Chapter 9- For Me Please?

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Unbreakable Silence Chapter 9

Mid April 2016



I was awaken by Roc answering his phone. I groaned and snuggled into him more.

"Yeah. This is him....Yeah I know Claire Young....She's a friend of mine. What's wrong? What? What do you mean? But I just saw her not too long ago. She was perfectly okay....Okay. Okay. I'm on my way....No, thank you for calling me."

I sat up as Roc became alert halfway into the call.

"Isis, get dressed, please," he pleaded a he jumped out of the bed and started throwing on clothes.

"Why what's wrong?" I asked as I watched him.

"Claire and the baby's been in a car accident. I was the first person she told the police to call when they got to her. Her mom wants me there," Roc said. "Please get dressed."

I put on my clothes and followed him to his car where we drove to the nearest hospital.

"Oh Chresanto!" An older lady cried when she saw Roc.

"What happened, Mrs. Young?" Roc asked Claire's mother.

"She was driving from the hospital by herself. I told her to wait for me to come to get her but she wouldn't listen. A driver in an eighteen wheeler was drunk and hit Claire's side of the car. Chrestina's fine; she was in the other side of the car. It's Claire that's not. She has internal bleeding and horrible brain trauma. They don't think she'll live." Mrs. Young cried into Roc's chest. I saw the tears come to Roc's eyes that he struggle to hold in.

He looked at me with his watery eyes and I had to hold mine in. I didn't even like the girl but I wouldn't wish death on anyone.

"Where's Chrestina?" Roc struggled to ask.

"In the NICU. She's fine but she's only a few days old. They had to out her in there," Mrs. Young cried. "Thank you for coming. The both of you."

Mrs. Young hugged me before going to sit down.

"We should sit and wait to hear what happens." I told Roc and led him to the chairs. We sat for thirty minutes before a doctor called for Claire Young's family.

"Mrs. Young, I'm sorry, but your daughter didn't make it." The doctor said and Mrs. Young fell to her knees in tears.

"That's my baby. My youngest baby." Mrs. Young cried. Roc turned to him and I hugged him. He didn't cry, he just took a lot of deep breathes. I didn't even think he liked her this much.

"Mrs. Young, Claire told me to give you these envelopes. Two's for Chresanto August, another for a Isis "Royalty" Drake, one for you and the family and the last one for Chrestina. It says not to open it until she's at least ten. She said this was also for Chresanto," The doctor said. "You can come to see her two at a time. If Mr. Chresanto is here, please tell him to get a nurse to page me so he and I can talk."

With that the doctor left, leaving the family to grieve their loss.

"Here, Chresanto." Mrs. Young handed him the three envelopes.

Roc pulled from my arms to take the envelopes. He handed me the one with my name on it with a sigh before opening his.

I opened mine with shaky hands.

Dear Isis,

I know you may hate me. I mean, I would hate the girl my boyfriend cheated with before and then got pregnant. Yes. I know by now Roc has told you that the baby isn't his. I lied to him. Chrestina is his. I lied because I knew how much you meant to him, Isis, and I couldn't keep him from you; even if that meant Chrestina didn't grow up with a father.

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