Chapter 9: Unveiling

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Kaya looked from Eliza to Addison for a moment before lowering her gaze a bit. "So, the Moonstone..." Kaya began.
"It's gone." Addison whispered, as if she was afraid she would break her friend if she said it any louder. Kaya's body visibly started to shake. Kaya never thought she would be in this situation. Knowing that you would die soon. Knowing that you were slowly dying until your battery just died on you. She guessed this is how a toy would feel. She knew it was a weird connection to make, but that's how she felt.
"I'm so sorry Kaya." Bree spoke up sincerely. Kaya gave her a sad smile. Kaya shook her head at her friends.
"It's not your fault." She told them. "You did what you could." Kaya gave all the girls a group hug before Addison decided to tell her the other news.
"And I'm not the Great Alpha, or a werewolf." Addison informed her sadly. Kaya put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. I promised that when I became a werewolf-"
"No, no." Kaya interrupted her softly as she shook her head. "Don't apologize. That's nothing to apologize for." She told her white-haired friend. Kaya's eyebrows furrowed when she realized something. "Wait you found out you weren't a werewolf-how? I thought you lost the necklace." Addison glanced at Zed, making the zombie lower his head in shame.
"Zed had it. He took it so I wouldn't become a werewolf." Kaya stared at her friend deep in thought. "I basically broke up with him after that." Addison told her in a quiet voice.
"How'd you get it back?" Kaya asked, almost knowingly.
"He gave it back to me." Addison answered.
"And how'd you know he took it and didn't just find it somewhere?" Kaya inquired, still with a knowing tone.
"Well, I thought he just found it but he told me that he took it." Addison explained.
"So he was honest." Kaya replied. Addison slowly nodded her head with her eyebrows furrowed, not really sure what her friend was getting at. Kaya looked over at Zed who still had his head hung low. "Can I just say, the fact that he told you the truth and was honest with his intentions, shows me how guilty he really felt about it." She told her friend in a gentle tone. Kaya looked back at Zed again as she continued. "He still does." Addison lowered her gaze as she thought about her friend's words. She then remembered the ring.
"Oh! Kaya, your ring." Addison informed her as she reached in her pocket for the ring. "We found it when we came looking for you." Addison pulled it out but it slipped from her fingers and dropped to the ground. It rolled on its side a bit until it dropped a few inches past the warehouse entrance, right in the moonlight. The jewel on the ring glowed a bright blue before some sort of hologram shot out of it and hovered a few feet in the air. The hologram showed Kaya's parents sitting on a couch.

"Hey sweetie." Her mom started. It came out more like a nervous sigh. Everyone turned at the sound of the recording. "We hope you're okay and...we're sorry for not explaining everything to you."

"Mom?" Kaya whispered to herself as she slowly walked towards the hologram. "Dad?" Wyatt looked to Kaya at her words but looked back up at the hologram when her dad spoke.

"We know we should have told you everything before, but, we were scared." Her dad explained in a sorrowful and loving tone. "Scared of how you would react to finding out what you really are and what it really means. We didn't want you to live in fear your whole life." He stopped to let out a sigh of defeat. "We never should have lied to you, or kept secrets. It only made it worse."
"And if, you're seeing this that means that...we're no longer with you." Her mom said as her voice cracked at the end. "Honey we love you very much." Kaya let out a sigh in awe as her eyes glazed over. Wyatt slowly looked from the hologram to Kaya, his face filling with sympathy. His heart broke for her. "I don't know how much we were able to tell you before we passed, so we're just going tell you everything now. And we're so, so sorry we couldn't tell you in person and...we're sorry we couldn't ensure your future." Her mom's voice started to break as her eyes filled with tears. "We tried to find the Moonstone but we found nothing." The werewolves' faces twisted into ones of confusion. Willa and Wyatt glanced at one another before continuing to watch the hologram.
"We were only losing our energy faster in our search." Her dad took over as her mom was starting to lose her will to speak. "And we decided it would be better to spend our last days with you. So we returned home and spent every last second we could with you." Kaya's bottom lip quivered as a tear rolled down her cheek. "And now it's time you knew everything."
"Honey...your grandparents were all werewolves, and your father and I are werewolves. Which means, you're one too." The pack's eyes widened and their faces switched to ones of shock, including Wyatt's. "But, it's bigger than that. Your dad's father was what we call The Great Alpha. The true leader of a pack. His status was known by the color of his hair: Pure white. There is one thing that most werewolves don't actually know since The Great Alpha is so rare.....his white hair was revealed by moonlight." Kaya looked down a bit blankly as her lips parted slightly, her mind putting the pieces together. She looked back up as her mom continued. "I'm sure by now, it's all making sense. Why we didn't want you to leave the house at night. Why we told you to keep your hoodie over your head all those years. You're the next Great Alpha, Kaya." Wyatt shared an even more shocked look with his sister. "The necklace we gave you kept you alive but since it's not the moonstone for the Great Alpha, it won't transform you to your full werewolf self."
"Be careful Kaya." Her dad told her urgently. "Great Alphas are extremely rare and there are those that would literally kill for them. You need to find a pack. There are rumors of one up in the Forbidden Forest. I don't know what they're like but you can find out. If they are willing to give you protection and loyalty, take it."
"Honey I know this is a lot to take in but there's one more thing you need to know." Her mom explained with distress. "Since we were never able to find the Moonstone, our necklaces lost their charge-meaning, they're basically dying. And without our necklaces, we can't live. You have to find the Moonstone Kaya. That way you can continue your life. That way you can live." There was a small moment of silence as Kaya looked up at her parents, her eyes filled with sorrow and love.
"Kaya, we love you so much. And we are so sorry we kept these things from you." Her dad's voice almost sounded broken.
"We hope, in time, you can forgive us for all the lies and deceit." Her mom added as her bottom lip quivered like her daughter's.
"We are so proud to call you our daughter." Her dad finished sincerely with a sad smile. The hologram disappeared and Kaya blinked rapidly while trying to get her bearings. There was a second of silence, but if felt like an eternity for everyone.
"It was you." Willa spoke up quietly. "That's why we knew you were in trouble that night in the woods, and tonight.......You're the Great Alpha." Kaya didn't turn to face everyone but continued to stare up at where the hologram had been. Addison took a step forward towards her friend.
"Kaya?" Addison addressed her softly in a concerned tone. Kaya slowly turned to face everyone but she kept her gaze low. Her expression still held slight shock and hurt. Addison slowly approached her friend until she stood right in front of her. Kaya lifted her gaze to Addison slowly. Addison put a hand on Kaya's shoulder.
"I-I'm-I'm so sorry Addison." She whispered. Addison furrowed her eyebrows with confusion. "I never wanted to take the one thing you always hoped to have." She explained still in a whisper. Addison's eyes filled with realization and sympathy. She shook her head at her friend.
"No, I don't blame you." Addison assured her. "This isn't your fault." Kaya just looked at the ground in shame. "Hey." Kaya reluctantly looked back up into her best friend's eyes. "It's okay. I promise." Addison momentarily squeezed her friend's shoulder in reassurance. Kaya gave her a weak smile. Addison pulled Kaya into a hug and Kaya accepted. The two pulled away and Addison examined her friends face before asking, "Are you okay?"
"I just wanna go home." Kaya replied in a whisper once again. Addison nodded in understanding. Willa went to approach the two girls but Wyatt grabbed her arm gently and shook his head.
"Give her a few days." Wyatt suggested in a low voice. Willa looked as if she wanted to argue but knew her brother was right. Without looking at the others, Addison and Kaya began to exit the warehouse. Kaya pulled her hood over her head. Even though she knew what would happen if the moonlight were to touch her, a part of her was still scared of the confirmation of the touch of moonlight. A part of her still hoped that she wasn't the Great Alpha. She only wanted to find her people, her pack. She never wanted to be responsible for them. She didn't see herself as a leader. She had never led anyone or anything. She didn't desire the pressure of responsibility that she would receive along with the Great Alpha title. She wasn't ready. She wasn't prepared.
Addison guided her back into town. The two walked in complete silence the entire way home. Addison just kept an arm wrapped around Kaya's shoulders as they walked back home. Once inside their house, Addison turned to Kaya. "How are you feeling?" Kaya tried to give the girl a smile, but failed.
"I know who I am now." She answered. "I now know all that my parents ever did, was for me." She tried to sound at least a little okay. Kaya gave her friend a smile. "But I am tired. I'm heading to bed." Addison nodded as she watched her friend leave for her bedroom. Addison knew Kaya wasn't truly fine, but she knew it wouldn't help bugging her to spill her emotions. Addison reluctantly went to her own bedroom.
Kaya entered her bedroom and closed the door immediately behind her. She rested her forehead against the door as her lip began to quiver once again. She slowly turned her body and slid her back down the door to the ground as the tears began to fill her eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut as the tears began to fall down her cheeks. Kaya hugged her knees to her chest and buried her head in her arms that rested in top of her knees.
Wyatt was making his way back to the den with his pack when he noticed the moon ring still resting on the ground. Wyatt picked up the ring and examined it for a moment before looking up in the direction of the town. "I'm gonna return this to Kaya." He explained to his sister before running towards the town. Willa let out a sigh before she reluctantly led the pack back to the den.

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