chapter one

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Percy strummed his fingers on his thigh. How long did Zeus have to take? He was the one who wanted to continue the annual tradition of this terrible meeting. They were gathered in his home, Corinth.

He stood up straighter in his chair. He looked around at the other royals of Greece.

Right in front of Poseidon, Percy father, was Athena, Queen of Athens. His father and Percy's ancestors had a rival with the rulers of Athens for no apparent reason. To the right of Queen Athena, was Princess Annabeth.

Annabeth's honey blonde curls were pulled up in a complicated bun atop of her head. She was wearing a Grecian dress with a golden strap around her waist. Her perusing grey eyes stared without emotion, something every royal learned young.

Percy has nothing against the princess, he knew she was very intelligent. He heard a rumor that Princess Annabeth made all of Athens's battle plans. It would surprise him.

Then there was King Ares of Sparta. Corinth and Sparta were on fine terms. Percy has even exchanged a few words with the Spartan prince, Prince Frank. He and his sister, Princess Clarisse were very strong and were excellent in battle. Both Frank and Clarisse were also emotionless, but you could see that they were uncomfortable in the formal attire.

There was King Apollo and his sons Prince Will and Prince Austin. Delphi was known a very talented city. They excelled in the arts. Both the kind and son had bright blue eyes, a surfer built body, and gilded blond hair. Austin had dark skin, brown eyes and dark hair with cornrows shaped like a double helix. Although Delphi and King Apollo had a peaceful reputation, there was a popular rumor that Apollo had a bastard daughter, a daughter that was not birthed by Will and Austin's mother. Apollo neither confirmed it denied it.

To Percy's right was Prince Nico, Princess Hazel, and King Hades of Thebes. Princess Hazel was a bright and happy girl with dark skin and golden eyes. She always had beautiful jewels on. Prince Nico was a dark mysterious figure with olive skin, very dark brown eyes, and long-ish black hair.

To Poseidon's right was supposed to be King Zeus. He ruled over Olympia. He had a son with blond hair and Zeus's bright blue eyes.

In a way, all of he royals looked the same. The same emotionless eyes, the same emotionless stance, the same perfect posture. He was tired of it. His life had been planned out since he came out of his mother's womb. Get married to a princess, get an heir, and rule the right way.

What even was the right way?

The big oak doors of the castle swung open. King Zeus and his son Prince Jason. Zeus had a very smug look upon his face, like he just made the best life changing decision of the century.

Little did Percy know at the time, he just did.

"Rulers," Zeus spread his arms out wide. "I have a proposition."

All faces turned to his. What was Zeus talking about?

"We have been fighting for years," The kind continued. "And all of our children are doing of age."

All of the princes/princesses tensed. They all knew what he meant. It was almost time for their parents to marry them off to someone they probably hated.

"But why us choose when the tensions will only get higher?" Zeus smirked. "What if we let all of them get together, let them choose among each other? And those who do not have a spouse by the end of the period, we will find someone for them later."

Percy was not find if this idea. He chose not to voice it, he was just here for his dad to look good, so were all of the royal children.

"Where will they be staying?" Athena asked Zeus.

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