Cookie looked sadly around. Nothing to do, no one around, no friends to play with. Cookie walked towards the tall grass. She looked through. Everyone was playing with friends. They were the one who kicked Cookie out of being friends with them. Cookie was sad and knew why they ditched her. She had special powers. Cookie sat back down and dangled her legs in the water. She sniffled. She dragged her legs all the way home.When a soggy Cookie opened her bedroom door, she saw a surprise waiting for her. She lifted it up and put in her lap.
"Hello cutie. Are you excited to be in your new home?"
"Mew, mew." The kitten nodded.
"I'm going to name you Cuddles."
Cookie giggled for the first time in a long while. She cuddled the fluffy kitten and fell asleep.
Cookie woke up the next morning and remembered Cuddles. She cuddled her again and went outside for a little walk. There was a beach right outside the front porch of Cookie's house. Cookie loved that beach. She usually goes on the water for her walk. She thinks it's the most calming and loving thing she had ever done. Cuddles came striding towards Cookie and purred next to her. Cookie patted the little kitten and went for her daily walk. To her surprise, Cuddles followed her and jumped on her shoulder. Cookie grinned.
"Cuddles, would you want to go to the water dimension where we belong?"
"Mew, mew!" the kittens little head nodded.
Cookie then jumped into the water and Cuddles followed.
When they swam to the very bottom of the ocean, the sand formed a magic circle and sucked cookie and Cuddles in."Here is the wonderful world of water."
They swam towards the heart of the underwater paradise, where the king lived.
"Wonderful! Princess Cookie, you are back! We prepared your bedroom. And we will prepare the little bed for you little kitten I see you've got there."
"Thanks dad. Wait. You're not the one who sent the kitten?"
"Oh, no! I have never seen a kitten before, let alone this one!"
"Oh! this is Cuddles. And she can walk on water too!"
"I can tell that, at least. How long are you staying for, my precious?"
"I'm just visiting. It depends if those kids are still making fun of me."
Cookie picked Cuddles up and carried her to her room. Cookie knew they could have fun here.
Cookie looked around. Nothing really changed here. Just a few new shells here and there. Cookie took out her mirror of the land world. She looked around and heard a conversation."I'm so glad that weirdo Cookie had left us. She really was annoying!"
"I- I... I don't know," Saki murmured. "I think I liked her."
"Well, if you liked that weirdo, you're not my friend anymore. Saki."
Oniku saw this and decided to tell his parents. Cookie Sama decided to stop spying. She was scared. She went to the castle elder, Fugi, to ask about what to do.
"I don't know what to do. I don't want to ruin anyone's life like this."
The elder told her: "Listen to your heart and not to anyone else."
"I think I want to go to the land world and see Saki and Oniku."
Cookie went to Cuddles and picked her up.
"Let's go to the land world, Cuddles."
A Collection of Random Writing
RandomInspired by random things......... Cover Illustration by TAMEDbeast222 AKA me, the author :)