Two souls

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Chapter 9.

Ross and Rachel were strolling through Central Park, holding hands and laughing. It was a beautiful, starry night and the happy couple was making their way home to Ross's apartment.

"I can't believe you did that" Rachel giggled and squeezed Ross's hand.

"It's true, it's true.... I'll let you watch the tape later. I think Monica has it" Ross let out a small chuckle, thinking back at the childhood memory he had just shared with Rachel. He had just told her about how he used to dress up as a woman when he was younger.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." Rachel smiled. "And I would love to hear that little song of yours" she teased. Ross laughed embarrassed and looked down. Suddenly, Rachel felt this urge to kiss him so
she stopped walking and pulled Ross towards her. Her eyes were fixated on his lips and she slowly started to lean in.

"Ross!" A voice called out from the distance, causing both them both to jerk back from each other. They looked around, trying to figure out who the voice belonged to.

"Ross, it that you?" The voice belonged to a beautiful woman, around the same age as Ross.

Suddenly, Rachel felt insecure as she noticed how Ross's eyes lighted up at the sight of the person walking towards them. He left Rachel's side and she immediately longed for his touch. She watched him embrace the woman in a tight hug before planting a kiss her cheek.

Rachel felt how every muscle in her body started to tighten and she slowly crossed her arms over her chest as she felt how an uncomfortable feeling started to grow in her stomach. She felt small.

'Do Ross's eyes light up the same way when he is with me?' she wondered whiles watching her overjoyed boyfriend. Rachel was desperate to know who the woman was. 
She eyed her up and down, not sure about what she should do.

Ross looked back at Rachel and noticed how she still was standing at the spot where he had felt her. And there was something different about her. He noticed the faint frown on her face and how she hugged herself. What he saw worried him. She had been so happy just a few minutes ago...

"Rach, are you alright?" Ross asked concerned and walked towards Rachel.

"Um, yeah. I'm okay" she answered with a smile, trying to convince both Ross and herself that she was okay. "Who is this," she asked and looked into Ross's eyes trying to find any answers.
The tone of Rachel's voice and the look on her face convinced Ross that it was something bothering her, but he decided to let go for the moment and ask her about it later.

"Rachel, this is my cousin Cassie" Ross explained.

'Oooh.. she's his cousin...' Rachel through and mentally scolded herself. She was embarrassed. She felt stupid and couldn't understand why she reacted the way she did. Oh, wait, that's a lie. She knew exactly why she had reacted the way she did. She was in love with Ross and afraid that he might leave her for another woman.

"Hi, Cassie," Rachel said and flashed a smile.

Rachel ran her hands through her hair and looked down at her shoes. She felt Ross's strong gaze on her and she knew he was trying to figure her out.

"Oh, I better get going. Ross, it was so nice to see you again, I've missed you" Cassie said and hugged him. "And Rachel, it was lovely to meet you. You are very beautiful and Ross should count himself lucky to have a girl like you" She told Rachel with a smile. Now, Rachel felt even more stupid. "Thank you so much, Cassie. The pleasure is mine" She answered with a smile. "And Ross, please say hi to Monica from me"

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