Chapter 7

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"That was exhausting." Hyunjae said as he came out of the male changing room, meeting Dahye. She put her phone in her pocket.

"Yeah, partner work is no joke." Dahye said as the two of them made their way down the stairs. She was surprised to see Donghyuck waiting for her with one of his friends.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." Hyunjae said, waving before heading off. Dahye approached her brother.

"I thought you weren't going to drive me home today." Dahye said. Donghyuck turned to face her.

"I'm not, I'm going to Chenle's house." Donghyuck said, motioning to the boy beside him. He smiled at her.

"So this is your sister?" The boy asked. Donghyuck nodded his head. The boy turned to her and stuck out his hand. "Hi I'm Chenle."

"Dahye." Dahye said, shaking his hand.

"Yeah, I know. Ji-" Chenle was interrupted by a hand covering his mouth. Specifically Jisung's hand. Donghyuck rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, I can drop you off if you want." Donghyuck said, taking out his keys but Chenle must have gotten Jisung's hand off his mouth.

"Hyung, it's okay. Dahye can come over too." Chenle said with a wide smile. Donghuck gave him a look.

"Are you sure?" Donghyuck asked him. Chenle nodded.

"Oh, Dahye, this is Park Jisung." Chenle said, motioning to the boy beside him.

"Yah, we just had rehearsal together, it's fine." Jisung said, swatting his hand down. Chenle lightly punched his arm.

"Introduce yourself, idiot." Chenle said. Donghyuck shook his head.

"I'll wait for you fools in the car." Donghyuck said, walking away. Jisung scratched the back of his head.

"Uh, hi." Jisung said, looking at his feet. Dahye chuckled.

"You already know my name and I know yours, so let's just head to my brother's car." Dahye said, giving him a smile. Jisung nodded his head, and the three of them left the school.

"Shotgun!" Chenle called out but was surprised to see Mark already sitting in the passenger seat.

"What took you guys so long?" Mark asked before noticing that Dahye was there.

"Jisung and Dahye were rehearsing and then the idiot couldn't introduce himself." Chenle said as Dahye opened the trunk, throwing her bag in, Jisung and Chenle following.

"Dahye, sit in the middle." Donghyuck instructed.

"What, why me?" Dahye exclaimed.

"Jisung's too tall and Chenle's too fat." Donghyuck replied.

"Hey!" Jisung and Chenle said at the same time.

"Do you guys want to sit in the middle or not?" Donghyuck asked and the two boys quieted down, letting Dahye take the centre seat, squished between the two.

The car ride wasn't that bad. Chenle wasn't actually that big but Jisung had huge limbs, making his arms and legs rub against hers as the car moved over the bumps. Donghyuck, Chenle, and Mark were engaged in some conversation about their music class that Dahye couldn't bother listening to. Instead, she tapped her fingers against her uniform skirt to the beat of the music.

Dahye noticed eyes on her and looked over at Jisung, who quickly turned his head to the window. She noticed that his ears had turned red.

He really is shy around girls.

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