chapter twenty-five

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Calypso sat in her cell beside Juniper and Grover, thinking of Leo. She could only hope he was alive, or even imagine of his escape. His small demeanor could be used to the advantage.

Although Calypso could never imagine how anyone could get out of this hell. Guards flooded everywhere, and she could only imagine the punishment for an attempted escape.

The wall seemed an interesting thing to Calypso at the moment. With her pounding head and starved stomach, she was loosing interest in the little things. She coughed.

The coughing had been going around the three of them for days. The guards had seemed to have given up on the three, and Calypso hadn't eaten in at least a day.

Calypso then fell into a coughing fit, her throat was horse, and she was done with this place. Grover and Juniper refused to leave each other's side, holding hands despite their pain.

"God!" The guard said in front of their cell. "Stop coughing."

"Just kill them," the other guard said. He didn't  even bother to mumble, saying everything clear. The sound echoed throughout the walls, and there was no protest.

The guard seemed to like that answer, like he had no conscience. Nobody here seemed to have such a thing. Having a conscience was a foreign thing in Rome. The Romans were something foreign to her, and this place was absurd, where killing a real person was a norm.

Calypso continued to stare at the wall as her heard the click. She heard Juniper and Grover wince and they combined together in a tight hug.

Calypso heard Juniper's cry as a sword went through her back. Grover just let out a pained grunt.

As the guard walked towards her, Calypso's thoughts were on Leo. She remembered the feeling of his rugged hands, his lips on hers.



I'm sorry it's so short and BAD, but I'm going to try to finish out this book today.

Please stay safe, guys. Just be kind to everyone, okay?

And don't forget I have a new fanfic out!! It's MUCH better than this pathetic lil thing lol

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