Special Chapter

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"You want us to do what?" Dahye exclaimed, making the two males on the other side of the video call giggle.

Mark and Haechan had been gone for a while now, making their debut together in South Korea. They were coming back home for a small concert at their high school though, and wanted to include some acts from their best friends.

"Perform a duet." Donghyuck, or now Haechan, said a mischievious grin on his face.

"This is going to be broadcasted as well, so this is the best time to showcase your talents and get your name out there." Mark added.

"Um..." Jisung mumbled, not really sure how to put the thoughts on his mind into the proper words but it seemed like Dahye was thinking the same thing.

"I don't know if you two remember, but the last time Jisung and I worked on a duet, it turned out to be a huge disaster." Dahye reminded them, glancing at Jisung before adding, "one that involved a lot of yelling. And screaming."

"Okay, but you two have been dating for how long now?" Haechan said, tapping his chin before turning back to them. "I'm sure you two can overcome your differences."

"And if anything, just as Hoya for help." Mark said.

Before Dahye or Jisung could say anything else, they heard Mark and Haechan's manager calling them, signalling that they needed to go.

"We'll see you soon, shoot us a message if you need anything." Mark quickly said, hanging up before either of them can say bye.

"Geez, they're busy." Dahye said with a sigh. She noticed Jisung was quiet, quieter than usual so she gave him a poke. "You alright?"

Jisung flinched as he returned back to reality, giving his girlfriend a small smile. "Yeah, I'm good."

"You don't seem too good." Dahye said, taking his hand. "Don't lie to me."

Jisung couldn't help but chuckle as Dahye pouted, unable to resist how cute the girl was. He reached his free hand out, ruffling her hair.

"This duet kind of makes me nervous but Haechan has a point. It's been a while so hopefully, it'll go a lot better this time."

"Yeah, as long as we're honest with each other and willing to listen to each other, it should be fine." Dahye said as Jisung tugged her towards him, wrapping her in his arms.


Dahye felt uneasy as she warmed her body up in the dance studio, Jisung doing the same. It was their first duet rehearsal together, the two preparing for Haechan and Mark's concert.

"Do you want to just play music and improv to see what comes to mind?" Jisung suggested, moving towards the speakers.


Dahye winced as soon as Jisung's hip hop music began to play, not really feeling it. Jisung quickly realized this, changing the song.

The problem though was that every song in Jisung's phone seemed to be similar, all hard hitting rap songs. The male eventually gave up, letting out a deep sigh.

"Sorry, my bad." Jisung said, unplugging his phone. "You want to try?"

Dahye nodded, switching spots with Jisung. Unfortunately, the same thing seemed to happen, but instead of it being hip hop music, it was Dahye's ballet music. Dahye bit her lip, knowing that her music choices weren't any better for them.

"Why don't we just play the radio, that seems to be a good in between." Jisung said, moving towards her.

"I think that's the best idea." Dahye said, running her fingers through her hair.

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