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todoroki wake up after they heard glass broke. they shot up and look around. then they saw bakugou picking up pieces of glass off of the floor. bakugou noticed a pair of eyes looking at him. "oh did i wake you up?" he asked and went to the trashbin to throw it away. "are you ok? what happened?" todoroki asked and bakugou nodded.

"just heard news about my neighbour died. did you not hear the police car?" bakugou said trying to not feel guilt. 'probably my upstairs neighbor. i shouldve suspect something the moment i heard the scream. why didn't i call the police yesterday? how could i just assume it was a fight. yeah it's a fight between life and death-' then he felt a hand on his cheek.

"h-hey are you okay? you look like you're about to burst" as soon as they said that, bakugou cried. todoroki bring him closer to them and let bakugou's head lay on their shoulder and hug him. "shh it's okay, we're safe aren't we? we're still breathing. we still see each other. don't cry" they said while swaying both of their body side to side.

"no you don't understand, i could've call the police yesterday when i heard the scream. i could've save that person. if i was not so much of a coward to do that" bakugou said and wrapped his arms around todoroki's waist. "hey you didn't know it's about to turn into a murder event. you can't confirm that it's going to be. it's not your fault. you didn't know" todoroki said and kissed his forehead.

bakugou slowly calm down and now both of them are cuddling on the couch. they didn't even leave the house that day.

-8 PM-

bakugou decided to watch the news. todoroki just stay quiet in his arms.


"we just got a report of a murder at --------. it was a young lady named tsuyu asui. she was found with her clothes torn and a lot of stab wounds. there was also a 'mark'. it was shaped like the letter D with the blood. it's also been found near other murder cases from before. it seems like it's a signature by the killer. police are trying to find out who's the killer. if you ever heard anything strange like screams,sounds of something crying for help,immediately call the police and run to another location with a lot of people."


as soon as he noticed a trembling body next to him,he turn it off and look at todoroki. "hey are you okay? why are you- oh...sunshine," he look at the tears that fell on his shirt. he put their head on his chest and hugged them. "hey, why are you crying?" he asked and todoroki looked up at him. they tried to speak but each time they tried, their tears just keep coming. bakugou sighed softly and let his fingers ran through their hair.

after awhile todoroki fell asleep in his arms. bakugou chuckled and listen to some songs. [a/n; i ran out of idea in this situation lol]


they both woke up from a drilling sound. 'geez so fucking loud' bakugou thought and look at todoroki. "are you okay now?" he asked. todoroki snuggle back into his chest and shook his head. "what's wrong?" he asked. "friend" was all the other reply with and somehow bakugou understood. tsuyu asui was their friend.

tsuyu asui was a unique person. todoroki liked her being around them. they're not that close to her but they definitely care about them. plus it must be scary to be killed like that. how could this 'D' person walk around knowing they killed innocent lives. how could they eat after seeing those blood. after screams. after the begging to let them live. how could they even not feel guilty. that's what todoroki thought.

'how fucked up can someone be to do this? do they find this fun? enjoyable? is this a revenge?' they thought. to say that he is afraid to go out now is an understatement. he is terrified. good thing the store decided to close due to the serial killing going around. but what about college? what about midoriya,ochaco,tenya and hagakure? are they safe? "hey my friends wanted to meet up, are you okay being alone?" bakugou asked.

todoroki looked at him. "now?" they asked quietly. "uhm yes, if you don't want to be alone you can come with or we can stay and meet them tomorrow at college?" "at college,,,please" he nodded and ruffled their hair. he text the squad that he's not coming. "so cute, and for what? like damn, my eyes should pay to even look at you" he said out of nowhere and pinched todoroki's cheeks.

todoroki pouted and slap his hands away. "im not cute and don't pinch it like that, it hurts tch" they said and softly rub their cheeks. bakugou slipped his hand in between and do it instead. "aww you're even more adorable when you're angry!" he said and stuck his tongue out. todoroki rolled his eyes playfully but soon stare into his eyes. they melt into the touch and just stare at the other full with love.

"you're so gentle with me do you know that? because usually you're like DIE,DIE,DIE FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU,FUCK YOU!!" todoroki said with a cute angry like face. bakugou immediately pull away his hands and look the other way. "yeah, that's because you're a clumsy dumbass. i need to handle with care" he said and suddenly he felt a pair of hands putting his hands on their cheek. he blushed at the action and look at them. "but i like it. it does feel like i needed to pay to see this side of you" they smiled and bakugou kissed their forehead.

"fuck, it's so fucking impossible to not love you. just look at you?! how can i not fall for this? this masterpiece? fuck dude im so whipped at this point. you're like a diamond,a treasure,an art piece,an expensive ass meal, the best iphone that i somehow i got to even know? like holy shit. like im surprised why i haven't ask you to be my boyfriend yet? like i completely know that im in love with you" he said and sighed heavily. todoroki is practically burning.

todoroki hit his chest lightly and shove their face in his chest. "you can't just spit that out, out of nowhere! im not even ready!" Bakugou chuckled and brought their face up to look at him. "What's the answer though? C'mon, i can't wait all day you know, I'm impatient" he said and that did not help todoroki's situation.

"Yes i-ill be your boyfriend or like whatever,,," they said quietly, almost unheard. luckily bakugou did not miss it. "can i.. kiss you?" He asked and they slowly nodded. Then they kissed. (A/n; you can tell im bad at these)


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