Chapter 11: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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     Kaya woke up when began to spill into her room. She blinked a couple times before fully opening her eyes. She took a deep breath and turned onto her side. She stretched for a second before sitting up on the bed. She then remembered what had happened the night before. Wait, Wyatt. She looked at the empty spot next to her. She looked around her room to see him nowhere in sight. She slid off her bed and noticed a note stuck on her mirror. She pulled off the note from the mirror and read it.

     I didn't want to wake you up. Figured I should let you sleep in. Went back to the den.
                                                                - Wyatt.
     Kaya smiled down at the note before changing and heading out the door. She knew she didn't want to go to school right now. She was sure some one had spread the news of her being a werewolf. She guessed Addison did too since she didn't come and wake her up. She decided to go for a walk in the woods for a bit. When she entered the woods, she instantly felt at home. She knew this is where she belonged. She felt the urge to run. To run forever until she couldn't breath. A huge excited smile spread across her face before she darted through the woods. It felt so nice to be in the forest, surrounded by green and wood, the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind and the wind rushing through her hair as she ran. She came to quick stop when she reached the edge of the cliff from the last time she explored the woods. She gazed at the other side of the deep ravine. "I should've known you would be here." Kaya turned to the voice of Wyatt behind her. He was once again, leaning against a tree with a smirk plastered on his face. Kaya tried to hide her happiness at seeing the wolfboy again. Kaya smirked back at him.
     "I should've known you would find me." Kaya replied casually. "Shouldn't you be back at the den?" Wyatt began to walk towards her as she questioned him.
     "I asked Willa for a break." He informed her.
      "Willa wouldn't say yes to that." Kaya responded as she crossed her arms. She might not know Willa very well but she knew she wouldn't give him a break after already being gone all night and only working for part of the morning.
     "Well, you're right, she told me 'no'." Wyatt told her.
     "Well then how'd you get away?" Kaya inquired, a playfully suspicious look taking over her face as the werewolf drew nearer.
     "I told her I wanted to see you." Wyatt answered honestly as he looked into Kaya's eyes.  Kaya looked back into his eyes for a moment.
     "If this is about being the Alpha...." Kaya started as a look of slight worry and awkwardness started to show on her face. She broke her gaze with Wyatt as she took a step back but Wyatt put a hand on her arm to ease her nerves.
     "No." Wyatt told her gently. "No. I just wanted to check on you. But Willa does think I'm asking you about being the Alpha-it's the only way I could get away." He tried to explain. Kaya looked back up into the werewolf's brown eyes. She decided to trust him with his reason and gave him a small smile. She then realized he still had a hand resting in her arm. She slowly backed away from his touch. Wyatt got the hint and pulled his hand away from her. He scratched his neck nervously as Kaya looked to the ground. " school?" Wyatt started awkwardly. Kaya shook her head but kept her gaze on the ground.
     "Didn't feel like it today." Kaya replied quietly. Wyatt understood what she meant and nodded in understanding. "How's the pack?"
     "We're still alive." Wyatt answered quietly. The two began to take a walk through the woods together, side by side. "Have you talked to your friends since last night?" Wyatt inquired curiously. Kaya shook her head softly as she stared at the ground in front of her.
     "Addison had already left for school by the time I woke up." She informed him casually. "And I haven't checked my phone for any messages from the others. I know there are probably a ton of messages waiting for me once I open my phone. I'm just trying to take it all in one step at a time." Wyatt glanced at her as they continued to walk. He could tell she was deliberately trying to avoid his gaze.
     "Well, you're doing a good job so far. Staying sane, I mean." Wyatt told her. She tried to laugh but he could tell it was forced. "I'm sorry about your parents, Kaya." He finally said, his tone full of sincerity. "I really am."
     "Me too." She whispered but she knew Wyatt heard. "I should've known they were keeping something from me. I had always.....I had always felt different. A part of me knew I didn't belong anywhere I went." Wyatt gently put a hand in her shoulder to stop her and face towards himself.
     "You belong with us." Wyatt insisted gently. Kaya let out a small sigh. She was still keeping her gaze towards the ground. Kaya pulled her shoulder away from Wyatt's touch, as polite as possible. Wyatt's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He was confused by her change in mood towards him. Just last night she crying into his chest but this morning he couldn't reach out to her at all. What had he done wrong? "We understand you more than anyone ever will." He assured her softly.
     "Ever since I found out I was a werewolf, I was so eager to find my pack-to finally belong." Kaya told him in a quiet voice. "But I was also terrified of how you guys would see me. I wasn't raised as a werewolf. But I never expected to be the leader." She spoke louder but only so he could hear her more clearly. Her breath quickened slightly. "I can't be a leader-I never wanted to lead anything or anyone. Cause all I do is make mistakes and get the people I care about in danger." She finally looked up at him when she stopped to slow her breath. She looked back down after only a second. She let out a huge sigh in regret. "I can't be the Alpha." She told him in a whisper. Regret laced every word she spoke.
     "We all make mistakes, Kaya." Wyatt told her quietly as he edged closer to her. "Even though Willa might be the alpha, she has made mistakes. It's only a title. You don't have to see it as a burden. And I'll be there by your side to help you learn our ways as werewolves." He assured her as he tried to put a hand on her shoulder again. Just like before, Kaya backed away from his touch as a small sigh escaped her mouth.
     "I just...I can't." She whispered. "I can't do this."
     "Is it me? Did I do something wrong?" Wyatt finally asked, a little worried that he actually did. Kaya shook her head but she still would not meet his gaze.
     "No, no. I just....I can't be who you want me to be." Kaya told him hesitantly.
     "You can't shut everyone out, Kaya. That's not the way to handle this." He insisted gently. Kaya let out a sigh of frustration.
     "Can't you just leave me alone?! I don't need anyone-especially you!" She finally burst. She ran off through the woods, leaving a shocked, hurt, and completely confused Wyatt behind. Wyatt stared after her until she disappeared. He just stood there a moment longer, going over the words she said to him. He never thought it would hurt that much, but it did. It truly made him ache. He finally walked in the opposite direction she ran and headed toward the den.

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