

His mother, Shiru, raised her head from the ice tea she was drinking, ears perked. “There was a time in history where the Himorogi Family had been sending their children to be wives and husbands of our family. But that’s the thing of the past, we’re business partners now, though I did grow up with Amaya-san.”

‘Amane’s mother? They were childhood friends? That would explain her familiarity with me. Then again-‘

“How come I’ve never met her?” ‘Officially’

Shiru poured tea on another glass, he sat down, he’s not one to deny himself a good tea. “They left the country with their daughter when you were two years old and returned to enrol Amane into one of the prestigious universities here.”

‘Act fool act fool act fool’

“Amane...? Himorogi Amane? I assume that’s their daughter?” While Kagaya would love to introduce her to the family, he wants to do it when she had given him an answer. There are far too many what ifs in courtship.

“Oh! Yes yes, you two haven’t met have you? She’s the sweetest, she takes after her father but she is her mother’s jewel. You two definitely would make a great match!”

Shiru could already hear the wedding bells ringing, why couldn’t she thought of this sooner? She couldn’t introduce his son to her dear friend, but she could introduce him to her goddaughter. All the while, it does bring a smile to Kagaya’s face that his mother already thinks of Amane as family and she wasn’t wrong about her. But at the end of the day, you cannot rush time itself.

“Mother, didn’t you raised me to be traditional? Courtship first before even getting into a relationship. Not even holding hands.” He finally took a sip of his tea.

Shuri gave him a smile, a fond one, knowing that she raised her eldest boy to be so respectful. “Of course! But courtship only happens if she consents to it. Which I’m sure you’ll honour.”

He nodded. “That I will, mother.”

Amane had been debating in her head whether or not to tell him that her family will be attending the gathering hosted by the Ubuyashiki matriarch. Before she knew it, she was already at the venue, exchanging pleasantries with her future family in law. Nothing has been decided yet but she already has. His brothers are adorable by all means. Should she start looking for Kagaya?

He’s nowhere to be found, probably hiding but it’s unlike him to hide his face from the woman he claimed he could never look away from.

“Tou was it? Is it alright if you can lead me to your brother? The eldest?” She called for his youngest brother. For someone who’s nineteen years old, Tou was already taller than her even for a few centimetres.

Tou looked up from his phone, she could see the gears turning in his head, thinking whether or not to interact with people. He eventually nodded his head with a smile, “Of course! Nii-san has been helping with the food, so he’s most likely resting by now but he won’t be in the living room.”

Amane followed him, she was lead past said room then to a staircase leading to the other wing of the “holiday” estate. An idea struck her, due to Kagaya not introducing her earlier, she wasn’t actually that familiar with his side of the family. His parents already love her, that’s not to say the same about his brothers. Senri, the middle child, didn’t look like he wanted to be there and Tou hesitates from time to time when interacting with her.

If Kagaya is courting her, why doesn’t she court his family? How would she even start this.

“Our family sells handmade kimonos, of course there will be a time where sales go down, so we branched out to knitting and crocheting.” Amame started, she heard from Kagaya that Tou had been wanting to get into crochet but never having the time to due to studies.

Tou pursued his lips, thinking of a reply. “Was- was your sweater knitted or crocheted?”

“It is, how about yours? Those threads are familiar.”

His eyes twinkled and his interest was piqued. “They are! It’s one of my first projects and it’s a little uneven- it is very uneven, I mess up my patterns a lot but it’s for practice. I feel bad because it was my gifts to my family,” He rubbed the back of his neck. “What if they find it- oh I apologize, I shouldn’t burden you with my problems Ms. Amane.”

Tou stopped in front of a door and smiled sheepishly when she raised her eyebrow at her, if she even has any. “I’m sure they’ll love it, it’s the thought that matters.”

“That’s what everyone says.” He opened the door for her.

At the corner of her eyes, she could see a familiar head look in their direction. “In your family, it’s true and for the record, that is a good sweater for a first timer. I’d love to teach you over the holidays if you don’t mind?”

“That...I’d love that, thank you Ms Amane, I’ll leave you to my brother’s care.” He gave him a toothy grin, his Christmas eve just became better now that he knows someone who was just as interested in his hobbies. He waved at his brother and left.

The spacious room was filled with everything about Kagaya, it was dimly lit but she could see the wallpaper corresponding to his colour taste. Even his bed had a lot of pillows, he told her that pillows make his bed look a lot less empty and it’s comfortable.


His bed? Why is she in his bedroom? Did Tou lead her, a very much single woman, into his very much single brother’s room? Did he know there was something between them? That possibly couldn’t happen, Kagaya had told them nothing.

The balcony doors creaked open. “You already stole me yet you’re thinking of stealing my brother too? Bold move.” His smooth voice reached her ears.

“Merry Christmas to you too. A bold move is when you make your own brother bring me to your room. What if he thinks something scandalous will happen? There’s nothing between us.”


“Yet. But even so, you could’ve just told him to leave me in the living room. Don’t you get exhausted with how far away your room is from the backyard?” She reached out and fixed his ever so crooked bowtie. It’s a new look, he never uses bowties, especially over a sweater.

“And that is what I told him if you came looking for me but for some reason he brought you all the way here.” He lead her to the bed. “Come sit down, your legs must’ve been aching.”

“Kagaya, we climbed a mountain for hours straight for an overnight camping date. This is nothing.” But she wasn’t one to deny a short rest, she sat down and made sure to sit close to him. Are they even still courting?

“Did you miss our weekly dates? I’ve tried but my schedule is too packed for me to see you. I promise, maybe I can take you to Mt Fuji after we see the first sunrise.” His voice lowers to a near whisper. The walls are nowhere near soundproof.

Amane tilted her head. “I would love that but family comes first. Look after your parents, Mrs Ubuyashiki still looks shaken up with what happened with your father.”

Kagaya nodded, humming softly for a moment. “I’ve been helping, I had already suggested for them to retire and live peacefully somewhere off some coast in one of their apartments. That would mean all this would be passed on me and...” He smiled. “You could be the new Ubuyashiki Matriarch.”

She was silent, waiting for him to crack, her lips tugged upwards seeing him turn red as the silence stretched. He doesn’t break so she took what was laid in front of her. “You’re very confident that I’ll say yes.”

“You were already trying to make my brothers into your in-laws, so I’d take that as yes. Senri does need a bit more work, but trust me, he’s a passionate man.” He held out his hand, asking for permission to hold hers.

She was happy to give it. “I’m sure he is, you all are. I came to pick you up so let’s go, we can’t keep the family waiting.”

“Our family.”

Amane squeezed his hand and stood up. “Yes yes, do you want me to carry you there Oyakata-sama?”

“I certainly don’t mind that.”

Kagaya could barely register going down the stairs, greeting his parents and ‘meeting’ his soon to be parents in law. He loved listening to anyone yet he nodded off an entire conversation after. He vaguely made a reminder to bring over the finest wine to her father’s table as a better welcoming gift. He eventually comes back to the reminder and pours her father a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon, her mother was a tea person that he delivered.

Kagaya could not think properly, a hazy fog over his mind. What he does think of properly was how her hand was filled with callus from years of using pins and needles for sewing. How her surprisingly strong perfume was a scent that he came to love so much, he could never get enough of it. She may have one of the coldest touches, he knows she would give the best embrace.

Between auto piloting a conversation about another charity event and familiarizing himself with the Himorogi Family, Kagaya came into a conclusion that the gift Amane would consider the best of all was something she had never experienced before. From what he had seen, she was always the one who gives but never receives. He decided he would give her that.

And maybe some paper rings with a kiss.

“When are you going to tell them?” Her father had asked him out of nowhere, snapping him out of his reverie, he realized he had been staring at Amane who was talking with someone.

Kagaya re-oriented himself, glancing wherever he was pointing at, his own parents. He squared his shoulders. “I will, someday, perhaps I don’t want to give my mother hope or maybe I don’t want to be too hopeful.” He gave in and poured himself a glass, he watched it swirl around his cup.

“I don’t know if it’s the evening or it’s this fine wine, but what I just heard was complete nonsense.” Her father reached for the bottle and inspected the description. “Put faith in Amane, we raised that child with all we have, we even went overseas for her, she knows how to pick who she’ll spend her life with.”

Kagaya leaned on the table, maybe he could hear his whisper. “I say this with all my heart and all my respect Sir, I am truly in love with your daughter and I will gladly devote myself to her.” He placed a hand over his heart. “That is if she let’s me.”

His gaze trails off, wandering to where Amane was. Her father stared through him with dropping eyes as he set down the bottle, muttering. “She will...”

“Pardon? I couldn’t hear what you were saying.”

He crossed his arms, mentally making a reminder to visit the tailor soon. “I said, get a wedding tux or traditional wedding attire ready at all times, you’ll thank me.”

Kagaya smiled fondly, bowing slightly. “I already do sir, thank you for giving me your blessings.”

Unfortunately, due to circumstances like getting wrapped up making sure that the gathering went by smoothly, none of them had the chance to bump into each other, not even a glance. It was until midnight when Kagaya felt a heavy weight dip down on his usually flat bed. He doesn’t have the best vision at night, but her voice alone could calm his nerves.

“Kagaya? You don’t mind if I sleep with you?” He wordlessly opened his arms and wrapped them around her as soon as she laid beside him. He cannot believe that he had missed her so much in the short amount of time they were separated.

She settled in and made herself comfortable. He was the gods’ sent warmth. She inhaled his scent, he never wore perfume but there was something in him, maybe his odor, that she came to love. It was an impulsive decision of hers to show up at midnight, but it wasn’t unwelcomed.

After a few seconds of silence, Kagaya finally spoke. “What are we Amane?”

Hearing him, she fought off her sleepiness and kept her eyes open. “We can be whatever we want to be...” Though tiredness was evident in her voice. “Don’t- don’t move too much..you’re moving the blanket...” Her eyes droop. She felt his hand touch her cheek and he was so gentle, as if she was someone precious to her.

“...Are we in a relationship? Do...do you want to be in one?” He asked earnestly, not expecting any answer.

Amane scooted closer to him, if that was still possible. She was really sleepy but a question like this doesn’t come once in a while. She placed a hand on his chest, smiling as his heartbeat got faster. “We already act like we are one, why not make it official?”

She lifted her head, with her eyes open to see what his reaction could be. She had imagined it over and over again but reality always triumphs over expectations. He looked like as if his mind was blown, his cheeks were redder than his shirt and he almost sat up in shock. Maybe if he had asked that earlier, they would’ve been together by now. That thought made her smile.

“Do I have to spell it out my dear Oyakata-sama? Or do I have to kiss you for it to click?”

He leaned closer until they were breathing the same air, he looked like a puppy if she was being honest, though she was more of a cat person. “C-can I really? Really? Amane?”

She cupped his cheeks and pulled him down. He doesn’t have the experience for a kiss, a peck was enough, but she knows more. She always does. His lips were soft, a little rough on some spots, he could use some lip balm. He was a little sloppy too, not knowing where to place his hands. A peck is never enough, she wants nothing more than to reward him with more, but she didn’t him to get overwhelmed.

He laid back down and Amane moved to claim her spot; on top of him, lips still connected. She only made an effort to pull away when neither could breathe. “I haven’t given you a gift so Merry Christmas, you deserve it.”

Kagaya was quite literally breathless, still panting for much needed air. He got the most beautiful woman on earth with him, not just with him but also on top of him. This was the best gift he had gotten in his whole life.

“Merry Christmas...my love.”

The first sunset was nearing, it was when he finally gathered the courage to tell his parents the truth and he was taken by surprise that everyone already knew. His brothers didn’t even blink, Tou thought they’ve been together for a long time and Senri congratulated him for telling something that was common knowledge.

“I didn’t know I was that obvious...how long have you known?”

Tou looked up from his console, then back at the screen. “You two were wearing matching sweaters out of everyone in the party, so I pretty much connected the dots.”

Kagaya tapped the counter and turned to Senri. “No one even talked about clothes during the whole time, that couldn’t possibly be it.”

“Well, my very smart and very sane brother, you never kept your Facebook private and you’re friends with almost everyone.” Senri said as he arranged the bookshelf the third time.

“...oh no.”

“Oh yes, because your posts are seen by everyone, no one said anything until you posted your paper rings and some sappy caption.” He deadpanned. “And because you never touched social media until this year, congrats on your future marriage nii-san.”

The point was that I wanted them to kiss.

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