Chapter 01

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As I stand staring through the window at the dark cloudy sky getting lost in my own world through the memory lane I heard Emma screaming my name with so much glory. “Hmmmm……..” I sighed at myself with annoyance for the disturbance she caused. Though it’s annoying at times Emma used to be my friend, my sister ever since I moved out from home.

Moving out from home has never been easy, leaving everything beside. But apart from all those shortfalls in life the only thing I gained was meeting a sweet friend like Emma with whom I am sharing the apartment which I am living in now.

As I walked out from the room I saw Emma holding a bunch of flowers and a huge parcel wrapped in blue shiny wrapping paper with a card named “With Love for Stephanie”. And I started staring at Emma with surprise when she handed over the bouquet and the parcel to me. “Oh my God, that’s for me…. I was so surprised to see, From whom Emma?” I asked her with a surprised face. “Yes it’s for you, Happy Birthday”, she said and hugged me with so much comfort. I have totally forgotten about my birthday, damn it, the day I was born. It was an utter shame on me to forget the day even I was born. “Oh Emma, Thanks a lot. I have totally forgotten the day, is it the 25th of September, Oh No…. Shame on me….” I said just because I wanted to escape from the feeling that I wanted to totally forget everything about the day I was born and I know apart from Emma there won’t be any who would even be bothered surprising me on my birthday.

I know I have never had received any flowers or gifts on a birthday, I know that I am never the type of kid who is famine to receive so though I am fragile in front of my own emotions. But my inner thoughts said “Stephie aren’t you the happiest girl on earth today receiving those lovely flowers and the big blue parcel from your best friend”. “Yes, indeed” I replied myself while looking at Emma with tears on my eyes for the surprise she brought in for me this lovely evening. “Don’t you want to open it up, you silly nut?” she scolded me. I held her hand and ran to the living room with the bouquet of flowers and the parcel while leaving it on the table. 

Keeping the flowers on the glass vass by the corner of the table we both sat next to each other. She was so eager waiting for me to open up the parcel and I saw it in her smiling face. Even I was now losing all my patience and tolerance over waiting, I cut the ribbons tuck around the parcel and open up the parcel. “Wow” I said to Emma and hugged her again. It was a big brown teddy bear with a red ribbon around the neck and a huge photo of two of us framed in a beautiful pink square shaped photo frame. “I love it so much Emma, You are the best” I said her again. With so much of delightful thoughts saying Good Night to Emma I went to sleep with my new friend whom my inner thought named as “Squashy Moshie”. 

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