Chapter 5: Blade of Justice

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While I was helping around my villagers in my farm, I heard a loud explosion, and I don't know where it came from. Then one of the villagers alert me to come here, and then saw I a big smoke, right near the village.

I went closer to the smoke. As the smoke clears, I saw a sword.

I ask the weaponsmith about it, and it didn't came from them, but the cleric saw everything, the sword came from the sky, falling towards the ground. Based on his witness story, it could have been come from the outerspace, an I also think this is made out of Diamond, very deep blue. And it was very strong, and I called it, "Blade of Justice"

I hold the sword, and suddenly it gave me power. I let the librarians to analyze the enchantment, if they had one, and what the librarian saw is the enchantments go off charts from the normal standards.

They analyze it even more, and it has

Unbreaking infinity
Mending II
Sharpness 60
Knock back 11
Looting 20
Fire aspect VIII                                                    Smite 20                                                                   Bane of arthropods 20                                         Sweeping Edge 15

Librarians and weaponsmiths will undergo a huge research on the sword before I can use it and it will take days to finish it.

3 days later...

They are done researching it, and found some amazing discovery.

There are enchantments that are undiscovered and one of the librarian told me to be careful using it. After that, I did a training, well, I have a lot of experience thanks to weaponsmiths for teaching me on how to use a sword. They made a target practice, which I destroyed it easily because of sharpness enchantment. and then I try to shoot a stone pillar, and then i created a shockwave, so a new enchantment has been discovered. One of the librarian decided to give it a name, and I decided it to called it Shockwave, and it is probably a 5 tier power.  I kept training day and night, discovering more enchantments, unknown to the librarians. After a week, I completely mastered it. I am good at using a sword, and also here are the summary of enchantments unknown to the librarians:

Wither Aspect: Gives wither effect for a short amount of time 

Ice Aspect: Freezes the opponent

Shockwave: You know what it is

Enlightenment: A chance to shoot energy orbs to opponents

Poison Aspect: Gives Poison effect to the opponent 

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