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A;N IM BAVK BITCHES. all i wanna say is,,, pain ?

third pov.

todoroki is walking around the town to get some fresh air while bakugou went out with his friends. they felt a pair of eyes staring at them but they just ignore it. "probably just illusion." it was not. they have been seeing the same guy with black hoodie everywhere they went. "just a coincidence."  they had a bad feeling since they left the condo's area. 

suddenly someone touched they shoulder. "GARGHHHHH?!" they screamed and quickly turn to look. "midoriya?!!" he shouted and quickly apologize to people around. "woah,,easy there, are you okay todoroki? you seemed,,nervous. almost,,,too nervous." he asked. "ahaha. its nothing midoriya. just stupid feeling. what are you doing here anyway?" they asked. midoriya put his arm on todoroki's shoulder. " oh nothing just taking fresh air,, im still sad about them dying." he said as tears form in his eyes. "awh midoriya don't worry, they will get what they deserve for killing our friends!" todoroki said and hugged him. 

"thanks todoroki. how's bakugou?" he asked. todoroki's face went red. "u-uh why don't you ask him yourself?" they said and midoriya gave a smirk. "a little birdie told me you two are dating." "hey no fair you have a spy!" todoroki said and slapped his arm playfully. "h-he's fine,, im worried about him sometimes. but so far he's good." "ah i see, i have to go though,ill see you soon todoroki." he said as he walk away. he wave and todoroki waved back. then they separated ways. 

"you make me feel like mmmh~" 

todoroki quickly got out his phone and answer. "h-hello" "hey are you okay? im not coming home today, im staying at kiri's tonight. we're having bakusquad sleepover as they call it. is that alright?" bakugou said from the other line.

"yep it's cool. have fun bub. i l-love you or whatever" they replied only the last part was more of a whisper.

"what's that? i can't hear you" 

"i-i love you asshole!"

"i love you too sunshine~ i love you so much. (kiri: i love you blah blh blah so much i love you darlingggg~ bakugou: SHUT UP SPIKY HAIR OR IM KILLING YOU TONIGHT) please be careful. you should stay at deku's place for tonight. that kid may be a fucking nerd but at least i can trust him."

"im afraid to ask him lol"

"did you just lol in real life?"

",,,,you didnt hear anything you got that lil shit?"

"cute. anyway i already told him. he's okay with it."

"okay then. can you stay on the phone until i reach there?"

"sure sweetheart."

then they both talked until todoroki reached midoriya's house. "bye byee bakuhoe!" they said and giggled. "yeah,yeah,i love you dumbass. bye," he hung up and midoriya open the door. "hey todoroki. come in." he smiled. todoroki felt the uneasy feeling they had earlier. their body shivered non stop. "hey midoriya." they smiled back and step their foot inside. 

suddenly he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head. he touched it and look at his hand. "blood?" then he passed out. "hahahaha you're so easy to trap todoroki." the man just laughed as he dragged todoroki's body into another room.

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