Follow your heart

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Chapter 6.

It was the day after and Rachel couldn't stop thinking about the kiss she shared with Ross. She was lying in her bed with a huge smile placed on her lips. She was so happy. Just thinking about the kiss made thousands of butterflies dance around in her stomach.

Yesterday, after Ross and Rachel shared the amazing kiss, they stayed out on the balcony to talk meanwhile their friends headed inside to watch a movie. Well, that was what they were told. What both Ross and Rachel were unaware of was that they were under scrutiny by their friends. All of them knew that Rachel and Ross had feelings for each other. During the past week, Rachel had talked to both Monica and Phoebe about her feelings and her uncertainties, meanwhile, Ross had talked to Joey and Chandler. When Monica first found out about Rachel's feelings for Ross, she was thrilled. Nothing excited her more than the thought of her best friend dating her brother. Therefore, she was the most eager one, and whilst sneaking glances at the love birds on the balcony, she crossed her fingers, desperately wishing for a second kiss.

"They are lobsters" Phoebe had gushed, watching her two friends on the balcony. It is true. They are, indeed, lobsters. They belong together. Everyone could see it.

The conversation that they shared still lingered in Rachel's head. They talked about what their dreams were and what they wanted most in life. Rachel had told Ross that she wanted to work with fashion and how disappointed she was about her current work situation. Working at Central Perk was not what she had wished for. She had much bigger dreams. 

"Follow your heart" Ross had told Rachel. "Don't think too much, you'll think your whole life away. This is the first step, so don't stress about it. Just stop, close your eyes, and follow your heart. I guarantee you, it knows the way. I'm sure that you already know that this is the right thing to do, but you hesitate too much. You are blind to your abilities. I know you can do this, I believe in you. " Follow your heart. That was precisely what she was going to do. She closed her eyes, sighed heavily, and let her head sink into her pillow. She knew that he had meant to encourage her to trust her heart and believe that she one day was going to be successful. But she couldn't help but let her thoughts wander to her relationship with Ross. Follow your heart. Ross was everything she could ever ask for. She was amazed by his kindness and generosity. She knew that there was no evil in his soul. She loved how he open-hearted expressed his passion for the things he loved. Sure, they didn't share the same interests, but she admired how unaffected he seemed to be by other people's opinions. He knew what he wanted, and he followed and trusted his heart. 

There are millions of things in life that will catch your eye but only a few will catch your heart. Ross had defiantly captured Rachel's heart. Follow your heart. That was precisely what she was going to do.  


Rachel was having a date with Ross tonight. Well, it wasn't really a date, but she liked to believe it was. Ross was going to come over to her and Monica's apartment and watch a movie with her. Monica had to work late, so the apartment was theirs only to occupy for the night. The thought of being alone with Ross excited her. She longed for his presence more than she thought she would.  

'Gosh, get it together Rachel, you saw him yesterday', she thought to herself. But it was love. Every cell of the body searching for the presence of the soul that makes them feel complete. Ross made Rachel feel complete.

"Are you excited about tonight", an overly excited Monica asked Rachel, taking her back to reality. 

"Monica please, we are only going to watch a movie, nothing special" Rachel responded nonchalantly as she flashed her a smile, trying to convince both Monica and herself that there shouldn't be any expectations for tonight. But who was she kidding, she knew as much as Monica that it meant so much more. She knew how she wanted the night to turn out and begged to let the evening unfold as she wished.

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