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     Kaya knocked on the door of the house as the taxi drove away. Her dark brown hair pulled up in a ponytail and her hands tucked in her red hoodie. Her bag hung over her shoulder and her suitcase sat at her side as she hung her head low, waiting for someone to open the door. Just a few seconds later, Addison opened the door and her expression changed from curiosity to joy as she saw the girl in front of her. She squealed and gave Kaya a huge hug. Kaya let out a small laugh as a smile spread across her face. "I'm so happy you're here!" Addison exclaimed before finally releasing Kaya.
     "I'm glad you guys offered to take me in." Kaya replied calmly but sincerely. Addison gave her friend a sympathetic smile and tilted her head.
     "Of course!" Addison responded. "You're like family!" Kaya gave Addison a small grin and Addison led her inside. Once she said hi to Addison's parents, Addison showed her to her new room where she put her bags down and then led her up to the cheerleaders' bedroom. Kaya silently sat on her friend's bed and scanned the room. Addison waited a moment before deciding to speak. "Well, I'll be heading to cheer camp next week so you'll be stuck here with my parents. But they probably won't bother you. Tomorrow, if you're up for it, I can take you to meet some of my friends. Then you'll have some people to hang out with while I'm gone!" Addison explained, trying to lighten the mood, though Kaya felt fine. Addison leaned against the wall behind her, her arms folded behind her back.
     "As long as that Zed guy is included in the group of friends, then I'll go." Kaya responded as she smirked at the cheerleader. Addison bent her head down to try and hide the blush appearing in her face.
     "Yeah, he'll be there." Addison answered quietly. Kaya gave a nod.
     "Good. I gotta meet my best friend's boyfriend if I'm here." Kaya explained, her smirk never leaving her face. She started to rub her hands together. "Might give him an interrogation session." Addison giggled as Kaya let out a small laugh.
     "I hope you know how much I'm thankful to have you as a friend." Addison told her friend with sincerity. Kaya gave her a big grin.
     "Not as thankful as I am for you." Kaya replied.
     Addison sat down next to her friend and gave her a side hug. After a moment of the hug, Addison decided to ask the question that was really bugging her. "How are you feeling?" She asked in almost a whisper. Kaya took a deep breath but did not move her head that rested on top of Addison's.
     "I'll be okay." She answered at the same volume as Addison had asked her question. "My parents were good people so their memory will always be treasured in my heart." Addison released Kaya from the hug and stared into her friend's eyes, making sure she wasn't lying. She could tell that Kaya wasn't lying and she relaxed. Kaya then looked down at her lap. Addison knew there was something the girl wanted to talk about.
     "What is it Kaya?" She asked in a concerned tone. Kaya bit the side of her bottom lip before looking back up at her friend.
     "My parents they...they told me something."
     "What did they tell you?"
     "Remember all those times when I wanted to hang out with you at night, out in the woods or at the park, but my parents wouldn't let me go...ever?" Addison nodded, listening intently. "Well, my parents...before they passed they, finally told me why." Kaya glanced at Addison before continuing. "Apparently...." Kaya took in a shaky breath. "I'm....a...werewolf." Addison's eyes widened and her mouth opened a bit. "But somehow, I'm still different from other werewolves?" Addison's eyebrows furrowed.
     "How so?" The white-haired friend asked.
     "My parents explained to me that I'm a rare kind of werewolf. They still wouldn't tell me what kind, but I could tell why. They were scared. They told me that whenever moonlight touches me, the sign will show. They said this was never to happen until...."
     "Until what?"
     "Until I found a pack that's trustworthy and that would protect me." Addison didn't know how to react to all this new information. "I can't even let the pack know that I'm a werewolf until I know their loyalty is true." Kaya quoted her parents' words. Kaya reaches into the neck line of her hoodie and pulled out the necklace that hung around her neck. A beautiful stone hung on the necklace. "This is my moonstone. Without it...apparently I would die. I only ever kept it on because my parents told me it was a gift from my grandmother, the one I'm named after."
     "Okay....okay, wow." Addison tried to say. "This is, a lot to take in." She simply said with a shaky laugh.
     "I know." Kaya gave her friend a look of sympathy. "There's one more thing." Kaya informed her friend as her face contorted into one of confusion as she thought of what she was going to tell the cheerleader.
     "Oh?" Addison asked nervously.
     "My parents told me-right before they died- that my stone's energy was running out. That I had to find the Moonstone or what happened to them, would happen to me." Addison's eyes widened with concern. "I wanted to ask them what the heck that was supposed to mean but, I didn't have time. As they started to pass, my mom gave me this ring and kept trying to say one last thing but all she was able to say was: Ring and moon." Addison stared at the ground, deep in thought. She then slightly shook her head and stood.
     "Well, that's...a lot of information to take in."
     "I'm sorry, I just....You're the only one I felt I could talk to and-"
     "No no no!" Addison interrupted and held out her hands to tell her to stop. "There's nothing to be sorry for! I am honored that you would share all of this with me. Thanks for trusting me enough with this."
     "Are you kidding?" Kaya asked through a chuckle. "I trust you with my life." Addison gave her friend a huge smile before tackling her in a hug. The two laughed and pulled away.
     "Okay well, I say we sleep on it." Addison announced as she stood and put her hands on her hips. Kaya nodded in agreement. "Maybe we can do some research on werewolves this week before I leave." Addison explained as she stared off at nothing in particular, clearly thinking through this thoroughly. Kaya smiled at her best friend and nodded in agreement.
     "That would definitely be helpful." Kaya agreed. "Well, I'm exhausted from the trip so I'll head in for the night." Kaya slowly stood up from the bed and made her way out the bedroom door.
     "Good. I'll see ya in the morning Kaya!" Addison replied.
     "Night Ads." Addison pulled her friend in for a hug before Kaya left. Kaya quickly got ready for bed and crashed in her bed. She let out a deep breath before turning over to stare out the double glass doors that led to a balcony. She grabbed her necklace around her neck and just held it in her grasp. She then heard a howl in the distance. She closed her eyes and smiled. The howl calmed her for some reason. Maybe it was just because of the wolf part of her. She soon fell asleep, no dreams interfering with her rest.

     Wyatt sat on a huge boulder, overlooking the town below. He leaned back on one arm as he rested the other on top of his knee that he held up in front of him. For some reason, he felt the town had changed. Something new was there. He didn't understand the feeling and just tried to shake it off but the feeling just kept nagging him. Willa soon joined him, silently sitting down next to him. She took a deep breath and looked down at the town. "Something's different." Wyatt suddenly said quietly. "Something's..."
     "Changed." Willa finished for him. Wyatt looked at his sister and she looked at him in return. The alpha nodded in understanding before they both looked back at the town.

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