Chapter 19: Freeze Tag

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     Kaya had been running around the werewolves' territory with the pups as they all played Freeze Tag. Wyatt had joined in too. Playing was a little different since all of the players were extremely fast and have heightened senses.
     Kaya rushed down a small hill in the woods, trying to steer clear of Wilka, who was it. As Kaya reached the end of the hill, Wilka popped out from behind a tree and tagged her. Kaya gasped in surprise before sagging her shoulders. "Aw, come on."
     "Gotcha!" Wilka squealed in victory. Kaya laughed slightly at the pups excitement.
     "Well you won't catch the others just standing here." Kaya pointed out with a grin. "Better go find them." Wilka nodded with a huge smile before running off into the woods. Kaya sighed as she looked around, knowing that boredom would soon take over if one of the others didn't show up soon.
     Luckily, she picked up the scent of someone she was already very familiar with and it made her smile a little. She looked to her left as Wyatt walked out from behind a tree with a smirk. "Thank goodness, I really didn't want to stand here the whole time."
     "What makes you think I'm so willing to unfreeze you?" Wyatt inquired, making a taken aback look wash over Kaya's face.
     "Because if you don't, Wilka might get to the others and then get you and she'll win and you'll end up regretting not unfreezing me when you had the chance."
     "How come you think Wilka could catch me?" Wyatt asked next.
     "Because she caught me. And if she caught me then..."
     "Are you suggesting you're faster than me?" Wyatt quirked an eyebrow.
     "Among other qualities, yes, I am." Kaya confirmed honestly.
     "Well there's only one way to prove that." Wyatt replied as he walked up to her.
     "Well I can't prove anything if I'm frozen." Kaya reminded him. Wyatt sighed as he leaned his side against the tree in front of Kaya that Wilka had been hiding behind.
     "There's just so many ways I could go about this situation." Wyatt announced as he gave her a look of deep thought.
     "Why don't you just unfreeze me to make things easier." Wyatt chuckled slightly.
     "You're really into this game." He observed with amusement.
     "I take all games very seriously." She replied."So are you gonna unfreeze me or what?"
     "It's just that, you're so...still." Wyatt tried to point out. "You can't go anywhere."
     "Yeah, that's kinda the point of being frozen." Kaya responded. Wyatt laughed quietly to himself as he shook his head slightly.
     "Okay, I'll unfreeze you." Wyatt decided as he stood up straight and took a step towards Kaya.
     "Great." Kaya replied. That's when Wyatt kissed her with one hand resting on her neck and the other on her hip. Kaya gasped slightly at the sudden action but didn't pull away. Wyatt pulled away and began to walk backwards.
     "Better run." He advised her with a smirk before he ran deep into the woods himself. Kaya stood there for a moment, breathless and awestruck. It took her a few seconds to snap back to reality in order to continue the game.
Kaya had only been running for a few minutes when a howl was heard. It was time for the pups to go back inside. Kaya knew she didn't have to make sure the little ones were going home, anyone could hear it, even those down in Seabrook heard it. Plus, if one of the pups didn't return, they would howl to notify everyone and a search would take place then.
Kaya made her way through the woods, searching for Wyatt. She tried following his scent, but eventually it disappeared. Kaya stopped and sighed. That's when she realized it. Wyatt's fresh scent. He was hiding from her. Too bad he forgot which way the wind was blowing. Kaya backed quietly into the most crowded thicket she could see from her standing point. She then silently made her way around through the thick forest area until she spotted Wyatt hiding behind a boulder, his back to her. Kaya bit her bottom lip as she stared down at him. She then tackled the werewolf to the ground, earning a slight yelp from the wolfboy. Kaya laughed as she stood up and left Wyatt sprawled on the ground.
Wyatt sat up as he stared at her with wide eyes. "How did you-?" He started.
"You forgot to check the direction of the wind, wolfboy." Kaya explained, still laughing slightly. Wyatt playfully glared at the girl before him.
"Oh you're gonna get it." Wyatt threatened as he stood up quickly. Kaya let out a small squeal as she quickly darted off into the forest, away from Wyatt.
Kaya ran and ran, trying to confuse Wyatt by making last minute turns. Eventually, Kaya had to stop to catch her breath. She could only hope she confused Wyatt enough to lose him.
Kaya hunched over with her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. She then gazed around to make sure she couldn't see Wyatt.
After a minute of pure silence, Kaya screamed when something crashed into her and sent her falling on the ground. Wyatt tackled her to the dirt floor. Kaya continued to scream and laugh a bit as she struggled to get Wyatt off of her. Wyatt laughed as well as the two wrestled on the ground.
Kaya finally dropped her hands with a long sigh as she closed her eyes. "Fine, you got me." She announced. Wyatt chuckled as his usual smirk spread across his face. Kaya pursed her lips as she opened her eyes to look up at Wyatt.
Their laughter faded away as the two stared at one another. Kaya looked into Wyatt mesmerizing brown eyes as he looked into hers. Wyatt then leaned his head down toward Kaya. Kaya closed her eyes slowly in response as Wyatt's lips met hers. After only a moment, Wyatt pulled away and stared at Kaya. Kaya silently stared back. "You're amazing." He finally whispered.
"You're not too bad yourself." Kaya replied just as quietly. Wyatt smiled down at her at her reply. Kaya smiled up at him in return.
Kaya had finally found the boy for her. The one that would never hurt her, who would always comfort her, would always trust her, and would always be loyal to her. And these attributes were not one sided. Kaya knew she would do anything for this wolfboy. Anything at all.

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