His name is Ross

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Chapter 2.

A moment that felt like hours lasted only for a few seconds. The tension from their strong eye contact still lingered in the air making a feeling of panic mixed with embarrassment start to arise in Rachel's body as she realised what had happened a few seconds previously.
"What the hell am I supposed to do now? " Rachel thought. "Walk away, never look back and forget his gorgeous face? No, I can't do that! Maybe.... I should order myself a cup of coffee and see what happens -."

"HEY! Watch yourself!" Rachel's thoughts were interrupted when she felt the impact of a person making her lose her balance. After a few seconds of trying to redeem the control of her body, she looked up and faced the angry man screaming at her. Rachel froze, stunned about the situation she was currently in. She was standing in the middle of the crowded street with her mouth slightly opened, staring at the man screaming at her. "What is wrong with this person?", she thought. Unable to speak herself, she watched him ramble about how this was all her fault.  Rachel raised her eyebrows slightly. "This is hilarious", she thought while pushing her lips tightly together in an effort of trying not to laugh. "Merry Christmas, " Rachel finally said with a smirk on her face. In response, he puffed out air from his nose and angrily walked away, pushing his way through the crowd of people.

Rachel was watching the man disappear into the crowded street. When she could no longer see him, her eyes immediately wandered to the brown-haired man again. His back was again faced against her. A feeling of electricity spread through Rachel's body just like it did a few minutes ago. She smiled. She had never felt like this before and the feelings overtaking her body made her unsure of how to react, but she knew she could get used to them. "Well.... a cup of coffee wouldn't be so bad", Rachel whispered to herself making her way towards the entrance of Central Perk. Whilst pushing the doors open, she took a deep breath trying to ignore the five people by the orange couch watching her enter through the doors. Rachel quickly made her way towards the cash register. "Hi, I'll have the large mocha latte but with skim milk instead of regular milk please," she sweetly told the platinum blond-haired man standing behind the disk. A few seconds of him staring at her in awestruck made Rachel uncomfortable as an awkward silence began to build up. "Excuse me, I would like to order a mocha latte but with skim milk instead of regular milk, please", Rachel repeated clearing her throat. "I'm Gunther", the man by the disk stated without taking his eyes off her. "What is wrong people in New York?", Rachel thought to herself. She smiled awkwardly.
"Hi Gunther, can I please have a mocha latte with skimmed milk". A large smile grew on Gunther's face.
"Of course, it'll be ready in a few minutes", he answered. Rachel simply smiled in return.

Rachel turned away from the cash register only to realise that every seat inside the cafeteria was occupied. "Great, what do I do now?!", Rachel began to panic. She ran her hands through her hair and looked around the coffee house trying to ignore the five strangers watching her. Especially him watching her. But it was impossible. "Ugh, his eyes are killing me", Rachel thought while she felt how the temperature in her cheeks began to rise and her palms began to water. "Seriously! What is happening with me?!"
When Rachel woke up this morning she would have never imagined herself being in this situation feeling these unknown feelings. Her panic grew by every passing second. She bit her lip hard desperately wishing she could disappear.
"Your latte is ready", Gunther said, making Rachel quickly turn towards the cash register. He was staring at her with wide eyes while handing her the warm mocha latte. Again, Rachel simply smiled in return. With the mocha latte in her hand, her eyes wandered across the room finally spotting an empty chair by the window. Whilst walking towards the empty chair, she passed by the orange couch but she was stopped.

"Hey, how you doin?", the person that stopped Rachel said with a smirk. She was staring at the man in front of her confused, realizing it was one of the five people she longed to meet but at the same time was too afraid to talk to.
"If you need anything, you can always come to Joey. I live with my roommate Chandler but he's away a lot", he added with a wink.
"Joey! Stop hitting on her! You are making her uncomfortable!", the brown-haired girl said as she walked towards Rachel, pushing Joey away from her.
"OMG, what is happening?", Rachel thought, amazed by the confrontation.
"Don't mind Joey, he does that ALL. THE. TIME.", the brown-haired girl said with a friendly smile. "I'm Monica Geller, nice to meet you!"
"Hi, I'm Rachel Green!", Rachel answered with a shy smile secretly wishing her red cheeks weren't noticeable.
"What! What did I do wrong?", Joey muttered frustrated, walking back to the couch pouting, confused over why his flirting didn't succeed.  "Aaand how did that go for ya Joey?", the blond man asked sarcastically hitting his friends on the shoulder.
" I don't get it! It works every time!", Joey cried out overreacting.
"Try it yourself Chandler and see if you are any better, " the other girl with beautiful blond hair mumbled. "And Joey, stop being such a baby." she quickly added while standing up before making her way towards Monica. "Hi, I'm Phoebe", she said and shook Rachels's hand. "Oh, this is interesting. I can't read your aura, " Phoebe said as she lifted her hands and moved her arms up and down in swinging motions around Rachel's body. Rachel looked at her confused.
"This is my best friend Phoebe, she is.... well, she is Phoebe, " Monica said with a chuckle as she grabbed Rachel by the arm, moving her towards the couch. "This is Joey and Chandler," she said and pointed at the two smiling men sitting on the couch.

"And this is my brother Ross."

Rachel's heart stopped. Ross. His name is Ross.

*Authors note*
okay, so this is the second chapter! I hope you like it!
The next chapter will include more Ross and Rachel interaction, I promise😉

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