Chapter 5: Old 'Friends'

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     Kaya woke up, feeling a sharp pain in her head. She winced slightly before slowly lifting her head. Her vision was blurry for the first few seconds. She blinked repeatedly until she could see clearer. She then realized that there were hushed voices somewhere nearby. She went to lift herself up with her hands but her hands were restrained. She moved her hands around and found out her hands were tied behind her back. She still used her elbow to sit up and look around. It was pretty dark wherever she was. She looked around and realized she was in a cave of some sort. As her mind cleared and the memories of what happened before she passed out came back, she started to panic. She pulled against her restraints on her wrists but it was no use. "Ah, you're up!" A male's voice greeted her from a dark corner of the cave. She jumped slightly at the voice and whipped her head in its direction. "It's been a while, but, you haven't changed much." The male came closer and switched on a lantern a few feet away from Kaya. Kaya's face changed from one of confusion and fear to one of shock as she took in the male's appearance. He was only a few years older than her, and Kaya knew exactly who he was.
     "Mark." She said in almost a whisper. Three more people entered the small circle of light the lantern provided.
     "Nice to see you too Kaya." Mark greeted her with a mischievous smirk. "I'm sure you remember your pals: Chad, Rick, and Mona." He gestured to the three others behind him.
     "What do you want?" Kaya asked in a low angered tone.
     "Geez, Kaya. Haven't seen us in 2 years and that's all you have to ask?" Mark responded calmly.
      "What, do you want?" Kaya emphasized.
     "We want you, Kaya." Mark answered as if it was obvious.
     "I'm not doing your dirty work-or, Richard's dirty work." Kaya replied immediately, her words full of confidence.
     "I wouldn't say no so quickly." Mark replied calmly as the three behind him smirked. "We have ways to persuade you, if needed." He continued as he pulled out a pocket knife and twirled it in his hand. Kaya glanced at the knife but her hard expression never changed.
     "Do whatever you want with me. My answer is still no." Kaya replied in the same tone as before. Mark walked closer to Kaya and knelt down in front of her.
     "What about that white-haired friend of yours?" Mark asked in a lower voice. Kaya's face fell slightly. "She's cute. Or the little zombie girl you walked through town with. Or maybe...the wolfboy you were just chatting with." Kaya face twisted into one of pure anger. She bent forward, right into Mark's face.
     "If you touch any of my friends, I will kill you." She threatened with a frighteningly strong but low tone. Mark just gave her a half smile before standing up.
     "Their safety is in your hands Kaya." He told her calmly as he walked back a little and faced her again. "All you have to do, is a favor." Kaya stayed silent. She didn't want anything to happen to her friends, but she didn't want to do anything for these people that used to tell her they were her friends. They had just been reeling her in to use her for what they wanted. Which always revolved around money. Kaya glanced to her left and saw the entrance to the cave. She had to get to the entrance somehow.
     "Who does Richard owe money to this time?" Kaya stalled.
     "Doesn't matter. What matters is what you decide." Mark replied, still calm. Kaya glanced at the lantern. It's not too far away. "So..." Kaya looked at Mark as he spoke. "What's it gonna be? Are you in, or, are we gonna be kidnappin' some cheerleaders?" Kaya stared at him for a moment, before suddenly rolling towards the lantern and kicking it on its side. The lantern shattered and the cave was pitch black. The people shouted numerous things while Kaya struggled to her feet and ran out the cave entrance. She had no clue where to go but knew she had to get away from those guys. Her panic increased when she realized the moon was high up in the sky. She ran from shadow to shadow of the trees, her hands still bound. If she were to be caught, she couldn't let them know she was a werewolf. Because she wasn't only a werewolf, but a rare werewolf. And rare means valuable. Her pace slowed as she tried to dodge the moonlight but the trees were pretty thick in the part of the woods she was in. She continued to run until she tripped on a tree root and fell, unable to catch herself. She groaned and tried to stand up. As she turned her body to the side she saw Mark approach her at a fast pace. An explosion was heard in the distance, but the sound was irrelevant to her current situation. She went to stand up but started to cough as her muscles gave out, her body becoming weak. Her necklace turned green underneath her shirt. She continued to cough as Mark reached her, the other three right behind him. He let out an exasperated sigh as he stared down at the girl. She finally stopped coughing and tried to catch her breath as she lied on her side on the rough ground. "You were always so stubborn." Mark stated, his voice still calm. He then landed a kick at her stomach. Kaya let out a loud groan as she curled up from the pain in her stomach. The four above just laughed. "Didn't like did ya?" Mark landed another kick in her side.

     "The explosion came from Seabrook Power." Zed explained as they looked down towards the town below.
     "They must be testing charges for the demolition tomorrow." Addison guessed.
     "Seabrook Power is the birthplace of zombies." Eliza informed the werewolves.
     "A little lime soda mixed with some mysterious energy, and bang!" Zed exclaimed, making Wynter jump. "Zombies." Wynter growled at Zed and he backed off slightly.
     "Nice story, but it doesn't concern us." Willa remarked.
     "But it does concern you, Willa." Addison replied. "Seabrook Power was fueled by a mysterious energy source. That could be your moonstone, right?" Addison concluded.
     "She found the moonstone." Wyatt responded happily. Then his expression and emotion changed. He felt like something was wrong. Really wrong. He slumped slightly and looked to the others. Willa's eyebrows furrowed as she stared forward blankly. Wynter's breathing quickened slightly. "Something's wrong." Wyatt stated somewhat urgently. Everyone turned to him.
     "What?" Zed asked.
     "I feel it too." Willa agreed darkly.
     "Yeah." Wynter breathed.
     "What is it?" Eliza asked. Wyatt's head shot up and looked to the left, through the forest.
     "That way." He told them before he ran off in that direction, Willa and Wynter right behind him. Addison, Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, and Bree started to follow as quickly as they could. Wyatt continued to lead as they all ran through the woods. He didn't know where he was going but knew he had to follow his gut.

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