Baby Clothes - Kagaya/Amane

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Kagaya's foretell ability has become useful, not to predict death but to predict life.

Kagaya walked down the aisle with his basket in hand until he found the baby clothes’ section. He could’ve easily just ordered and have them delivered directly at his estate. He could’ve easily had someone unpacked and organize them. But this was a special occasion.

Amane was pregnant and he was going to be a dad. He couldn’t have possibly predicted this. Which is exactly why they went shopping as soon as they were available, which was their wedding anniversary date.

He didn’t mind it, if anything this was the best date!

He brought up two different coloured onesies. “Love do you think we should get all colors? Who knows which one our babies will like.”

Amane put both of them down immediately, back on the rack. “You mean which one ‘we’ will like?” She chuckled. “How about I just sew them myself? The colors here are too pale.”

He looked behind him to see if anyone was in the aisle, then he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close enough to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

“Whichever you see fit Love.”


Lately, Kagaya had been asking her to teach him about sewing. Amane figured, why won’t he take classes from a professional? Sewing is easy, you take a thread and you stick it through fabric over and over again until you’re done. Then again, Amane herself is a professional, used to run a kimono shop with her mother. Their designs were simply phenomenal, it’s still standing today, she took up a teaching career.

Which reminded her of why she’s been putting it off. They were both busy people, too much so that they could never take a day off. She eased her schedule when Kagaya had collapsed from a condition and applied for principal of Kimetsu Academy. He followed her when he became Board Director.

That man could never stand a work day without seeing her.

He was advised to take it easy, not to do any strenuous activity, the doctor even said that he might lose mobility precaution wasn’t taken. Which was quite a scare, she took it upon herself to keep him comfortable whenever he’s home. But he was cheeky and told her that in order to be comfortable, he needed a kiss from her. Just one. Or two. Or three. Then they found themselves on bed.

She cupped her reddening cheeks, that memory was still fresh in her mind even if that evening was weeks ago. Amane chuckled, it earned her a low grumble from her husband. He was always tired, but unwilling to sleep as soon as he comes home because he made it a point that he’ll sleep when she does. He was always clingy behind closed doors, but lately he’s been acting like she was taking off his life support whenever she denies him of any physical affection.

She doesn’t know what has gotten into him, but it was better than seeing him devoid of happiness, mumbling about his uselessness, unable to provide what others may be looking for.

He grumbled a little bit louder, she pressed her back against the pillow wall between them. She focused back on her phone, listening to a late night zoom call that should’ve been an email.

“Love, please, why must you hurt me like this.”

Amane turned off her camera and made sure it was on mute. “It’s just a pillow, it’s just for tonight.” She felt his head reach over the pillows and she covered herself with her blanket. She even took one for herself instead of their usual sharing.

Kagaya frowned. He couldn’t figure out why she put up a wall between them, he hasn’t annoyed her with dad jokes all day, nor has he messed up the laundry. He even did it with great honour since she doesn’t let him do heavy chores. If he sweeten his words enough, she might let him do more, like fixing the heavy pots in the garden or hours long organizing of the dusty attic.

With what he knows, she would most definitely need all the rest soon.

“Can I at least kiss you goodnight?”

Amane reached for the lamp and turned it off once the call ended. “You can kiss me good morning tomorrow.”

Her chest hurt, that wasn’t new. She caved in and finally taught Kagaya the basics of sewing, some setbacks like his poor eyesight was easily overcome with his imagination. She had taught him to feel for the texture and envision where he would poke the needle through next. He was a fast learner, he was eager and he asked questions. His presence relieved her impending headache.

She has never felt so horrible as the moment she woke up with an upset stomach. Now she’s contemplating how much ibuprofen her body needs to calm down. Amane assumed it must’ve been expired food, but Kagaya would never cook anything like that, it can’t be food poisoning because she would be feeling like dying by now. Perhaps it was a simple bad stomach. It’ll pass.

She has to be fine before her school’s outreach program takes place. She wasn’t one to miss a chance to help those less fortunate. Not to mention, she was the literal principal. She had to make an appearance either way.

“This is green right? Goodness it’s so pale...but if I use what’s ‘green’ for me, it would be neon green and it wouldn’t look good...what do you think Love?” He asked and waved his hand in front of her face, snapping his fingers. Then he kissed her cheek, fishing for a blush.

Amane smiled amusingly, handing him the best shade of green thread. “We should eat something spicy.”

Kagaya paused. “I thought spicy food is banned since it’s bad for our daughter?” Their free loading cat Amaya popped from around the corner when she heard him call her. She purred and rubbed herself around his leg. She plays favourites.

“Amaya can survive being with her grandparents for the next few days, I’ll cook something spicy because I’m craving,” She stood up and went to the kitchen to do her magic.

He watched her retreating figure, making a note to ask her how she could tie her hair with a puffy scrunchie when his hairtie gives up on him under ten minutes. “We should go to the doctor!”

Kagaya sighed when he heard a firmed ‘No’.

When her morning sickness became daily and her vice principal whom she mutually despises actually got worried over her frequent nausea, Amane knew her stubbornness has to end now. She has to admit, she was lax about her condition because Kagaya didn’t seem to be hovering around her like a helicopter parent. He always nodded with a smile and a thumbs up whenever she eats the strangest combination of dishes.

If anything, he had been helpful in the best way. Always giving her tea that was refreshing and giving her all kinds of massages when he could. And if he wasn’t being clingy, he would look up from his book and look at her admiringly. It puts her in a good mood every time it happens.

“Your book is wrapped horribly, I don’t know what it did to you that you would wrap it in the worse way possible. What are you even reading?”

Kagaya closed it in the nick of time and stood up. “It’s to dissuade you from reading it.” He looked at her clothes, how they fitted her nicely, how it’s for going to an appointment. “Oh? Where are you going? I can drive you there.”

Amane double checked her bag, all she needed was in there, she gave him a lipstick stain kiss and took his keys. “No need love, I’m just going to the department store, meet up with a friend for coffee then head back home straight.”

He followed her until she stepped inside his car, he knocked on the window which she happily rolled down. “You don’t drink coffee, that much I know, if you don’t want to tell me that’s alright...think you can pick me up a Lego figurine box?”

“I love you and I definitely will get you one.” She pulled him in for another kiss and started the engines. She mumbled something he couldn’t quite catch. It must’ve been a joke for she smiled so wide.

When she was no longer in sight, Kagaya took it upon himself to give their house another deep cleaning and open packages he had been hiding and hoarding under their bed so he could set it up. Most were for baby proofing, electrical socket covers and cabinet locks. He almost bought a crib but then decided to leave it up to Amane’s decision, he did buy a wide array of colourful and beige toys.

He stored away his figurines, anything that might be a choking hazard. One day he will show these to his children, one day he will play with them, one day their rooms will be filled with all the toys that they will ever ask for. Kagaya could imagine it with a smile. God he’s going to shower them with love, just like how his parents had taught him to. With all of his previous visions about the future, he could never imagine his kids resembling him, their mother has the face of an angel.

Ah and he had moved the furniture around to make the spaces larger and to make room for a crib, or two. With all that shuffling, a good nap was calling for him. Calculating it, he could wake up before dinner time and cook for them. He knew just the right meal for her. Kagaya took a quick shower and made a bee line for the bed, hugging her pillow.

It was nearing 9 in the evening when she came home. Her friend whom she only sees semi-annually had took her to a spontaneous trip to check on her bedridden brother. She never minded going on an hour or two hour long trips, but only if she was told before hand. Amane wore formal clothes that were not made for travelling. She had texted Kagaya several times, never receiving any reply in return, he must’ve been asleep or too invested in his figurines to stand up and stretch.

But to her surprise, his collection was nowhere to be seen on the lower shelves, the furniture were arranged differently and a pile of discarded fabric on the coffee table. Then she found the love of her life snoring the evening away on their bed, he must’ve been tired the whole day. Her take out food was getting cold, but she was more enamoured by him. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. The man who would chatter with her for days on end was quiet.

He was a beautiful man, a smile that resembled the Buddha and eyes that could light up a town, a man that became her husband, a man that would soon become a father.

“Before I met up with my friend, I went to the doctors,” She whispered, knowing he’s fast asleep. “I know I said I’d be buying candles- or something, but I made a detour, I also bought your precious Lego and as a reward for dealing with my cravings for the past few days, I bought a whole set.”

She kissed his forehead. “Surprise surprise, I’m not sick...I had an inkling you knew something about this, you ought to hide that book better.”

He budged at the sensation of someone close to him, he had a good stretch and rubbed his eyes awake. Lo and behold, his wife had her hair down and that was enough to knock the breath out of him.

“Love...? When did you get home? Traffic?”

She took his hand, ever so warm, and moved it to place onto her growing stomach, knowing full well he would take a full minute to register what it meant. He stared long and thoughtful, squinting, then he looked up at her with a confused smile.

Her eyes softened. “Next time, if you know something, tell me hm? Oh and congratulations my love.”

When it clicked, Kagaya gasped.


Kagaya walked down the aisle with his basket in hand until he found the baby clothes’ section. He could’ve easily just ordered and have them delivered directly at his estate. He could’ve easily had someone unpacked and organize them. But this was a special occasion.

Amane was pregnant and he was going to be a dad. He couldn’t believe his vision was true! Though he has bought most of what they need, there was still more things that could help their baby live more comfortably. They went shopping as soon as possible, their available date being their wedding anniversary.

He didn’t mind, if anything this was the best date!

He brought up two different coloured onesies. “Love do you think we should get all colors? Who knows which one they’ll like.”

Amane put both of them down immediately, back on the rack. “You mean which one ‘we’ will like?” She chuckled. “How about we make them ourselves? It’s better than these ones, we could even build the crib!”

He looked behind him to see if anyone was in the aisle, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close enough to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

“Whichever you see fit Love.”

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