Cookies and families

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Chapter 11.

Rachel has been craving cookies all week long and today was the day she finally would be able to enjoy the homemade, small, beautiful pieces of heaven. Well, first she needed to succeed in the task of convincing her best friend to let her do it.

"Rachel, you can't even cook nodules, how the hell are you going to be able to bake cookies without burning my kitchen down?" Monica shouted, panicking about the fact that she wouldn't be at home and not in control of the situation.

"Wha- it's my kitchen too!" Rachel answered defensively "and Ross is going to help me!  We'll be fine, I promise" she hooked her arm with Ross's and smiled at her best friend.

"Rachel, I don't know."

"Mon, I'm a Geller too! I know how to cook, it's in our blood" Ross reassured his sister and smiled confidentiality.

"Come on Mon, think about it this way. When we are done you can throw yourself a little cleaning-party. You'll be in charge and we'll do whatever you want us to do"

"I guess you're right...." Monica said defeatedly "BUT, I'll do the cleaning part myself" she pointed her finger at them and narrowed her eyes. "And if I come home and the kitchen is destroyed, you'll be in real trouble" Monica walked towards the door and grabbed her jacked.
Ross and Rachel laughed, both equally happy about not having to clean up the mess they probably would create.
"And Ross, just so you know. Your cooking skills will NEVER be as good as mine" Monica said and smirked before slamming the door shut.

"Dam it," Ross muttered under his breath and ran towards the door and opened it. "Monica, my cooking skills are amazing and you know it!" He shouted after his little sister who was already making her way down the stairs.
"I'm not so sure about that, loser" a faint voice was heard from downstairs.
Rachel could only laugh. The way Monica and Ross were able to get on each other's nerves and how they still fought like they were teenagers was hilarious, she thought. But despite their constant teasing, arguments, and playful fights, Monica and Ross's love for each other was beyond words. They always had each other's back no matter what. Rachel loved and admired the close bond they shared and it made her wish she had the same type of relationship with her sisters.

The Green sisters constantly fought over the most stupidest things which tired Rachel out over the years. It was exhausting for her to even think about it now. But they were still sisters, and seeing Monica and Ross together made her miss something she has never had.

The Green sisters never shared a strong bond. It was a shallow and according to her sisters, an unimportant relationship to work on. Rachel has always felt like she didn't belong with them. Her sisters were self-centered and selfish.  People's opinions and feelings didn't mean a thing to them, it didn't exist in their world.

Sure, Rachel herself was raised under the same conditions as her sisters, but unlike them, she has succeeded to keep herself grounded. When Rachel was younger, she always used to watch the stars late at night. When she looked at the infinity, she realized that there are more important things than what her parents made her believe. Money and status are not important, it's not the key to happiness. It never has been and it never will be. Rachel is living proof of that. She was spoiled, she was her father's little princess. Since the day she was born, she's been drowning in an unlimited amount of money. But money can only buy material things in life, it can't by love, trust, or happiness.

The stars also reminded Rachel to value other people's beauty and flaws. But most importantly, it reminded her to value her true self. At the end of the day, she was just like anybody else. A human being with thoughts and feelings and deep down in her heart, she has always known what was important to her.
Those late nights gave her hope. It made her believe that everything would turn out to be okay in the end.

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