Chapter 16: Wake Up

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(A/N: Okay readers, I'm going with writing out the song. I really hope it's not cringey. But if it is, I'm sorry in advance.)

     Kaya let out a small awkward laugh as she shook her head. "I-I don't sing." She told them. Addison looked from the crowd to her friend on the platform. After a second of debate, she quickly climbed the stairs to join Kaya. Kaya looked at her with slight confusion. Addison took Kaya's hands in her own and looked her in the eyes.
    "Kaya. You're my best friend. I would never ever lie to you. You have the most beautiful, powerful voice I've ever heard. You can do this." Addison told Kaya gently but firmly. Kaya looked at her friend with an unreadable expression. "Sing something that really connects with you. Maybe it would help." Addison suggested. Kaya looked away, deep in thought. Her eyebrows were creased as if she was really thinking of a song. Then it clicked. She looked back at her friend and gave her a smile of gratitude. Addison gave her a reassuring nod before slowing backing away to leave Kaya at the center of the platform. Kaya turned slowly to the crowd before her.
     "A few years ago, I had a hard time with my life. When my mom found out how bad it was really getting for me...she sang to me. The song has been on my heart ever since then. So...this is for my parents." She announced as calmly as she could. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before she finally began singing the first verse softly.

Here's one thing, I want you to know
You got some place to go
Life's a test, yes, but you go toe-to-toe
You don't give up, no, you grow

And you use your pain,
Cause it makes you 'you'
Though I wish I could hold you through it
I know it's not the same, you got living to do
And I just I want you to do it

So get up, get out, relight that spark
You know the rest by heart

Wake up, wake up, if it's all you do
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain

Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
When you're feelin' lost,
Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark

Wake up

Wake up

     Usually that would be the end. Well, that's all her mom had ever sang to her, but she knew why now. It was her turn. The song wasn't just a song. It was like a story. The first part of the song being the motivation and now: how had the song impacted her? She smile to herself as she lifted her head to look at everyone and continue the song with her own words, her voice becoming more confident.

Better wake those demons
Just look them in the eye, no reason not to try
Life can be a mess.
I won't let it cloud my mind
I'll let my fingers fly

And I use the pain, cause it's part of me
And I'm ready to power through it
Gonna find the strength, find the melody
Cause you showed me how to do it

So get up, get out, relight that spark
You know the rest by heart

Wake up, wake up, if it's all you do
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain

Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
When you're feelin' lost,
Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark

Wake up

Wake up

    As she stood there, all eyes and ears focused on her, all her fear slipped away. As she sang, she felt a presence in the room. Her parents. Singing this song, she felt closer to them than anytime after they had passed. This only gave her more confidence to continue singing, her voice full of passion and more power than she had ever heard in her own voice.

So wake that spirit, spirit
I wanna hear it, hear it
No need to fear it, your not alone
Your gonna find your way, HOME

     Wyatt had been listening so intently. He became more and more amazed with every word Kaya had sang, but as she ended the bridge, his mouth opened slightly and his eyes filled with awe. Her voice was truly the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. This girl never ceased to amaze him. The power and emotion that filled her voice shocked everyone, especially Wyatt.

Wake up, wake up, if it's all you do
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you gained raising your voice in the rain

Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
When you're feelin' lost,
Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark

Wake up

Wake up

     When the song ended, the den was completely quiet. Kaya's heart beat so fast. She started to panic, thinking she must've been beyond horrible. Suddenly, the den erupted with the loudest applause she had ever heard. She stepped back ever so slightly, taken aback by the sudden response. After a moment of standing in pure shock, Kaya began to smile and laugh happily. She turned to Addison as the cheerleader crushed her in a hug. Kaya immediately hugged back tightly.
     After they released one another, Kaya descended the stairs with Addison to the rest of her friends. "You've been holdin' out on us!" Zed teased Kaya as she neared them. She laughed slightly before Eliza tackled her in a hug. Bree was next. Zed gave her a fist bump in congratulations.
     "Do you have any other hidden talents you'd like to share with the group?" Eliza inquired jokingly.
     "Other than the fact that you can kill it on the dance floor." Bree pointed out. Kaya waved them off as she looked down at the ground. Her friends only laughed slightly at her behavior towards all the comments. Her attention was caught when someone cleared their throat beside her. She looked up to meet Wyatt's gaze. He smiled at her when their eyes met.
     "Wanna take a walk?" He offered. Kaya smiled and nodded her head immediately in acceptance. Wyatt's smile only grew as he held out his hand. Kaya took a moment to stare at the hand before taking it in her own. She was oblivious to the expressions on all her friends' faces as they watched her and Wyatt interact. When Kaya and Wyatt had left, the group of friends shared knowing expressions in silence before Eliza finally spoke.
     "I'm just gonna say it:........." The others turned to her. "Called it." She slightly sang out. The others all agreed as Zed gave her a low five.

A/N: I do not own the song. It is from the Netflix show Julie and the Phantoms. It's called Wake Up in case you need to listen to it for the story.

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