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his body in my arms




My hands, soaked in scarlet red blood, shook, clutching his body tighter.

"This isn't real."

"I didn't do this, It's not my fault he's dead." I cried, almost falling.

I held onto Sunwoo's body even tighter, pulling him closer to me as more blood seeped out of the thin fabric of his clothes and pooled around us in the white floor.

Sunwoo was dead....and it was really my fault.

But then the dream changed.


Big, angry, black waters crashing onto me, pulling me down over and over again.

Currents grabbed my ankles and yanked me downwards towards the depth of the great ocean. My lungs were going to burst any second and the lonely feeling of no friends and family had returned.

but I could hear faint screams of a beautiful, melodic voice, screaming above the wind.

Ashlyn, Ashlyn, Ashlyn

I struggled to swim upwards and break through the water but nothing, and I mean nothing, can keep me away from Kim Sunwoo.

and then I was standing alone, the warm bits of sand stuck between my toes as my eyes stared at the waters where I had been.

Sunwoo was there.



yelling my name.

"ASHLYN! SAVE ME!" he yelled, face washed by salty water.

I shouted at myself to move but my body wasn't in my control or command, I couldn't' move despite how badly I wanted to.

and so I watched.

I watched the dangerous, monstrous waves swallow the boy I loved and I watched as he was pulled under the ocean, dying as I once again couldn't do anything about it.

but soon the dream was changing again

The angry ocean waters changed into large, red and orange flames, erupting all around us as ashes filled the air.

Sunwoo's house lit up on fire, causing me to finally take control of my body and fall backwards, a step away from the burning area.

His screams...I could still hear them.

Ashlyn, Ashlyn, Ashlyn

"SUNWOO!" my voice managed to yell, wet tears freely flowing down my cheeks.

No, not again.


I heard a laugh beside me and turned my head, shock coursing through me at the sight of Kevin with an amused expression on his face.

"YOU DID THIS!" I yelled, pointing my finger towards the giggling boy.

Kevin glanced at me, eyes and whole face crazed. He grinned wickedly before turning to face me and walking straight towards me. Now, merely inches away from my face, he morphed, the house in front of us still burning, Sunwoo inside.

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