Chapter 2: New Students

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Kaya decided to go for a run around the neighborhood the next morning. She felt better after some peace of mind. She returned back to the house shortly and was greeted by Addison who was eating her breakfast. "Good morning Kaya!" Addison greeted her. Kaya took her shoes off and placed them at the front door.
"Morning Ads." She greeted in return. She went to walk forward when she suddenly felt extremely weak. She grabbed the wall and started to lose her balance. She began sinking to the floor as she held her chest. She started coughing uncontrollably.
"Kaya?" Addison called worriedly. Addison jumped from her seat and ran to her friend. After a moment, the coughing stopped and Kaya started to take in a few deep breaths. "Kaya, are you okay?" Kaya looked at the floor for a moment before pulling out her necklace that hung around her neck under her hoodie. It was bright green. "That doesn't look good."
"No." Kaya agreed quietly. "No it doesn't." Kaya tried to forget about the little episode and got ready for school. She wore black jeans ripped at the knees, some black ankle-high leather boots, and a red short sleeve shirt. She tucked her necklace under her shirt and pulled her hair into a ponytail before grabbing her phone and leaving the house with Addison. Addison wore her cheerleader outfit for the presidential speeches beginning the school day. Once they arrived, they met up with Zed and talked for a bit before Addison took a moment to show Kaya around a little. At one point, Kaya stopped and looked around. Addison realized and stopped with her.
"What's wrong?" Addison asked with a concerned look. Kaya looked around with a serious but slightly confused look. She then shook her head slightly as she looked behind them.
"I don't know I just, feel something...." Addison gave her friend a thoughtful look. Kaya shook it off and hooked her arm in Addison's. "It's probably nothing. Come on, we have to go listen to Bucky talk all about how great he is...again." Addison let out a small giggle before walking to the auditorium with Kaya. Kaya sat in the row behind Bree and Addison since she wasn't a cheerleader. Bucky gave his speech and Kaya barely listened to a word he said. She never liked the guy. Her attention was caught as Zed came rolling down the seats. It actually caught everyone's attention. Zed stood up.
"Zombie strong!" He began. Kaya tried to hold back a laugh as Zed made his way to the center of the stage. "Hello everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president." He announced proudly. Kaya was slightly surprised by the turn of events but was relieved someone other than Bucky was running, especially if it was Zed.
     "Zed can't steal my spotlight!" Bucky complained to the principal. "What about the whole anti-monster thingy?" Kaya glared at the cheerleader as she stood up abruptly, as did Addison.
     "You're kidding me right?" Kaya spoke with annoyance, grabbing Bucky's attention.
     "Anyone can run for president, Bucky." Addison added as she glared at her cousin.
     "She actually has a point, Mr. Bucky." The principal told him slowly.
     "What?!" Bucky responded.
     "Ha!" Kaya said as she crossed her arms and smirked at Bucky. Kaya and Addison sat back down while the Aceys threw in a few insults about having a zombie as president. Zed started to make his speech but Kaya was distracted when she got that weird feeling again. She tried to shake it off but the feeling continued to linger. She focused on what Zed was saying, trying to just ignore the feeling.
"As your president, I will make Seabrook a place acceptable for zombies and-"
"Werewolves?!" Bree interrupted as she pointed at the back of the room. Kaya gave her a confused look before looking back to see heads peaking out of the windows of the doors. She wasn't alerted at the sight of them, but knew she couldn't be sure what kind werewolves they were until she learned more about their ways.
"Uh, no, why would we want," Zed stopped midsentence when he saw the werewolves in the back. "Werewolves!" He shouted. Everyone screamed and ran to the opposite side of the room, away from the werewolves that started running in.
"There she is!" Willa shouted as she gestured to Addison. Kaya ran in front of Addison instinctively. She was always protective of her friend, well now friends. Zed shouted at the football team and told them to get in position in front of Addison. Kaya still stayed in front of Addison and Addison kept a hold of Kaya's arm.
"Ads, stay behind me." Kaya instructed her calmly in a low voice. Addison nodded but kept her fearful eyes on the werewolves in front of them.
"Where's the Moonstone white-hair?" The alpha asked threateningly. Kaya looked from Addison to Willa. Did she just say Moonstone?
"Uh, I think you've got the wrong person." Addison replied nervously as she continued to stay behind Kaya.
"Our razor sharp claws will gut 'em and splattered their blood!" Wynter announced with as much menace as she could. The other werewolves stared at her while many people screamed in response. "Too much?" Wynter asked her alpha. Willa nodded slightly before looking back at the frightened people in front of her. The werewolves' necklaces started to glow bright blue and their eyes lit up to yellow.
"Wolves! On my command!" Willa shouted. The werewolves began to prepare themselves for a fight. Kaya never moved from her place in front of Addison. Addison's grip tightened on her friend's arm. Kaya put her hand on Addison's grip in reassurance as she continued to stare at the werewolves, specifically Willa. Surprisingly, she didn't feel threatened by them. They seemed more like they were just desperate. But she knew the chaos they could cause whether they were like her or not.
"Willa, we can't go to war with the whole town. We can't find the moonstone if their on high alert." Wyatt warned the alpha. Kaya looked at the werewolf as he spoke. He looked a little familiar. She instantly realized how attractive the wolf was, that's for sure. She didn't want to get too distracted by him so she looked away.
"I hate it when you're right." Willa responded. "Wolves, stand down." Everyone relaxed a little, but not too much. "We werewolves so admire your town and we just came here to...join your school." Willa explained with fake joy.
"Say what now?" Kaya asked among the many responses people were giving. She stood straighter at Willa's unexpected explanation.
"They can't join our school!" Bucky shouted.
"Technically, the forbidden forest is within the school district." Coach pointed out. Kaya gave the werewolves a suspicious look but her gaze didn't linger when she saw Wyatt scanning the crowd in front of him and his gaze was traveling towards her. Kaya quickly looked towards Willa when Wyatt's eyes scanned past her. Wyatt did a double take when he saw her. He remembered her from the day before with Zoey. He took notice of the protective stance Kaya had in front of Addison. He found himself admiring the girl's protective nature. In fact, the girl didn't seem frightened of the pack at all, making him more intrigued by her. And that feeling came back. He looked away, hoping it would help the feeling to cease.
"So, welcome to Seabrook!" Addison greeted them cheerfully as she stepped out from behind Kaya and held her pom-poms up.
"They can't do this!" Bucky continued to protest. "They're monsters-what if they try to maul me?!" Kaya rolled her eyes before turning towards the annoying cheerleader.
"Zip it or I'll maul you." She threatened. She felt everyone's eyes on her now, especially the werewolves, especially a particular werewolf. Wyatt's eyes widened at the girl's attitude, as if he was impressed. So much for going unnoticed. Kaya thought to herself. Kaya just glared at the now shocked Bucky before leaving the auditorium before anyone else. Wyatt's gaze followed her until she exited the room. Addison quickly left after her. "Hey, Kaya!" Addison called for her after they exited the auditorium. Kaya turned to her friend but she looked a bit distracted as she responded.
"Are you okay? I mean, you're wanting to find a pack, and boom, a pack shows up right here in town." Addison explains with a little excitement. Kaya just nods with the distracted look still plastered on her face.
"Mhm." Kaya responds while looking behind Addison at nothing in particular.
"Are you ok?" Addison asks again, concern replacing her excitement. Kaya finally looks at her friend as if she just woke up from a day dream.
"Yeah, yeah-no I'm fine. I'll be fine." Kaya tried to tell her. Addison nodded but wasn't completely convinced. "I gotta...head to my first class so..." Kaya tried to explain before walking away. Addison quickly understood that her friend just needed space but didn't want to hurt her feelings. Kaya stopped abruptly before looking at her wristwatch, thinking for a moment, then turning back and walking to Addison fast. Addison gave her a confused look as her friend approached her. "Actually, I think it's time we had some more help." Kaya confessed quietly and seriously. Addison gave her a mischievous smile and nodded. "I'll get Liz, you get Bree, meet in the gym." Addison gave a nod before the two split up and looked for their friends. Kaya turned a corner and saw Eliza down the hall with Zed. She walked faster when she spotted her zombie friend. She stopped abruptly when the pack of werewolves came through one of the doors into the hallway. She took a deep breath and kept walking but kept her head down. As she got closer she heard Willa talking to her pack.
"What is it with these freaks and pink and blue? Do they even realize there are other colors to pick from?" Kaya silently agreed with the werewolf but focused on getting past them at the moment. Wyatt had turned around and almost ran into Kaya but he stopped in time as Kaya continued past the pack without a word. Wyatt watched as the girl passed. Kaya quickly walked up to Eliza and grabbed her arm gently.
"Hey Zed, I'm just gonna steal Liz for a moment, okay? Okay." Kaya explained as she pulled Eliza away without a reply from Zed.
"What's up? I was helping Zed with his campaign." Eliza informed her as Kaya continued to lead her to the gym. Kaya checked her watch before replying.
"I have 15 minutes before our classes start and I need to talk to you and Bree." She explained seriously. Eliza could tell from her behavior this was important to her friend. Wyatt was still watching Kaya intently when he was snapped back to reality as his sister nudged him to follow her and the pack. Wyatt glanced at Kaya one more time before following his sister.
"What about Addison?" Eliza questioned, knowing Addison was this girl's best friend.
"She's bringing Bree." The two continued to the gym quicker and arrived to see Addison and Bree were already there.
"There you are." Addison greeted them.
"Okay, what's going on?" Eliza asked no one in particular. Kaya took a deep breath and shared a look with Addison.

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