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Ashlyn POV

Stressed, I noticed Sunwoo eyeing my arm. Glancing down, I was startled to see blood. 

This wasn't there last time

"We should get you checked up!" Sunwoo said, noticing my glance. 

"O..Oh what about you? Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again.

"I'm fine you should worry about yourself."

"Oh by the way, I'm Kim Sunwoo." he introduced himself and held out his hand. 

Surprised by the way things were going, I held out my hand and shook it, lowkey relieved he introduced himself to me. 

"I'm Lee Ashlyn." I introduced. 

"Well...I guess I'll see you around." Sunwoo said, chucking a little and turning around to leave. 

"Wait!" I quickly gasped. 

He can't leave yet

He turned around and raised an eyebrow at my direction. 

"Could you drop me at the hospital...? I don't have a ride or know the way." I asked, a little awkwardly. 

"Of course! It's the least I could do." he replied and I swear I thought he looked a little relieved. 

Thankfully, Sunwoo took me to the hospital and although we had already introduced ourselves to each other, we were still able to talk a little. 

He decided to take me to my house, much to my relief and fear as I had no idea how to handle my father once arriving. 

As we walked to my home, I searched my mind, trying to remember what we had talked about on the way. 

Oh yeah!

"Sunwoo..." I said, trailing off. 

I looked at his direction as he shut his eyes and a pleased look came over his face.

"Yeah?" he asked, grinning as he opened his eyes again. 

"You broke my airpods!"

"The heck?! Dude I saved you life, who cares about the damn airpods?!" he gasped at once, offended.

"Me! You owe me airpods!" I replied before stomping off. 

I was familiar with this conversation, it's the exact same thing he said last time. 

Sunwoo quickly caught up to me and we continued to walk in silence until I reached my home.

"I live here" I said, sighing a little at the sight of my least favorite place in the world. 

Sunwoo didn't reply so I turned and looked at him. I nearly gasped out loud as he continued to write something on a small sticky note just as he did before. 

His tongue was sticking out in the corner of his pink lips as his eyebrows were scrunched in concentration. 

He looked so cute, just as I remember. 

Finally, he looked up and handed me the note.

"That's my number, text me when you're free" he said.

"Why?" I asked, relieved on the inside 

Kim Sunwoo was going to see me again. 

"I'll take you out and buy new airpods" he winked before turning around and walking off, hands stuck in his pockets.

"You also owe me ice-cream!" I yelled quickly, recalling how he bought me ice-cream on our first 'date'. 

"It's a date then!" he yelled back and I grinned, not bothering to hide my blush. 

As his figure disappeared, so did my smile and I turned around to look at my house. 

'Time to deal with him' I thought to myself, rolling my eyes and entering my so-called home. 

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