I think I'm falling in love with you

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Chapter 7.

Rachel woke up tangled in Ross's body. Her head was resting on his chest and her arms were wrapped around his core. Ross was still soundly sleeping. His arms embraced her in a tight yet gentle hold and one of his legs was resting on her side. Rachel could feel him softly breathing in her face. She tightened her grip around his waist, buried her face in the crook of his neck, and sighed deeply. She had never felt more peaceful and loved. 

It was quiet in Rachel's bedroom, the only sound that lingered was the soft breathing of Rachel and Ross. Big, fluffy snowflakes were dancing their way down from the sky outside Rachel's bedroom window.
Rachel turned her head and looked outside. I little bird was resting on the window gable, gently pecking on the window with its beak. Rachel smiled as she watched the bird sing its beautiful melody and effortlessly take off, letting its wings carry it through the air.
She returned her attention to Ross's face. He was still sleeping. His hair was messy and soft snores were escaping from his mouth. Rachel giggled as she gently ran her hand through his thick, dark hair. She let her hand travel down his face, carefully brushing his cheek with her thumb. She kissed the tip of his nose and then let her lips gently rest on his.

"What are you doing to me?" Rachel whispered centimeters apart from his lips. She couldn't understand how Ross could make her feel all these things. She ran her thumb over his lips. "I think I'm falling in love with you" she gently kissed his lips again.

"Hey you," Ross's eyelids flickered open and Rachel found herself drowning in his big brown eyes that she so dearly loved.

"Hey you," Ross tightened his embrace, pulling Rachel closer to his bare chest as he closed his eyes again. Nothing felt more right than holding Rachel in his arms.  "This is nice, waking up with you by my side" Normally Rachel wouldn't let things go this far, waking up with a man in her bed after such a short time knowing the person. But this was Ross and everything felt unbelievably safe and comfortable with him. Ross felt like home to her.
"Yeah, I could get used to this" she whispered back and pulled herself on top of him. Seconds later they found themselves interlocked in a passionate kiss.

"Yuck, morning breath" Ross wrinkled his nose and gently pushed Rachel's face away from him.

"Oh shut up", she playfully ruffled his hair, flashing a shy smile. Ross gently grabbed her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"I was thinking that we maybe could go ice skating today," Ross suggested, stroking her cheek. "What do you say?"

"Ross, I've never done that before," Rachel looked down " I'm sure it would be fun but I don't want to make a fool out of myself". Suddenly she felt embarrassed. She didn't want Ross to think any less of her.

"Oh sweetie, I'll teach you" Ross kissed her gently on the cheek. "I promise, you are going to love it " 


"Ross! I hate you!" Rachel shrieked when she felt how she slowly was losing control of her body. She looked like Bambi sliding across on ice as she struggled to keep her balance, waving wildly with her arms.
Ross laughed at the sight of her and took a firm grip around her waist. Watching Rachel looking so adorably ridiculous, Ross realized how much he loved and adored her. He couldn't help but grin at the nervous woman in his arms.
"Struggling a little, are we?" he teased, smiling down at her playfully.
"Oh shut up you dork, " Rachel laughed embarrassed, trying to catch her breath as she struggled to control her feet.
"I grew up in California, it is not my fault I've never been ice skating before - ow" She tightened her grip around his arm when she suddenly felt how her feet disappeared from underneath her. "Please don't leave me. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure that I'll end up in a hospital" Rachel chuckled at herself.

"Hey, I'll help you. I won't leave your side, I promise" Ross reassured her as he felt how her body was slightly trembling. 'I hope you'll never leave my side,' Rachel thought as she flashed Ross a sweet and innocent smile.

Ross and Rachel were ice skating in Central Park. It was a beautiful, cold winter day and the ice rink was crowded with families, friend groups, and couples enjoying their day. A mixture of laughter and cries was heard from all over the rink.

"There you go" he slowly started to slide across the ice. "See, it's not that hard" Ross held a tight grip around Rachel's waist, pushing her in front of him.

"Ross, you told me this was going to be easy," Rachel complained whilst struggling to keep her balance. "I'm telling you, mister, this.. is not easy" Ross laughed. "Rach relax, I'm not letting you hurt yourself, honey.

"We'll see about that" she mumbled to herself. Ross couldn't help but laugh at Rachel.

"And what are you laughing about?" Rachel asked annoyed but she couldn't hide the shy smile that was planted on her lips.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you are so adorable, I can't help it," Ross said, still laughing.

"Ugh, you know what? I can do this on my own! I don't need your help!" Rachel's stubbornness was starting to kick in and she freed herself from Ross's embrace. Even though she knew that she would fall without his support, she still wanted to prove to both Ross and herself that she didn't need help.

"Okay, whatever you say," Ross answered as he watched his girlfriend with a shy smile. Ross was never going to let Rachel hurt herself and he knew that she would call for him in a matter of a few seconds, but he decided to play with her a little. Slowly, he started to increase the space between them, leaving her alone in the middle of the crowded rink.

"Wait, Ross! I need you!" Ross could hear Rachel's voice desperately yet sweetly calling for him.

Ross smiled and wrapped his arms around Rachel's waist and gently kissed her on the tip of the nose. "You know, I will always be by your side Rachel, no matter what. I will always help you when you need me to." Ross tucked some of Rachel's hair behind her ear and looked into her eyes. "And I just don't mean today. I'll be by your side forever if you let me"  Rachel felt how her eyes began to sting as an overwhelming feeling of joy fulfilled her. She couldn't believe how unbelievably lucky she was. That she, out of all people on the planet, was fortunate enough to call Ross her boyfriend. Ross was her man, and hers only.

"Oh, Ross" Rachel wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. "Thank you so much." She whispered as she felt how Ross ran his hands over her back and nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck, burying his face in her hair. Ross planted a soft kiss on Rachel's naked skin and his hot breath made shills run down her spine. She shivered. She loved the feeling of Ross's arms around her, protecting her from the world.

"Ow!" Suddenly, Rachel felt how the world was circling around her. The faint control she previously had over her feet, disappeared completely as she prepared herself for the impact of the hard and cold ice. But it never hit her. Instead, she felt the impact of a soft and familiar body. Rachel opened her eyes and found herself locking eyes with Ross's. She was lying on top of him in the middle of the ice rink. She started to laugh hysterically.

"I told you I would never let you get hurt," Ross stated whilst chuckling as he admired the angelic face of his girlfriend. Her laughter sounded like music to his ears. He grabbed her face and gently stroke his thumbs over her pink, cold cheeks. Rachel leaned into his touch as her laughter died out. They gazed into each other's eyes, no words needed to be spoken. They both knew what the other was thinking. Ross smiled and pulled Rachel's face closer and placed his lips on hers. The heat that was spreading through their bodies could easily melt the ice underneath them. It was a tender and sweet kiss. The kind of kiss that makes your heart flutter. Rachel could feel Ross smiling against her lips which made her break into a smile too.

"Rachel, I think I'm falling in love with you too," Ross whispered as their lips parted and he rested his forehead against hers.


"Authors note"

I'm soooo sorry it took me so long to update this chapter! But here it finally is, I hope you enjoy it!❤️

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