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Ashlyn POV

The next few months had gone by rather quickly and it was filled with nothing but relief and happiness.

Kevin and Jacob had eventually confessed to the group they were dating 2 weeks after Sunwoo had been kidnapped and then Sunwoo and I confessed that he had finally asked me out and we too, were now dating.

As for Kevin, the boy had never even left Jacob's side and thus he wasn't even waiting at Sunwoo's house on June 4th which only proved that Kevin really had changed and I didn't need to worry about him attempting to murder Sunwoo again. Jacob was alternative I hadn't considered and he had suddenly come forth in this new timeline I had created, which led to extremely drastic changes to life.

But, in the end, Kevin wasn't a killer and he was happy with Jacob, which made me happy.

As for Sunwoo and I...

"Why am I here?" I groaned, clutching the car seat tightly as I glanced at Sunwoo who chuckled.

"Because you love me and you will go where I take you." he cheekily replied.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and sitting back despite knowing it was true. Biting my inner cheek, I glanced out the window of Sunwoo's coffee colored car and watched the hills of green go by, listening to the gently humming from my boyfriend's voice.

Aah boyfriend.

How beautiful it felt to say that word. He was really mine now, we had really confessed our feelings now. We weren't two people constantly conflicting our feelings and shying away from confessing.

I can't believe it took almost 5 years-

"We're here." Sunwoo's voice softly muttered.

A little surprised, I sat up straight and looked around, trying to identity the place he had taken me 2 hours away from Seoul. When I realised I had no idea where we were, I got out of the car and followed Sunwoo towards wherever he was going as he turned off his car.

Soon, we were going through an alley between 2 mountains and when we had reached the other side, a gorgeous meadow filled with flowers was revealed. In the center of all the bright green grass, lay a simple gray picnic mat with a brown picnic basket resting on top, no doubt filled with delicious food.

"My lady." Sunwoo grinned, holding out his hand to me.

My eyes lit up and I smiled widely, taking his hand as he led me towards the picnic mat. We both sat down and Sunwoo opened the basket, the grin never leaving his face. I took the moment of silence to look around the meadow and when I caught sight of a lake nearby, an even wider smile, if that was possible, took over my face and I couldn't help but shoot Sunwoo a loving glance, thankful he had brought me to a place as beautiful as this.

"This place is amazing, thank you for bringing me here."

Sunwoo blushed and nodded to acknowledge my words, his eyes shining happiness.

"Here, have some food."

Sunwoo handed me a plate of mini sandwiches and I giggled, already knowing he hadn't been able to make something grand.

"I made it myself." Sunwoo claimed proudly as I took a bite into the sandwich.

Since it was just bread, cheese, ham, and tomatoes, it was simple although still tasing pretty good. I took another large bite and held up a thumbs up to Sunwoo before grabbing another sandwich and reaching forward to feed him. He opened his mouth, eyes shining, and gladly ate the food I gave. When he licked his lips and grabbed another one, I grinned, thankful he liked his own 'cooking'.

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