Chapter 6: Monsters to the Rescue

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Kaya edged away from Mark slowly and shakily across the ground. She looked behind her and stopped when she realized she was about to enter under a shaft of moonlight. She looked back up at Mark before he grabbed her and yanked her up and slammed her against a tree. She let out a small yelp as the tree made contact with her back. Mark held her against the tree with one arm as he pulled out his knife with the other. "Oh Kaya, if only you had just, cooperated. This would've been a lot easier." Mark held up the knife to her jaw.
Wyatt crashed through some bushes and stopped when he saw Kaya being held up against a tree by Mark down a small slope before him. Kaya kneed Mark in between his legs and he hunched over. Kaya went to run but Mark grabbed her leg. Kaya shouted as she fell to the ground. Wyatt, filled with rage, charged down the slope.
Kaya kicked her leg away from Mark and tried to stand up but Mark launched himself on top of her. She groaned loudly at the impact as Mark tried to turn her on her back. He succeeded in doing so and Kaya tried to kick him off but it didn't work. "Get off me!" Kaya yelled. A loud growl was heard right before Wyatt came crashing into Mark, knocking him off of Kaya. Kaya sat up on her elbows to see Wyatt struggling with Mark. "Wyatt!" She shouted in worry. She looked up at the other three as they stared at the surprise attack on Mark. Then they started to go for Kaya but another growl was heard before Willa came bursting through the trees with Wynter and they blocked the three from getting to Kaya. Chad, Rick, and Mona started backing up as Willa and Wynter snarled at them and bared their teeth. Mark reached for his knife that lay on the ground a little above him as he struggled with Wyatt. He grasped the knife and swung it at Wyatt. Wyatt dodged the knife but it allowed Mark to get up. Mark ran up to his three companions as Wyatt chased him. All four of them screamed and ran up the slope but were knocked back down by Zed and Bonzo. The four were now sprawled on the ground and they looked at all of the monsters around them. Addison, Bree, and Eliza came crashing down the slope right after. Addison saw Kaya on the ground behind Willa and Wynter.
"Kaya!" She shouted as she ran up to her friend. Kaya let out a sigh as Addison, Bree, and Eliza ran towards her. Addison fell to her knees in front of Kaya. "Are you okay?" Kaya nodded.
"I will be." She replied, her voice slightly cracking from exhaustion. The three girls helped Kaya stand up and Eliza untied the rope restraining Kaya's arms. Kaya let out another sigh as circulation returned to her wrists and hands. She rubbed her wrists as Eliza asked her the question they all had in mind.
"What happened?" Kaya just looked to the four terrified people that were now surrounded by the three werewolves and two zombies. She approached the four silently as an utter calmness took over her expression. She stared down at them.
"Someone call Addison's dad." She said in a calm level tone.
"Got it." Bree replied as she pulled out her phone. She dialed a number and put the phone to her ear.
"You okay?" Wyatt asked Kaya. Kaya turned to the werewolf who now stood next to her and nodded to him with a small smile.
"Thanks." She told him in almost a whisper.
"It doesn't have to be this way." Mark said in a somewhat panicked tone, making Kaya turn her attention back to him.
"I'm afraid it does." Kaya responded calmly. "You're criminals who work for another criminal who sent you here to kidnap me and threaten me so that I'd do a job for you. I don't see any other way for this to be."
"Doesn't sound like this will be ending in your favor pal." Zed added with a smirk.
"You've got nothing." Mark argued as he ignored Zed's comment. "Your parents are dead, you lost your house-"
"I have more than you ever will." Kaya interrupted calmly. "I have real friends that care about me and will never take advantage of me. I have people in my life that I can trust. Something that criminal gangs tend to lack."
"The police are on their way." Bree informed them as she hung up the phone.
"We should meet them halfway." Kaya suggested. Everyone nodded before Zed grabbed Rick, Bonzo grabbed Chad and Mona, and Wyatt grabbed Mark harshly. Wyatt glared and growled at the guy, extremely scaring Mark. As they started to turn to leave, Kaya in the front, she stopped and turned to Wyatt and Mark behind her. She gave Mark a calm blank look. Mark looked back at her with an unsure gaze. Next thing he knew, her fist made contact with his jaw. He shouted in pain as Wyatt stared in shock and amusement. Kaya let out a sigh as she stared at the guy that was now in pain. "Next time you decide to threaten me or my friends, you'll get more than a busted jaw." She threatened/warned him. Kaya started to turn back around as Zed spoke up.
"Nice hit K's!" Kaya just shrugged with a small smirk.
"We should head back to the den." Willa informed everyone. She gestured for Wynter to follow her as she started to leave. "We'll see you at school tomorrow, Addison." Addison nodded to the werewolf as Wynter followed after Willa. The two vanished from view shortly and the others made their way back down to the town.
"Talk about a makeover." Kaya observed as she smirked at her best friend. Addison smiled proudly.
"Brought to you by werewolves." Addison informed her cheerfully as she gestured to her outfit.
"I love it." Kaya complimented.
"I have so much to tell you but first, I want you to tell me how you ended up out here with them." Addison told her. Bonzo agreed in zombie tongue. Kaya opened her mouth to explain but stopped walking when they came to fewer trees and moonlight shone on the path before her. Addison, Bree, and Eliza stopped with her and looked down to see what Kaya was staring at. They quickly put the pieces together. The three shared a panicked look as Kaya continued to stare at the moonlight on the ground in front of her. The guys realized they had stopped and turned, keeping a hold on the criminals.
"Everything okay?" Zed asked.
"Uh..." Addison tried to think of something to say.
"I dropped my phone." Eliza lied quickly. "We'll just retrace our steps and look for it-you guys go ahead." Wyatt realized Kaya was staring down at the ground. He furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding what she was doing.
"Oh, okay well, don't stay out too long." Zed responded nonchalantly. Kaya finally looked up at the guys and nodded with the other girls. Zed led the guys through the forest as the girls waved to them until they were out of sight. They all let out a sigh of relief.
"Okay how are we going to get you home without you getting touched by moonlight?" Addison asked.
"Uh..." Kaya tried to think of something.
"Here," Bree said as she pulled of her jacket. "Put my jacket over your head." Kaya did as she suggested.
"Okay, now let's head back to town a different way. That way we don't run into the guys." Eliza explained. They all nodded before heading right, Kaya keeping the jacket over her head.
"Maybe it's okay to put the jacket down now." Addison suggested. "No one's around to see you change."
"You forget werewolves live in these woods. And until I know what kind of werewolf I am, I definitely don't want them knowing. Plus, the changes could be permanent." Addison nodded in understanding.
"So you've never seen your 'werewolf side'?" Bree inquired curiously.
"No." Kaya answered truthfully. "I mean, I don't wanna break my last promise to my parents before they died and..again I don't know if the changes are permanent.....and I'm actually kind of scared of finding out what makes me different from regular werewolves."
"Well, just know that no matter what kind you are, we will love you all the same." Addison assured her. Kaya sent her a grateful smile.

Wyatt, Zed, and Bonzo continued to trek through the woods in awkward silence. After a few minutes, Zed spoke up. "Uh, I think, maybe, Bonzo and I can take it from here. That way you don't have to go all the way back to your den." Wyatt stopped and glanced from Mark to Zed, who now held out his hand. Wyatt nodded and handed the criminal to Zed.
"Thanks." Wyatt muttered awkwardly. Zed gave a short nod before gesturing for Bonzo to follow him as they continued their way to town. Wyatt let out a sigh before heading back to the den. After a few minutes of walking, Wyatt thought he heard voices up ahead. He furrowed his eyebrows and continued forward a little quicker.
"So they wanted you to help them?" Bree inquired.
"Yeah." Kaya answered.
"And they used to be your 'friends'?" Eliza questioned.
"They told me they were my friends but, they were only using me." Kaya explained before freezing in her tracks. She heard movement up ahead. "What is it?" Addison questioned.
"Shh, hide, hide!" Kaya whispered urgently as she ushered them behind a huge rock. She then stopped when she thought of something. Scent. She had put perfume on earlier that day, so she would probably smell stronger than the other girls. She pulled her scrunchy out of her hair and threw it away from them, praying it would work. She hid behind the rock with the other girls right before Wyatt came into view. Kaya peeked out at him. Without her even knowing it, she started admiring him. He was definitely attractive. His face, his dark brown eyes, his strong arms, his hair even...
Wyatt looked around the area. He started to smell perfume. Kaya's perfume. How the heck did he figure out it was hers? He felt himself relaxing at the scent for some odd reason. He followed it till he spotted a scrunchy lying on the ground. He picked it up and examined it. It had to be Kaya's. It was red and smelled like her. Kaya watched as the werewolf slightly rubbed the scrunchy between his fingers. Wyatt let a small grin cross his face before he stuck the scrunchy in his pocket and glanced around the area. He then continued back to the den. Once Wyatt was out of sight, Kaya slowly stood up, her gaze fixed on where he disappeared.
The girls were able to get back to town with no problems. Eliza, Zed, and Bonzo were close to getting in a bunch of trouble for being out past curfew but Kaya made a pretty good argument for them when she got back to the house. The group just told Addison's dad that Kaya had disappeared and they used the tracker on her phone to find her. When they found out she was in the woods, they knew something was up. Addison's dad decided to let it go this time.
After the tiring day Kaya had endured, she quickly got ready for bed and snuggled into her covers. She knew she was definitely going to feel all the bruising tomorrow and wasn't looking forward to it. But at least she was still in one piece. She was thankful that her friends showed up when they did. Kaya smiled to herself as she thought of how lucky she was to have such caring friends that would always be there for her. And with that thought, she fell into a deep sleep.

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