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it was a lonely day again today for katsuki. everyone is probably doing something more productive. going out, work, something? all katsuki did was lay in bed and either sleep,bathroom or phone. he didn't bother to eat either. but it's now night time. his stomach is grumbling, begging him to shove something into his throat.

he took the nearest shirt and put it on. eh, who cares if it smells bad plus it's like 3 in the morning right now. he grabbed his phone and keys before putting on his slippers and walk to the nyanki store. the bell on top of the door rang to signal someone came in.

"welcome to the store," said a voice. he just hummed and walk straight to the instant noodle section. he look around for his favourite spicy flavoured one but got frustrated with how messy the noodles are. what's more frustrating is that he couldn't find the one he wanted.

"hey! is there any cashier there?! i need help here!" he said and soon a guy with a weird choice of clothes came up. "uh im here. what do you need help with?" katsuki just shrugged it off and look at the person. "why is it so messy? did you not re-stack it? anyway, where is the ------ instant noodle?" the cashier crouched and grab a cup from the last row.

they stood up and hand it to katsuki. "im sorry for the mess. i'll make sure to clean it as soon as possible but i was taking a break that's why it's kind of messy" katsuki just nodded. the cashier have their hood over their head so he couldn't really see what their hair looked like. "do you need anything else? i can help you find it while im here" katsuki just shook his head and they both went to the counter.

the cashier take down their hood to reveal their perfectly split two toned hair. "your hair is cool" katsuki said and the cashier just nod. "what's your name?" the cashier put the cup in a paper bag. he point at his name tag. katsuki mentally facepalm. 'of course he-' "wait uh what's your pronouns?" katsuki asked just to be safe. "they/he but i prefer they and thank you for asking. what's yours?" shoto asked with a little smile.

"oh cool,i use he/him" then there's silence filling up. "uh that will be 3.40" shoto said after a minute of staring at each other. katsuki snapped out of it and pay. "i'll get going then? goodnight shoto" he waved and get out. "goodnight,blonde dude" shoto said, to be fair, bakugou is blonde and shoto didn't ask for his name.

cashier | bakutodoWhere stories live. Discover now