Chapter 14: Unexpected Discovery

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          The group entered the room decorated with balloons and streamers everywhere. Eliza and Kaya stopped to take it all in as Zed kept walking past them until he spotted Addison across the room. The two made eye contact and Kaya looked from Zed to Addison. She then walked up to Zed and gave him a gentle nudge.
     "Go get her." She whispered with a small smirk. Zed have her a grateful smile before looking back up at Addison and making his way over to her. Kaya silently giggled, happy things seemed to be looking up. She then remembered not everything had been solved. She was still dying. The werewolves were still dying. She let out a sigh as she grazed her fingers over her moon necklace. She then turned and searched the room for the werewolves. She saw many scattered across the room but finally spotted Willa not too far away. She took a deep breath before approaching the werewolf. Willa was helping one of the werewolves sit down while she also handed them a drink. Kaya's face filled with sadness and slight panic.  Many of the werewolves were looking extremely pale and weak. Kaya cleared her throat quietly, earning Willa's attention. "I was hoping I could talk to you." She informed Willa politely. Willa glanced at the werewolf she had been tending before nodding to Kaya. Kaya walked further away from the crowds of people with Willa following behind her. Kaya turned to face the werewolf when they reached the edge of the room. "I'm sorry." Kaya somewhat blurted out quietly. "I've been hiding from my responsibilities out of fear of failure and disappointment and it hasn't done anyone any good. If anything, it's made some things worse. I was selfish. But I know now that being the Great Alpha is what I'm supposed to be-and I can't run from that. It's my responsibility as a werewolf to look over my pack. And I would love to fulfill that responsibility....if you'll have me." Willa listened intently to Kaya, her face expressionless the entire time. When Kaya finished, Willa stared a little longer until giving Kaya a small smile.
     "We would love to have you in our pack, and as our Alpha." She told Kaya. Kaya's face glowed with happiness and relief. Willa reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out the moon necklace meant for the Great Alpha. Kaya's eyes filled with anxiety and excitement as she stared at the necklace. Kaya looked back up at Willa.
     "You need to know that, I've never been a leader, of anything. And I've never really wanted that pressure because I'm terrified of messing up, of letting people down." Kaya admitted seriously. Willa put a hand on Kaya's shoulder.
     "We'll be with you every step of the way." She assured Kaya. Kaya gave her a relieved grin.
     "Good cause I'll need all the help I can get." Kaya sighed but her grin remained. Kaya took off her old moon necklace that she had worn for as long as she could remember. Willa then clipped the new necklace around Kaya's neck. Kaya's eyes glowed bright white as her fangs appeared and her ears grew points. She felt her claws lengthen and a satisfied growl escaped her. Willa gave her a satisfied smirk.
     "Welcome to the pack, Great Alpha," Willa addressed her.
     "Yeah, that's not stickin'." Kaya cringed. Willa let out a small chuckle before gesturing for Kaya to follow her back into the crowd. Kaya did, and found herself searching for a certain wolfboy. Turns out, he had been looking for her too. She was shocked when Wyatt popped up right in front of her and spoke to her rather quickly.
     "Kaya, I'm so sorry for making you uncomfortable or making you feel unsafe-I would never hurt you-never. And if anyone would try to hurt you, I would claw their face off. I think you're amazing, brave, funny, caring, and the most protective person I've ever met. You are the perfect Alpha and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, even yourself." Kaya gave him a huge smile, exposing her new fangs. "And you-" Wyatt finally stopped when he spotted her fangs. He then took in her full appearance and noticed her ears and claws as well. "When did?!...." Kaya let out a small laugh before answering.
     "I talked to Willa and....I decided who I really am." Wyatt smiled at Kaya when she told him. "I'm a werewolf. I'm the Alpha." She slightly laughed happily. "And I wouldn't want it any other way." There was a moment of silence between the two as the gazed at one another. Kaya's face slowly fell. "I also need to apologize to you for how I treated you.I shouldn't have yelled out you, you were only trying to help. I didn't mean what I said. I was just scared and flustered."
     "I know." Wyatt replied gently with a small smile.  
     "I do need you Wyatt. You've been so nice and supportive and you were there for me at a time when I needed someone the most. Thank you." She told him sincerely. Wyatt gave her smile and took her hand in his own.
     "Anything for you." He whispered. Kaya smiled happily at him before bowing her head to hide the blush that was creeping into her cheeks. "Would you like to dance?" Kaya looked back up at Wyatt at his question. She looked to center of the room and saw multiple couples slow dancing, including Zed and Addison. She smiled softly before turning her gaze back to Wyatt. Her eye was caught when she saw some of the weakening werewolves in the corner of the room.
     "I would love to but, I think it's time I helped with my pack." She replied kindly as she nodded toward the werewolves. Wyatt looked to his packmates and nodded in agreement. "How have you been feeling?" Kaya inquired as the two walked toward the werewolves. Wyatt shrugged.
     "Some days are worse than others." He mumbled. Kaya nodded in understanding. She opened her mouth to speak once again but was interrupted as the floor began to shake violently. She stumbled and fell into Wyatt. Wyatt held her up, an arm on her waist and the other across her shoulders. People screamed and ran out of the building while others looked around frantically, not sure what to do.
     "We have to get out of here!" Kaya shouted over the screams. Wyatt nodded before the two ran after Zed, Addison, and Eliza. Kaya spotted Willa and the other werewolves. "Willa!" She shouted. Willa turned to Kaya immediately. Kaya gestured for her to follow and Willa led the other werewolves in Kaya and Wyatt's direction. Kaya ran to catch up with Addison, Zed, and Eliza with the werewolves right behind her. They made it out into the hallway shortly but stopped abruptly when a huge crack appeared in the floor, splitting the hallway down the middle. They all stopped as a glowing light was seen from deep with the rip in the earth. Kaya edge closer, Wyatt staying close behind.
     "The energy from the moonstone must've created the fault line." Zed concluded. "If we follow this crack, it may lead us to the moonstone."
     "So it's only buried and not destroyed." Addison said excitedly as she bent over to look closer into the crack. The earth shook once again but Kaya kept her composure this time, her mind focused on the Moonstone.
     "We have to get to it." Wynter told Willa, desperation clear in her voice.
     "Come on!" Kaya ushered the werewolves to follow her into the crack. Wyatt immediately followed after her.
     "Quickly, while we still can." Willa added as she followed her brother inside. Kaya followed the glowing light until she finally emerged into a small underground room with a huge crystal in the middle: the Moonstone. The ground continued to shake slightly but no one cared anymore.
     "The Moonstone." Kaya breathed as she stared at stone in awe. "We found it!" She shouted down the tunnel to the remaining werewolves. They all gathered around the Moonstone and placed their necklaces against it. The necklaces all glowed from green back to blue. The werewolves' glowed yellow as they all growled with delight. The earth shook violently once more. "We have to get it out of here quick before the whole room collapses." Kaya urged them. Willa nodded in agreement.
     "Legend says that together, our pack can move the stone." Willa explained. "All of us, lift!" The werewolves all tried to lift the stone off the ground but did not succeed. It was too big and there were not enough of them to carry its weight.
    "It's too heavy." Wynter groaned.
     "We need more hands." Kaya told them as she stared at the stone in front of her.
     "Then maybe you need to expand your pack." The werewolves all turned to the sound of Addison's voice. The girl came into view from the tunnel, followed by Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, Bree, and even more people.
    "Ads." Kaya sighed in relief before quickly hugging her best friend. Addison hugged her back before they both turned to face the werewolves. "We came here to help. Come on, everyone!"
     "We got this!" Addison and Kaya encouraged them before they all lifted up the stone. As they finally got it off the ground, the earth violently shook. A huge slab of concrete fell and blocked the tunnel. The group dropped the stone back to the ground as they stared at the sealed exit with fear and panic.
     "The chamber's collapsed." Wyatt said. "We can't carry the moonstone through." He came to stand beside Kaya who glanced up at him before returning her worried gaze to the blocked exit.
     "Your Z-band, it's still broken." Eliza pointed out. "Zed, take it off. Lift the slab. Okay, Zed, you can do this."
      "I'm not ready." Zed countered. "What if I can't control it?"
     "Zed, you have to." Addison told him.
     "Zed please." Kaya spoke up. Fear was evident in her voice but it wasn't fear for herself. It was fear for her newfound pack. Zed scanned the faces of the group before removing his Z-band." Dark veins appeared on his arms as a growl escaped his lips. He shook his head and roared. Wynter looked rather excited as Zed turned full zombie.
     "Come on, you can do this." Eliza encouraged her friend. Zed turned around and lifted the concrete slab up, unblocking their exit. The group quickly lifted the stone and carried it through the tunnel. As the last person made it through, the concrete slab fell out of Zed's grasp and fell back into place. The group put the stone down and turned to look for Zed. Dust had filled the air and it was quite dark down there.
     "Zed!" Addison shouted. There was no response. The group stared anxiously until a small light shined in the dark. It was Zed's Z-band. He finally came into view out of the darkness and everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Zed! Are you okay?" Addison inquired as she gave him a hug.
     "Yeah." Zed assured her. They pulled away from the hug. "I'm me." Everyone cheered but the voices stilled when Wynter started to exclaim above everyone else.
     "We crushed it! We nailed it! We so rock! Yes!" Her face fell and she slowly turned to Willa whose eyebrows were raised. "Too much?" Willa expression immediately softened and she gave her packmate a smile.
     "Perfect." She assured Wynter. "We did it!"
     "Ya dang right we did!" Kaya exclaimed happily.
     "Say "brains."" Eliza instructed Zed and Addison as she raised her tablet to take a picture. Zed and Addison posed and smiled.
     "Brains!" They repeated.
     "We're getting our first zombie on the Prawn wall of fame." Eliza told them. Kaya smiled at Addison and Zed proudly before everyone let out a howl. Kaya just laughed, catching Wyatt's attention.
     "Aren't you gonna howl?" He asked with a smirk.
     "One step at a time wolfboy." She responded with her own smirk on her face.
     "I say we take it back up to the party and bust some moves!" Zed shouted to everyone. The group cheered and carried the stone all the way to the party.

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