Chapter 10: Comfort

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     Kaya never moved from her spot in front of her bedroom door. She just cried her heart out. She had been holding so much emotion and pain in, she finally broke. Wyatt arrived to Kaya and Addison's house and looked up to the glass doors on the second floor that led into Kaya's room. He, being a werewolf, was able to climb up onto the balcony of her bedroom. He gazed into her room to find her sitting against her door, her head buried in her arms that rested on her knees.  Even though he couldn't see her face, his heart still ached for her as he saw her finally fall under all the pressure. He took a step forward when Kaya's head suddenly shot up and look straight at him. She had felt his presence. Wyatt's eyes filled with concern as he saw her tearful eyes and her tear stained face. Kaya slowly stood, her gaze never leaving Wyatt. She didn't understand why he was here. She slowly made her way across her bedroom and unlocked the glass doors. Thankfully, the moon had already passed and was on the other side of the house, meaning she was safe from the moonlight that would occasionally shine right into her room at night if it weren't for her curtains. Kaya slid one of the glass doors open. Kaya and Wyatt had never broken eye contact since she saw him out on her balcony. "What are you doing here?" Kaya inquired in almost a whisper.
     "I came to bring your ring back." Wyatt explained gently. Kaya looked down as Wyatt held out the ring. Kaya's lip began to quiver once again as she slowly took it from his hand. She turned away from Wyatt and walked over to her bed, her eyes gazing down at the ring the whole time. Kaya slowly sat down on the edge of her bed. Wyatt found himself walking up to Kaya and sitting down next to her. Kaya looked up to Wyatt beside her. She couldn't stay strong and just tell him she was fine. She had held out long enough and he knew it. Tears began to fill Kaya's eyes. Wyatt embraced her in a hug. Kaya buried her face in his chest, letting her tears fall once again. Wyatt only tightened his grip on the girl as she completely broke in his arms.
     "I t-tried." Kaya began to stuttered. "I tried t-to convince myself that I was o-okay with my parents dying. I was only trying to be strong for them. But I can't ignore the fact that I lost them." She broke into a sob before continuing. "I couldn't s-save them. All they d-did their whole lives was look after me but I couldn't keep them alive." Wyatt held her even tighter as he rested his head on top of hers.
     "Don't blame yourself Kaya." He whispered to her. "It's not your fault."
     "Then why do I feel like it is?" Kaya inquired almost desperately.
     "Because that's just how we are." Wyatt explained. "We blame ourselves for the deaths of the ones we love when we know it couldn't have been stopped anyways." Kaya looked up at Wyatt and he looked down at her. "No one blames you for their deaths. So don't blame yourself." Kaya stared at him, her expression unreadable. She then hugged Wyatt and he returned it with out a second thought.
     "Thank you." Kaya whispered in his shoulder.
     "Anything for you." Wyatt whispered back. The two pulled away slightly as they looked back up at one another. Their gaze was broken when Wyatt's eyes flowed yellow, his necklace green, as he started to cough. He hunched over as he tried to catch his breath, Kaya placing her hand on his shoulder for some sort of comfort. She knelt in front of him as she placed a hand on his cheek. Wyatt caught his breath and his eyes faded back to their normal brown.
     "Are you okay?" Kaya asked in a caring tone. Wyatt didn't answer but just stared into her eyes. Kaya stared back, the two not noticing how close their faces were at the moment. Kaya blinked rapidly as she backed away and stood up. "Well you can't trek back to the den now. It's been a long day and you've exhausted yourself. You need to rest before heading back to the den." Kaya told him as she began to clear her bed of her notebooks and pens that she had left.
     "I'll be fine." Wyatt assured her. "I need to help with the other werewolves anyways." Kaya shook her head as she looked up at him.
     "You won't be much help if you haven't gotten your own rest." She pointed out. Wyatt couldn't bring himself to argue with her. Something told him he wasn't going to win this argument. "Lay down." She instructed him casually. Wyatt looked from Kaya to her bed.
     "I can take the floor." He suggested.
     "And wake up with a sore back? Still won't be much help to the other werewolves then huh?" Kaya countered. Usually this would probably frustrate Wyatt, but with Kaya it was different. He just gave her a smirk before shrugging and climbing onto her bed. Kaya gathered a few of her things on the floor and set them on her desk.
     "Where are you sleeping?" Wyatt asked. Kaya thought for a moment before replying.
     "In my chair." She answered nonchalantly. It wasn't an uncomfortable chair, it just wasn't made for sleeping.
     "The chair? Are you sure?" Wyatt questioned. "I can take the floor." Kaya just looked at him.
     "I'll be fine. Go to sleep." Kaya told him before grabbing a blanket out of her closet and turning the light off. Wyatt let out a silent sigh before laying down. Kaya sat herself in her chair and wrapped her blanket around herself as she tried to get comfy. Wyatt just watched her from the bed, an amused smirk on his face.
     "Kaya." Wyatt spoke softly. Kaya looked up at him.
     "You know I won't be able to see knowing you got the chair while I got the bed, right?" Kaya quirked her eyebrow for a second before sighing.
     "Well you're not getting the floor or this chair." She told him.
     "We could share the bed." Wyatt suggested. Kaya looked at him, her face unreadable.
     "I'm good." She mumbled as she looked away.
     "Kaya, I promise I'll stay on my side of the bed." Wyatt tried to assure her, his amused smirk never leaving.
     "You can't promise that when you're going to be unconscious." Kaya pointed out.
     "Well then you know that if I end up snuggling, I'll be unconscious, not knowing I'm doing it, therefore it's not really me." He tried to explain. "And I give you permission to slap me awake if I get to cozy with you." Kaya just looked at him for a moment. Wyatt layed down on his back with his hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. "I'm still not going to sleep." He told her. Kaya let out a huge sigh before making her way over to the bed. She climbed on top of it and wrapped the blanket she had before around herself as she faced her back towards Wyatt, him doing the same.

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