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( A/N: The number of things I could say about Breaking Dawn- )

Ashlyn POV




"Because is not an answer."

"It is now."

"No, tell me why!"

"Because I said so!"

"I won't listen to you."

"I'll lock you outside."


"Sunwoo!" I snapped and the boy looked at me with wide doe eyes.

I bit my lip and looked away, guilty at once.

"Fine." I gave in and crossed my arms.

The black hair boy Sunwoo, jumped up from the sofa at once, cheering loudly as The Boyz around us started to wake up. 

"Chanhee, Ashlyn and I are leaving now byeeee!" Sunwoo yelled to the half asleep boy and grabbed my hand. 

I didn't budge, being half asleep myself.

"Sunwoo, we all just woke up." I whined, closing my eyes and resting my back against whoever was behind me. 

It turned out to be Hyunjae who gently patted my head and sleepily sighed. 

My breathing started to become slow as I felt myself falling asleep again but I jerked awake at once when I felt myself being lifted.

Startled, my hands grabbed onto Sunwoo's shoulders as he carried me bridal style towards the door. 

"WAIT!" I screamed, causing some members to sit up awake at once.


The boy paid no attention to me and kicked open the door before yelling "Goodbye!" and leaving the house.

A few people going on their morning walks, glanced at us weirdly, wondering why a boy was so romantically carrying a girl this early. 

I groaned and let my head hang back, deciding there was no point in arguing with Sunwoo who glanced towards me with a smile on his face. 

Suddenly Sunwoo stopped walking causing me to almost fall but he managed to tighten his grip on me and stand up straight again. 

"So um...I just remembered we didn't drive here." Sunwoo mutteed, chuckling awkwardly. 

I bit my lip to hold back a giggle and indicated for the boy to put me down. 

Finally listening to me, he gently placed both my feet on the ground and I straightened myself, brushing off my clothes. 

"Let's take the bus." I smiled and held out my hand for him without thinking. 

I felt suddenly nervous when he glanced at it curiously. 

Sunwoo and I were not dating, I guess it would have been weird for us to hold hands. 

This is so embarrassing

My hand retreated back to my side and I started walking again. 

but then I froze when I felt a warm grip around my hand.

I glanced to my side, surprised, but felt a small smile grow on my face at the sight of Sunwoo, not looking at me but clearly blushing. 

"How far is the bus stop?" Sunwoo asked casually as he pulled me along.

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