VIII. Rain

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The sky was dark and casting a shade of deep blue onto the refuge of Helm's Deep, darker clouds rolling in and threatening unwanted weather. Men and Elves stood on top of the wall looking out over the landscape and waiting with trepidation for their enemies to become visible. It was only a matter of time. King Théoden stood above them all, as safe as he could be while still able to watch the battle that was to take place.

In the distance lights began to pop up, bobbing up and down with the heavy footfalls of the Uruk-hai that were marching towards them. They had not been lied to about the numbers. The distant shrieking sounds of Orcs filled their fearful ears, the clanking of heavy boots against the earth filling their hearts with nothing but dread.

Athena stood beside Legolas atop one of the walls, one hand holding onto her bow with her eyes never leaving the army that came closer to their doorstep with each passing second.

"You could have picked a better spot!" Gimli loudly grumbled, too short to see over the wall that they stood on.

His comment caused the both of them to smile ever so slightly, the subtle humour more than welcome with their impending doom at hand. Aragorn walked over to them and Athena sent him a gentle smile which he returned.

"Well lad, whatever luck you live by let's hope it lasts the night," the Dwarf addressed him.

A sudden flash of lightning caused her to flinch from the surprise of it, relaxing when the thunder rolled in and caused the stone to tremble underneath her feet. She was not afraid of storms but her fear of Saruman's army that was closer than it was before had caused her to feel jumpy when the initial flash happened. She was on edge, as were many others.

"Your friends are with you, Aragorn," Legolas added on.

"Let's hope they last the night."

Gimli's comment was valid. Many people would die today, she just hoped that it would be nobody she knew. Aragorn walked away from the three of them and examined the rest of the soldiers that were situated on the wall. Athena's nose twitched when she felt something hit it, more droplets of rain coming down from the clouds above until it became a heavy downpour. The rain thundered against the stone of the keep in a mismatched harmony with the storm that roared around them. Within a matter of seconds everybody was drenched from head to toe, their hair sticking to their faces if they were not wearing helmets to protect themselves.

Without thinking she moved her free hand to the side and slipped it into Legolas', trying to find comfort with death coming to their door. Neither of them looked away from the army but when he felt her hand slide into his he slowly intertwined their fingers together. His presence eased her the smallest amount, allowing her tense muscles to relax ever so slightly and her presence had the same effect on him. She had faced many battles but she could never shake the fear from her when they occurred, knowing that at any moment she and her friends could lose their lives in the skirmish. But that was why she fought; because she was afraid.

"A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas! [Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none!]" Aragorn yelled to the fighters over the deafening sounds of the rain and thunder.

An Uruk that stood on top of a large slab of protruding rock raised his arm in the air and let out a mangled cry of order, the army stopping in their tracks in front of Helm's Deep, their shields poised in front of them and their spears raised in the air. They snarled, growled, and howled at their opponents, invoking more fear in those that stood against them.

"What's happening out there?" Gimli asked, jumping up and down to try and see over the wall.

"Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?"

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