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Date: June 3nd, 1 day before supposed death

Sunwoo POV

Ash 😉

Wanna hang?

Sorry not today

How about tomorrow?

Yeah tomorrow is fine!

Okay see you soon


I smiled a little before sighing, disappointed I couldn't hang out with her but at the same time knowing I had no other choice. I mean, I spent so much time with Ashlyn, The Boyz thought I was ditching them.

I mean I was but-

I let out a groan before sighing again and getting off my couch, grabbing my car keys before heading out, ready to pick up Eric so that I could take him to the arcade.

That guy was such a kid sometimes.

Ashlyn POV

The conversation Sunwoo had typed was very familiar to me and I clearly remembered where I had seen it before.

It was the same day as today, just in the previous timeline.

Sunwoo was doing something, something that had led to us not hanging out today. I don't know what he did before or what he is doing now but I was worried.

It's not like he ever told me anything when we met again with him as a ghost.

So, with a loud sigh and a frustrated groan, I called a taxi and headed towards Sunwoo's house, not noticing Jacob and Kevin emerge from my best friend's apartment, blushes on their faces and hair messy.

Kevin POV

"Bye Jacob." I laughed and waved at the boy who refused to leave.

With a pout, he leaned forward and pecked my lips before leaving my house. Blushing and grinning widely at my boyfriend, I realised we had to tell the boyz about our relationship soon and headed back into my apartment, a little confused about what to do next.

I guess I'll just let time tell.

I wonder what Ashlyn's doing.

Pulling out my phone, I texted her but after a few minutes of no reply, I shrugged and gave up, deciding it was her life and she could do whatever she wanted.

Ashlyn POV

"Where could he be?" I muttered, biting my lip as I walked past the convenience store across Sunwoo's house, the same one where I had first found footage of Kevin leaving Sunwoo's house the day he had died.

I was worrying about this way too much, I know.

I had checked around my house, I scanned the roads as I arrived here in a taxi, and I looked over Sunwoo's house but he still wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Maybe I should just text him?

but upon seeing a specific contact on my phone, I froze.

Another message from him, my father.

I clicked on it and frowned when I saw the same two words in his message but this time added on with 2 more.

"Come home...or else."

I deleted the message.

I don't know why my dad was suddenly texting me but now, I was definitely more than scared.

I had cut off all communications with my father and it had been more than 2 years since I talked to him.

Why was he suddenly contacting me now?

I forced myself to ignore the strange text before opening the other one, sent from Kevin. I sighed in relief when I realised he was asking what I was doing.

This was good.

This meant I could cross Kevin off the list of 'what happened to Sunwoo?' since he clearly was free and had the time to text me.

Sighing for the millionth time today, I put away my phone after calling another taxi and when it arrived, I got on and headed towards home, deciding it was Sunwoo's life in the end and it was his choice wherever he was.

If it wasn't Kevin, then it was okay.

Suddenly, someone came running right in front of the car.

A loud thump sound hit the car and the vehicle stopped. I froze and watched as the panicked driver immediately ran out from his seat and gasped. Mind processing what had happened, I immediately got out of the car and ran towards the front, face turning horrified at the sight of the body.

Not just any body though.

It was Eric.

"ERIC?" I gasped, falling down and grabbing the boy's face.

Thankfully, he hadn't been hit really hard and was still awake, coughing a little and face showing he was in some pain.

"Why are you here? Are you okay? What happened? Why did you just run into the car-"

"ASHLYN one by one!" he yelled with a groan, interrupting my frantic questions.

I immediately shut up, deciding to be concerned later before asking my taxi driver to call an ambulance. He left to do so and I helped Eric sit up.

"First things first, are you okay?"

Eric didn't say anything for a bit but then he nodded a little, indicating he was good enough for now. Suddenly, his eyes widened as if he realised something and he grabbed my shoulders, causing me to flinch.

"Ashlyn! You have to get help! Your dad or something, he came!" my eyes widened upon his words, insides freezing.

"YOU HAVE TO GO!" Eric started yelling now, thrashing around widely in the process of telling me what happened.

I was still frozen hearing about my dad.

He had come, Eric had met him.

Suddenly, everything around me seemed to stop.

All I could hear was Eric's faint screaming and my vision blurred.

My father, the person I hated most in this world.

He was here.

Eric had met him.

"Eric. What did he do."

I didn't ask. I commanded it.

Eric gulped, quieting down so suddenly it didn't seem like he had been panicking or involved in an accident 2 seconds ago. My voice had scared him.

"He...He took him."

I looked at Eric straight in the eyes, wanting a proper answer. Eric gulped again before a small spark of fury crossed his eyes.

"Your father took Sunwoo."

and that was all it took for the fear to be replaced with anger.

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