Chapter 18- Epilogue

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Unbreakable Silence Epilogue

Late December 2020


"Hey. Wake up, mi amor. Wake up, baby. I need your body. I want to make love to your mind and body."

"Hmm." I moaned as I heard Prince's sexy morning voice in my ear.

"Yeah. I know you can hear me. Now get up so I can love you until we can't stand it anymore." He kissed my ear and I slowly opened my eyes.

He was laying next to me, his body pressed up close as possible to mine. He hair was tied back into his puffy ponytail as he smiled widely at me. He was naked from the waist up and his toned chest was hard against my back. I shivered as I thought about the many times his hard, toned chest had slammed into me when he was on top of me.

"Good morning." He smiled at me, pressing himself more into me.

"Good morning." I turned around and kissed him.

"Do you know what today is?" He asked.

"Our third wedding anniversary and our seventh couple anniversary." I smiled widely.

"Yes. And that's why I want to start the day with the best morning sex ever." He said and rolled me on my back before getting on top of me. He kissed me passionately as he unhooked my bra and slid my panties down.

I got my hands on his boxers as someone knocked on our bedroom door and the house door.

"Momma! Daddy! Someone knocked on the door!" Elle, now ten years old, yelled as she knocked on our door.

"Ugh," I slammed my head back into the pillow before answering. "Okay, babygirl. We're coming."

"No we aren't," Prince mumbled and I slapped his arm. "Shit. You know that ain't the coming we want to do."

"Get up." I pushed him off of me to put back on my bra and pants and throw one of his shirts over myself.

I walked out of our bedroom into our five bedroom, three bathroom, two story home in Los Angeles. It was really moderate for "stars" of our status. I walked down the stairs to the front door. I looked out the peep hole to see no one but all of my friends. I opened the door for them.

"You assholes ruined my anniversary morning sex." I greeted them.

"Rude." Jari gasped.

"For real." Ray shook his head.

"And to think we came with food and cake." Isis said.

"Ungrateful ass." Roc smiled.

"Come on, y'all," I smiled and let them in. "Where's Chrestina?"

"I'm right here!" Little three year old Chrestina said as she walked into the house with the newest iPad and Beats by Dre in hand.

"Well, well. If it ain't the jerks who ruined my morning. How are all of y'all?" Prince asked as he came down the stairs in pajama pants and a shirt with Elle and my two year old baby boy, J.J.

After we came back from the Bahamas, we found out I was pregnant. I was scared as hell that I would miscarriage again but my fourth month of pregnancy came and I didn't lose my baby. I carried my baby until he was full term in July. I named him Jacob Junior and I've never been so happy in my life.

"Hey Tina!" J.J shouted when he saw Chrestina.

"Hey J.J. What's poppin'?" Chrestina walked up to J.J and the two started playing on the iPad.

"That's so cute." Prod said as we all watched the two children.

"Prince, you better watch your boy before he get beat up. He tryna talk to my baby girl. He better back up off her." Roc held up his fists playfully.

"Daddy, stop. J.J is my boyfriend. Leave him alone." Chrestina said before kissing J.J on the cheek. Roc looked like he might die of shock and fear.

"Daddy, can I buy Tina a present?" J.J asked.

"We'll see." Prince nodded.

"That's cute but let's cut this cake and eat this food so they can get back to their business." Juno said as she rubbed her very big, round stomach. Jacob got her pregnant of course and he can't stop talking about how excited he is to be a father. The guys started grabbing food to bring into the kitchen to heat up.

"How many months are you? Ten?" Brittany joked.

"Ha. Ha. I'm only seven." Juno said as she tried to lift the cake.

"I got it, baby. Sit down. Relax yourself." Jacob picked the cake up and placed it into the kitchen with the rest of food and guys.

"Find. I'm sitting! I'm relaxing!" Juno shouted as she plopped down on the sofa.

"Don't worry. Prince was the same way. I couldn't even wipe my own ass without him worrying." I smiled.

"Yeah. But then again you did miscarriage before. Mr. Worrisome didn't want another." Isis rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. But that was when I was a week pregnant." I said and we all laughed. We just talked about old stories and memories and our lives as Elle sat in my lap.

I was quiet for most of the time as I took in the girls' laughter and the guys' laughter from the children, the two children playing on the iPad. I just smiled as I looked at Elle.

"Why are you so quiet, mi amor?" Prince whispered in my ear as he came from the kitchen.

"Just looking at everyone. Thinking about the last seven years of my life I've spent with you." I answered.

"Best seven years of my life. And I can't wait to spent the rest of life with you," Prince kissed me. "And my babygirl and my son."

He kissed Elle on the forehead before looking at J.J who was still engrossed in the iPad with Tina, listening to her talk a mile a minute.

"Yeah. Me either. I love you." I told him.

"I love you too." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

That Instagram comment was the best thing that happened for my life. My friends and I followed our dreams, I married the love of my life, have two children with him, and I have all the love I can ever imagine. How can life be more perfect?

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