Mystry of Jhon.

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Jhon and his friends were taking there break fast in small cafe where they bought some bread and chesse.The starving days were gone,know they send moneys to there homes.But Jhon kept savings,and fulfiled his own will plus aspirations.One day when his uncle knew he was earning money he suddendly called him with his earned money and said he wouldn't let the things repeted at past.Jhon knew his uncle's intention and stoped for owning his own life value.He wasn't much able to face his past,He had did everything to keep them statsified but it was enough.One day he need to stand in his own legs and start surving for himself.From then jhon never had smiled ,laughed or joked.He was serious but helpful.He also only frank with his friends,and he made his day and saved for future.He often sometimes give advices to his friend.

The main reson he was such a boy is his parents death.They were died because of starving.They were begging to get food,they tried to hold on but gave up atlast.From that time Jhon had no believes in God.His only intention was to work enough to make him feed and stay in uncle's home.He was never a happy child,infact he was serious,concentrated and hard working.His days of childhood was not easy like others child.Sometimes he felt sad for his life,infact his inner soul was hurted.But he never showed to world,he was the strong but also stongest.He never cried,and still worked hard,Since that incidient Jhon was changed and become hungry for succes to earn money.He beleived that money was his happines and destiny

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