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todoroki is not one to be so afraid of death but lately it has been bugging them with all of the killings going on around their workplace and neighborhood. that aside, they have been hanging out with bakugou at night at the store. they often refuse to let bakugou in there because of what's happening but they doesn't want to be alone too. 


todoroki can feel a pair of eyes staring at them. it's making them anxious. everytime they turn around everyone doesn't look like they are doing anything suspicious. 'many it's my imagination' they tried to comfort themselves but to be fair they has been restless. the sleepless nights,the college,the shifts,the phone calls from their abusive father. they feel so tired they can pass out anytime. everything is coming to them like a truck on full speed.

then they felt a tap on their shoulder. "are you okay todoroki?" izuku asked them with a worried expression painted on his face. todoroki shot him a small smile. "i'm fine, i'm just tired lately" they said but knowing damn well they are seeing nothing but blurriness. "ah then let's go to the- t-todoroki?!" izuku was quick to catch tdodoroki who has passed out. izuku had to ask for help from their classmate to bring todoroki back to his house but unfortunately none of them know where it is. 

"oi extra. what do you have the- half n half?" bakugou look at the red and white haired person. "what happened?" he asked with arms crossed. "they passed out and we're trying to send him shit i mean them back home but we have no clue where their house is" izuku sighed. "im sorry todoroki for mispronouncing" he whispered into todoroki's ear. "hand him, i'll get them to the store at least" bakugou said and the two give the passed out one to him. 

bakugou decided to carry them on his back.  "wait- the store is close today! damn it!" he clicked his tongue and continue to his apartment instead. when they arrived at his apartment,he took out his keys and open the door. a scream can be heard from upstairs. bakugou's heart drop. he quickly enter his apartment with todoroki and lock his door. 'maybe they are just fighting. yeah, that must be it.' he thought and put todoroki on his couch. 

he got himself a can of soda from the fridge and sit on the floor next to todoroki. he drank the soda and put it aside. he turn to todoroki and admire their features. they have lips that looks so soft and inviting. of course,as much as he is a bitch, bakugou know well enough to not take advantage of the other. their face was neutral and a quiet snore was heard. their scar was never not beautiful in his eyes. true, the history behind it is sad but todoroki said they'll see the scar as a reminder to never hurt anyone. bakkugou sighed softly and put his palm on todoroki's cheek. 

he carressed it gently and brush their hair strands from their eyes. if anyone that know bakugou before, they would be surprised to see him being gentle and soft with someone. bakugou doesn't know what made him be like this with the other but is not that dense either. he noticed every little detail about todoroki. feel sad when the other is angry,sad or in bad mood. always try to find something childish to argue about with them just to make them smile.

bakugou was always seen as the type to probably bully someone,hurt them or the type to not have any interest in anyone. he always feel little so he downgrade someone to feel like he matters. like he is important. he is the person that is touch starved. wanting someone to hold him gently. wanting someone he can hold onto. wanting someone who can see right through his facade. through his confident and mean self. see the boy who need someone to tell him he is enough. that he is perfectly fine like this. that being crying and asking for help is not a weak thing. tell him that they are proud of him. 

bakugou's tears roll down his cheek. 'why am i thinking of this now?' he wipe off his tears and went to take a bath. after changing clothes, he made a little dinner for both of them. he isn't hungry so he waited for the other to wake up. while waiting he watch videos on his phone. 


todoroki open their eyes slowly. their head is spinning but at least it's not as bad anymore. they sat up and look around. their eyes fixed on the spikey haired male. "bakugou?" they asked and bakugou turn his head to them. "hey shoto, how are you feeling?" he asked with a small smile. "still dizzy but it's not so bad now. i'm kind of hungry though" they said and hold their stomach. when it grumbles they look at bakugou with a small pout. 

"okay okay, i made some dinner. let me heat them up and then we can eat" he said while rolling his eyes playfully. he got up and ruffled todoroki's hair before going to the kitchen. todoroki fell back onto the couch.they sighed heavily and stand up.they walk to the kitchen where bakugou is just standing infront of the microwave.  they stand next to him and start making weird sounds. "pap pap pap pap pap" they said and cheer when the microwave stop. 

bakugou chuckled and took out the food. they heat up the other food and carry it to the living room. they put it down and sat on the floor. the tv is playing a drama of some weird prince or something. they start eating. the tv doesn't matter anyway, they spent their dinner with conversations. about how they are mentally, about assignments,about holiday,anything really.

"it's true! it was embarrassing too!!" todoroki said with hand gestures. their mouth is still filled with food yet they still talk with so much enthusiasm. bakugou adviced them a few times to finish the food first but gave up. he just admire the person with a small smile. listen  to their babble of what the fuck ever. he know damn well he is thinking about the scream from upstairs.






a/n; here have a bakutodo filler chap. prepare for next one ^-^

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