A cool breeze swept over Kelly as she walked towards the shore. What she never knew was that she was walking towards danger.
"Hey Kelly!" I shouted, before we went to the beach. "Wanna go to the beach?"
"Okay! I love going to the beach!" she responded.
"Then let's go!"When we reached the beach, we changed into our swimsuits. I saw everyone but Kelly and I went in the water. They were just waddling around in the water, not doing anything else.
"I'm going to go in the ocean now!" Kelly shouted.
"Okay Kelly! I'll stay here and take care of the things!"
After an hour, I shouted, "It's my turn to go in the water!"No reply. I shouted again. Still no answer.
"If you're not coming out of the water, I'm going to leave!" I shouted. I waited for quite a while, but there still was no answer. I was getting worried. Really worried.I decided to investigate. For some reason I saw a rabbit. It decided to hop into the water. It then spun around. It's eyes rolled back. It turned back to the open sea. It floated above the water, and it zoomed and skidded. I decided to follow it. My transforming goo turned into a heliplane and I went in. I wanted to find the rabbit, but instead I found Kelly. I followed her. She seemed to have reached her destination when a submarine emerged from the water. She jumped in, so I turned the goo into a subjet. I chased after the submarine.
Suddenly it stopped. There, I saw the Evil Fish Master trying to make the Hero Fish Master turn to his side, using hypnosis. So he is the one causing all the trouble! His powers couldn't affect the hero, but was causing all the living things who touch the water go to him.
The living things then attacked the good hero. My goo turned into a battlemarine. It aimed torpedos at the Evil Fish Master, but instead, the torpedos went to the direction of the Hero. The Hero redirected it back to the Evil Fish Master, who successfully got hit.
Due to the impact of the injury, the hypnotised victims snapped out of the hypnosis. That included Kelly, who seemed shocked. I made the goo pull her into the battlemarine, which turned back into a heliplane.
"What just happened?"
"You got hypnotised, and attacked a hero."
"Oh. Weird."
"You surprised?"
"Okay then. Now, let's go home Kelly. It is getting late."
" 'Kay."Kelly still looked a bit dazed from today's adventure. She still didn't seem to understand what happened. But she doesn't like going to the beach anymore.
A Collection of Random Writing
RandomInspired by random things......... Cover Illustration by TAMEDbeast222 AKA me, the author :)