Author's Note + Information

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↠ Firstly, thank you for picking up this story and I really hope that you enjoy it! If you do find yourself liking it please vote and/or comment as any means of support means more to me than I can put into words and also helps to spread this story!

↠ This story is the sequel to 'Home' which follows the storyline of The Hobbit. You can probably read this book without reading the first one and I'd be happy to fill in any blanks for you (I understand that some people might not necessarily be interested in the first book), but I do heavily recommend reading the first one to fully understand everything!

↠ I doubt I will be putting any notes in the chapters themselves as I personally don't want to disturb the flow of the story itself in any way, which is why I'll be putting all notes here to keep it neat and in one place.

↠ This fan-fiction will be updated daily, I might update twice some days, but each day will definitely have one chapter posted!

↠ Elvish is extremely difficult. I've spent hours upon hours using various sources for translations when it comes to original dialogue in this language, I am not fluent in Elvish so unfortunately I cannot be 100% certain that the loose translations are correct but I've done my absolute best. If you are fluent in Elvish or know of any mistakes please let me know so that I can fix it and make the story even better by being completely accurate! And if not, please enjoy the pretty words.

↠ Capitalisation of races is also extremely difficult, so I opted for capitalising them each time unless it was an animal (except for the Eagles because they deserve the capitalisation). If I've missed one please let me know!

↠ I am following the plot of the films (extended editions) in this story, but it will include some references to the books as well.

↠ If you want to know if there is a romantic pairing or not in the story you're welcome to PM me and I'll answer, but for those that don't want any spoilers of any kind I'll keep it a secret.

↠ Chapters will vary in length. I cut them off where I felt it was best to do so and it doesn't follow a specific pattern of word count, though most of them lean towards the longer side of things!

↠ If I have made any mistakes in the lore, or spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, and so forth then please let me know! I'm always open to constructive criticism and even though I've proof read this multiple times some mistakes may still evade me.

↠ The cover art is not mine, I have no idea who did it. I only edited the original image and added the writing—if you know who the original artist please tell me so I can credit them.

↠ The LOTR trilogy belongs to JRR Tolkien and Peter Jackson, the only things that belong to me are my own original character and original scenes that I have included.

↠ Finally, thank you once again for picking up this story and a last reminder to please vote and/or comment if you find yourself enjoying it as all support is appreciated more than I can explain!

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